


"strangled?" I said almost choking on my words

"yep" she said crossing her arms and turning fully to me

I opened my eyes in shock as I thought about it. One part of me never actually believed my mum would ever take her life I mean she was perfect, that was one of the major reasons we always fought.

Cassandra kept digging to find out more that had happened. The site was responding so fast at first but then the whole thing just dropped. It refused to open and it just sent us back to our home page. We weren't able to open even the regular files we were accessing easily before. It seemed someone was blocking us while we were at it. We tried opening it over again and this time it just told us the file didn't exist

My walls were closing in I didn't seem to understand anything I was seeing. I couldn't feel my legs anymore as my knees began to fell wobbly. My throat became so dry as my eyes became wet. Hot tears flowed down my cheeks when I thought about the whole scenario. How she would have probably suffered before she died and how someone was busy covering up the trails they had left behind.

"someone is taking down the whole thing, the person is like hacking into the internet or something" she said still typing fast on the keys

"yeah no doubt" I sniffled

She looked up and noticed I had been crying. Unlike what I would have expected her to do, she closed the laptop and hugged me. Stroking my head gently as she said words I can't remember. I opened the M&Ms to comfort myself as I sobbed, she didn't seem to mind at all

"I think we should check my dad's bedroom he might some stuff we are looking for" I said with my eyes totally lit up


"great idea Amy let's go"

We sped into the hallways of the house and almost bumped into Judith carrying new towels to the room. We slowed our pace to eliminate any suspicion by the workers. My dad's room was on a different wing entirely I had the east and he had the west wing.

I opened the door as carefully as I could then held the door back for Cassey to come in before I shut the door behind us. The first thing that caught her eyes was the huge painting of my mum on the wall and our family portrait opposite it.

I went straight to his desk to finally get my hands on that diary. The drawer was locked, why on earth would he lock it? When he was not hiding anything or was he

"what did you say your dad's job was again?" she asked staring at a notebook he kept in a safe

"he's a realtor he owns estates" I said walking gently towards her

"he must be talented because he keeps drawing this same diagram in almost every page of his work plan note" she said flipping through the pages

I looked through it and I saw a diagram like a fish's head drawn upside down. The drawing had an extra detail in every new page. I didn't even know my dad knew how to hold a pencil talk more of re drawing a pattern I was yet to figure out

"does he always leave the safe open?"

"I didn't even know he had a safe"

There were a lot of things I was just finding out, now about my dad he was doing something very very fishy and I had to find out. And somehow I knew it was linked with my mum's murder. This investigation was only just starting

End of chapter

I hope you enjoyed it

I know its short,

Posting more in a bit

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