《Darkest Hero》Quirk Exam
Darkest Hero
Ok, so before we begin to the troll who said someone put the story on TV tropes well played with the bloody rick roll link but that got old years ago.
A few people have asked about who the hell is replacing the people who died earlier in the story due to the mini perv's actions, simply put I'll shuffle around 1B students and Hitoshi Shinso while including Charlie in 1A. Again Vaggie will be general studies and Ibara will remain in 1B. Bakugo is also in 1A as per cannon.
To the person who asked about the cenobite situation i will answer some of it here, not all as spoilers.
1: No Izuku is still a cenobite, just because he isn't a sadistic mess like the others doesn't mean he isn't messed up in other ways. I only used the ghost rider comparison in earlier chapters because it was as close to how he looks in this in his demonic form as I could get without going into a lot of details. Again, he is a cenobite not ghost rider. If you want that check out Izuku the ghost rider or Spirit of vengeance in the BNHA crossover sections of fanfiction.
2: yes, Toga will end up as a cenobite. As to her description for that form I'm not entirely sure to be honest, I'm half tempted to go the "princess of agony" look from the comics with several knives and wires skevered through the neck and skull but toga is more the stabber not the stabbed.
3: No that isn't a cenobite, how she appeared in the last chapter should be a massive hint as to what she actually is.
4: yes a knife can be a lament configuration. In the movies they only use the cube and the obelisk to summon the cenobites but there are many gateways and many keys. There are more used, seen and mentioned in the books and comics. Chains, lightning, actual doors, darkened corners, one is even an ancient ruin with a bottomless pit in the middle of an Aztec city.
5: yes, ibara is that bad of a cook she summoned one of Legion to earth.
Ok, onto the story.
Chapter 18: Quirk exam
All too soon school had started for the year. With the first day of class came a rush of new faces to the campus with the only year round students being a trio of students now starting their third year and a lanky student with a squirrel tail in the business course 2nd year. The morning started off as normal for the group. Vaggie and Izuku grabbed everyone breakfast, Ibara was soaking in the morning sunlight while nibbling on a loaf of bread and Charlie was humming to herself as she enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate.
"So, which teacher do you think you'll have?" Izuku asked as he enjoyed a piece of toast smothered in butter and topped with bacon and egg.
"I think it's either Present Mic or Midnight for me." Vaggie shrugged as she blew on a cup of coffee.
"Well they stuck us in 1A while Ibara is in 1B so one of us is getting mister grumpy grumps." Charlie hummed happily. Not even the prospect of a grumpy aizawa dampened her mood.
"As long as you're not in the same class as Katsuki I'm good izu-sama." Ibara admitted with a soft frown. The girl really hated the blonde bomber after he had proceeded to insult everyone in the room with less than 20 words and then started to try and threaten her izu-sama, this all happened while they were trying to banish legion too. She was just glad the others didn't end up meeting her parents when she left for that after the incident or who knows how they would of reacted.
"Was nice of the principal to let us share a room tho." Charlie smiled happily to herself while Izuku blushed in embarrassment from the mention of it. After finding out about the arrangements Katsuki had thrown a fit while his Aunt went into matchmaker mode. He was positive there had to be a succubus somewhere within her family line, it was the only thing that made any sense.
"Well it could be worse." Vaggie shrugged as she chugged the coffee in one go. "Atleast the rat didn't sell us out to the media yet."
"I can see the headlines now." Charlie grinned widely as she stood up, one foot resting on the chair as she waved her left hand in the air. "Not all demons bad!"
"Or demons infiltrate hero school for evil plan." Izuku replied with a sigh, more than fed up with the media in both hell and earth. If it wasn't the vultures who pester every hero on earth it was Killjoy and Tom down in hell trying to ruin Charlie's dream while ridiculing him and the other hotel staff.
"Psh, I'm sure it won't happen like that." Charlie waved it off.
"Did we learn nothing from Killjoy?" Vaggie sighed as she put her mug in the sink and picked up a simple sachel bag from the bench. "I'm off, got to get to 1E before the bell rings and its the other side of the school, Adios mis amores ."
"Seeya after the opening ceremony!" Charlie called back excitedly before taking a long gulp of hot chocolate.
"We should be off too." Izuku sighed as he stood up, cracking his fingers as he did so.
