《They Can't Separate Us (Pjo kronercy/pernos mutant fanfic)》The Reminiscence


Percy looked around, his eyes blurry sobs racked his body, he was looking for the right time to escape. He zoned out, not wanting to hear the bangs on the door and the cheers, the people were receiving for terrorizing him.

A pair of shoes came in his line of vision, he looked up towards the bathroom stall's handle, it jiggled, as one foot disappeared, the only sign it for its absence was the door resonating, as it was kicked. The sound startled him, leading him to scream slightly, as he wept harsher than before.

"Come on, let's get going to lunch, if we stay here we're gonna miss it, and I really won't be happy if that happens, " even without looking at the person who spoke, Percy recognized the voice as Nico's.

With a few last bangs and kicks to the stalls' door, they left, leaving Percy crying. 'Why can't they just leave me alone, why were they making me suffer. I don't even know what I had done, to make them act in such an inhumane way,' that exactly was Percy's inner monologue.

On shaky legs, he stood up, still snivelling, albeit, a little more hesitant than before. Percy didn't want to attract any further attention, so he left the bathroom. Slipping away into the already gathered crowd, from the distance Percy could see Jason's beige blonde hair, disappearing off into the cafeteria, where the majority of the people alongside him were headed.

The safest option from here was to go to the library, although dumb, Percy took the risk, timing his way so, he wouldn't bump into Annabeth, on the way.

The way there nearly hardwired in his brain, Percy opened the door in a frenzy, he was met with the sight of Ms Celia Mae Medusa's harsh glare, which her snake hair mimicked. "Shh, people are studying here, " she said, in a harsh whisper, before going back to her computer.

Dismissing himself, Percy headed to the children's books section, where he knew Annabeth wouldn't dream of coming.

It was his hideout when he was being hunted, the colours and joyful setting of the place standing out from the otherwise drab surroundings. Seeing all that made Percy happy, refreshed his state of mind so, he continues with the rest of his day.

He read books, concentrating on each word to help his ADHD and dyslexia, as he ate lunch. It was an exercise for his mind, it took him away from reality, even if his mind wandered off, Percy tried not to let it affect him to the point of mental frustration.


That hour passed, without much happening, just like the rest of his day. At home time, there were little to no encounters with his tormentors, if you excluded the nasty glare and growl he received from Leo, as he sat in the car, with Grover.

Percy could feel Grover's questioning -curious- gaze, as he was caught staring at him from the rearview mirror, but he ignored it.

It wasn't long before the car pulled up in the driveway, Percy left quickly, without receiving or giving a word of departure.

The house was quiet, a yellowish-green hue enveloped the house, Kronos looked up from his newspaper, reading glasses slightly titled towards the tip of the nose. Percy broke the silence first, "You're home early, " a bit of surprise in his voice, as he kicked his school bag out of sight.

It took a while for Kronos to answer, but when he did, he said, "Yeah, didn't have much work to do."

Percy hummed, distracted, "Have you eaten, yet? I had stopped at Aunty Em's on the way, if you want I'll make you something."

Putting the newspaper-reading page-down, Kronos got up, as he unbuttoned his shirt, he approached Percy. Kronos cupped his cheek, with a quick kiss, he left for a nap.

Percy sighed as he looked around the living room, trying to find a way to keep himself busy, in the silence he got startled.

Shouts. He could hear shouts from the glass solarium, curious he went over, from the sunroom he could see Mrs O'Leary, she was running around in the newly planted lilies, with a shovel in her mouth. The gardener, Juniper, ran after her despite being afraid of large animals.

The whole image bubbled a laugh out of Percy, he opened the door to the solarium, and suddenly all of Mrs O'Leary's attention was on him. She dropped the shovel, immediately running to him, "Who's good, who's a good girl? Would Mrs O'Leary like to go on a walk? She would? Yes! She would, come on baby, let's go, " Percy said, as Mrs O'Leary rubbed into his mid-section.

Leash in hand, Percy led Mrs O'Leary through the solarium and out the door, but not before shouting 'SORRY JUNIPER!', without sounding very sorry.

As the year progressed into the colder months, the amount of