"You're going to get arthritis." Ibara stated absently as her vines shot across the room to grab her bag.
"That's a myth." Izuku retorted as Charlie grabbed her bag and walked into the elevator with them, still drinking her hot chocolate.
After a quick decent they came into the main lobby to find Aizawa asleep in his bag with a do not disturb sign hung around him. They simply ignored it, long since used to the man's sleeping habits. Even amongst other hero schools Aizawa was well known to be able to sleep just about anywhere as long as he had his sleeping bag.
"How isn't that empty yet?" Izuku asked curiously as Ibara split off from them, heading towards campus east instead of north like they were.
"Bottomless cup." Charlie shrugged.
"What? That makes no sense, it would just continue to fall after you put the drink in if it was bottomless or you'd need an increasingly longer straw to reach it." Izuku replied in confusion.
"I'uh'no." Charlie managed around another mouthful.
"I swear you're lucky You're somehow immune to cavities Charlie." Izuku sighed as they found the sign for class 1A. "This is it I geuss."
"I'm so excited!" Charlie practically squeeled as she pushed open the door revealing only a few desks were filled.
Momo was sitting around back to the side and writing something in her notebook. The hazard tape wrapped briefcase was on the desk next to her. Tokoyami and his sister were located in the back corner of the room with the two of them reading from an occult book. Izuku blushed bright red while Charlie giggled, after all the symbol on the front was for a dating service in hell. A blue haired teen with glasses was near the front sitting as still as a statue as he went over the time table sheet he had infront of him. Also in the back row was a set of floating clothes that was talking animatedly with the pink skinned demon called Mina that Charlie had told him about. The rest neither he or Charlie had met before. A ginger haired girl who's hair was done in a similar ponytail to Momo's, a girl with purple hair and audio jacks for earlobes, a rock headed teen who was sitting quietly to the side, a teen with 6 webbed arms and a scarf over their mouth, a girl with green hair and a frog like mouth, a purple haired boy who looked like a mini Aizawa, a muscular teen with massive lips, a girl with a burn scar over half her face and a bob haircut, a teen with half his face also burnt corresponding with his red and white hair color and a girl with pink dreadlocks who was wearing a pair of overalls instead of uniform who was sitting on a desk and tinkering with something. The final person was a girl who's hair seemed permanently wet and draped over her face, her skin was a clammy grey color and small scars adorned her fingers.
With a shrug they chose to sit in the back row between tokoyami and his sister and Momo.
"So, how are you holding up?" Charlie asked Momo softly, the black haired teen had been living off campus while her estate and parents funerals were sorted.
"I....I've been better." Momo sighed. "I still want to destroy this blasted thing before anyone else is hurt by it."
"Maybe we could try acid?" Charlie suggested.
Momo shook her head. "I dunked it in pirahna solution and even sulphuric acid, all it did was remove any dirt and blood still within the joints."
"Maybe we can melt it?" Izuku offered but blushed when momo deadpanned.
"I put this in a crucible hot enough to melt tungsten and all it accomplished was singeing it." The heiress revealed bluntly.
"Maybe we should just dump it at the bottom of the ocean." Charlie suggested.
"On the list of things to try next it goes." Momo hummed as she wrote it down.
"So, how have you been?" Mina asked as she turned around in her chair with a smirk to face the back row. "Any juicy details?"
"Are we sure Angel dust didn't lie about not having relatives?" Izuku muttered to Charlie. "She is giving off serious angel dust vibes."
"Its her mother who is from back home, not her father." Charlie replied, deliberately avoiding use of the words hell or pentagram city.
"Are we sure Angel is a guy?" Izuku replied. Charlie opened her mouth, finger raised to reply before she frowned with a thoughtful expression.
"You know, I'm not sure honestly. Let's just label Angel dust as Angel dust and call it a day, shall we?" Charlie asked with a soft frown. She was certain that it was written on their hotel forms but she couldn't remember what was listed given Angel Dust's atrocious handwriting.
With a loud crack the door was booted open making everyone asides the pink haired girl jump in shock at how sudden and loud the sound was.
"Oh, hey Katsuki." Izuku sighed, slumping slightly at the fact that his childhood tormenter was in the same class as him.
"SHUT IT DEKU!" the blonde snarled before storming to his desk and putting his feet up.
"Get your feet of that desk now!" The blue haired teen ordered as he stood up and made robotic chopping motions with his hands. "It his highly disrespectful to our upperclassmen not to mention your atrocious behaviour is unbecoming of someone who made it into UA!"
"Bite me!" Bakugo snapped only to be pelted in the back of his head by a pencil. Shooting up the blonde snarled as explosions crackled in his hands. "WHO THE ACTUAL FUCK HAS A DEATH WISH?!"
"I still owe you for blowing off half my face!" The girl with a bob cut snarled as she gripped at another pencil. At this point the other students got up, ready to restrain either the explosive blonde or the girl depending on how the situation went. "My parents are in debt because of the shit you did!"
"LIKE I GIVE A SHIT YOU BLOODY EXTRA!" Bakugo snarled as he made to dive at the brown haired girl only to find himself wrapped up in a scarf of all things and unable to use use quirk. "WHO THE ACTUAL FUCK?!"
"Bakugo step down." Aizawa growled from his place at the door, his eyes glowing a bright red as his hair floated around his head. "Same goes with you bob-cut."
"Hey sensei." The purple haired started gesturing behind the tired hero. "Who's that?"
Izuku could only facepalm as Aizawa jumped in shock making him drop Katsuki face first onto the ground. Charlie giggled at the sight, Mina however was hyperventilating in fear. Standing behind Aizawa was Azazel who was as usual writing down her notes in her notepad.
"Why are you here?" Aizawa deadpanned.
"Oh, Nezu hired me to help mediate the class." Azazel admitted. "J-just because I'm more focused on research doesn't mean I can't fight."
"Whatever." Aizawa groaned as he pinched his nose, tossing several bags onto the desk at the front of the room. "Everyone grab a PE uniform and head down to field beta after getting changed. If you take longer than six minutes you're expelled."
Without missing a beat several students rushed for the uniforms while some like the rock headed teen or the teen with 6 arms were not moving from their spots.
"You've wasted ten seconds, GET MOVING!" Aizawa snapped causing the remaining students to grab a uniform and rush for the locker room. Once everyone had left he leveled a glare at the angel. "Why are you really here?"
"I told the truth, I was hired to mediate the class by Nezu." Azazel muttered with a blush as she hid behind her notebook. At Aizawa's glare and growl she gulped. "....and to keep an eye on any potential or budding romances."
"Figures." Aizawa snorted dismissively as he climbed into his sleeping bag and made his way towards the field. "Dont think I didn't see you following me and Ms joke on that date she dragged me on either."
"Ademdum to Aizawa's file. Tsundere." Azazel muttered quietly.
"I have good hearing too." Aizawa called back making the angel squeak in fright and rush after him.
[Field beta]
As the class gathered in the designated field Aizawa could only roll his eyes at how enthusiastic two of the class demons were being. He did make a mental note to avoid putting certain students in groups or against one another, mainly this was between the living hand grenade, bob-cut and problem broccoli demon.
"Right, everybody listen up." Aizawa called. "Bakugo, what's your top score for ball throw?"
"Like 70 meters or some shit?" The explosive blonde replied with a scoff as Aizawa tossed him a ball, taking no small pleasure from the fact he nailed the blonde in the face.
"Stand in the circle, so long as you don't leave it you can use any means to throw the ball as far as you can." The teacher deadpanned.
Bakugo growled but entered the circle before he wound back his arm and with a cry of "DIE!" And a massive explosion the ball shot forwards. Charlie, Azazel and Aizawa noticed how Izuku and the bob haired girl flinched at the explosion while the girl with ear jacks winced in pain.
A beep was heared as Aizawa pulled out a scanner that showed 764.3M as a result.
"This is what you're training for. The education system is behind in the times and won't allow quirks to florish, here we'll change that." Aizawa stated as he showed the class the scanner. Azazel hummed as she marked down the number in her notebook.
"Wow, we get to use our quirks?! This will be fun!" Mina exclaimed with a large grin as she punched the air.
"Fun? Natural disasters, villains, terrorists, having your own home attacked. Does any of that seem fun to you?" Aizawa growled. "That is the nature of being a hero, for that whoever scores lowest will be expelled."
"But that's not fair!" The floating uniform shouted while jumping up and down.
"Life's not fair. If you think this will be a handy little 9 to 5 job and hanging out at McRonald's after school with your friends then you have another thing coming and should just walk out now." Aizawa frowned at the invisible girl.
"Hey, I'm not gonna give up!" Charlie grinned widely. "If it means I can help people improve themselves and live a better life then I won't quit!"
"Heck yeah!" The ginger girl shouted with a fist pump. "I can't let my dad down so I won't quit either!"
"LIKE HELL YOU ARE!" The bob cut girl shouted back. "I'LL BE A BETTER HERO THAN YOU!"
"BRING IT!" Bakugo shouted and went to jump only to be restrained once more by Aizawa who sighed in agitation.
"For those who want to know why the blonde hand grenade hasn't been expelled yet, the brat has protection from the HSC, however if he doesn't shape up we will be booting him into general studies." Aizawa threatened. His reply was a feral growl. "You bob-cut don't have that protection so save it."
"So... what's your name?" Charlie asked with a grin to the bob cut girl.
"I'm Ochako Uraraka." The girl responded.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Charlie Magne, this is my boyfriend Izuku." Charlie grinned as she pulled izuku in for a hug.
"Charlie." Izuku wined with a blush.
"Problem child 2 don't make him burst into flames again." Aizawa stated bluntly. "Next up on the ball toss is Toru Hagakure."
The invisible girl walked into the circle and began her turn.
"Was he joking or is that your quirk?" The girl with audio jacks for earlobes asked with a quirked eyebrow.
"I can turn into a flaming skeleton and have pyrokinetic and thermal manipulation abilities." Izuku explained using the cover recovery girl had (litterally) hammered into his skull over the last four weeks along with several insensitives from Vaggie and Charlie in the form of snacks, Ibara who was barred form the kitchen instead tried offering everything from massages to movie dates to even herself, that last one had almost ended in the dorms burning down.
"Damn that's cool, all I can do is make my fists big." The ginger girl sighed in resignation.
"Oh no." Charlie uttered as Izuku began to mutter rapidly to himself before with a burst of flame his skull was exposed as he paced and muttered.
"Problem child!" Aizawa snapped in annoyance as the six armed student started his throw.
"Wow, you weren't kidding." Ochako uttered in shock.
"Izuku sweety, youre mutting and pacing again." Charlie warned as she nudged his shoulder. He stopped, looked around before skull-palmed with a raspy groan.
"Sorry." He rasped before his flesh appeared over his skull in a reverse of incinerating flesh.
"Urk." Uraraka gagged as she covered her mouth, trying not to vomit, unfortunately she forgot to lift her pinky and started to float upwards before the green haired girl shot out her tongue which wrapped ariund the nautious girl and pulled her back down.
"If youre quite finished Todoroki you're up." Aizawa called.
"Sorry." Izuku gulped nervously. Ochako opened her mouth to apologise only for liquid rainbow to shoot out and onto the ground infront of her.
"Here." Momo offered as she lifted her shirt enough to expose her midriff and a bucket and towel melted out of her skin which she promptly handed to the vomiting girl as she lowered her shirt. "I'd make some nausea pills to but I'm not allowed to make medication or currency or the HSC will toss me in tarterus."
"Illogical idiots." Aizawa muttered in annoyance at the HSC comment moments before a massive glacier sent the ball flying through the air. The device beeped twice. 203.01M. "Magne, you're up!"
"Yes sensei!" Charlie called as she jogged over.
"Your uniform is stretchable so use your quirk." Aizawa ordered bluntly.
"U-uh sure." Charlie gulped as with a burst of flame she assumed her demonic form. She was 3 foot taller not counting the 2 foot horns atop her head, her fingers now ended in sharp black talons, her eyes turned completely red and her teeth sharpened into fangs.
"Revelry in the dark." Dark shadow cackled.
"Hush my twin." Tokoyami chided his shadowy sister.
"Spooky." The wet haired and grey skinned girl hummed softly from next to him. "Reiko Yanagi."
"Fumikage Tokoyami." The bird headed teen replied.
"Fumikage Kira." His shadow replied softly. "My conjoined twin is the social one, please leave me be."
"She is weakened by bright lights, she can be a right menace in the dark." Tokoyami admitted.
"I know a good book store not far from here, wanna come along later?" Reiko asked softly.
"As the dark powers will it." The raven headed teen nodded, thankful his feathers covered the blush he was experiencing.
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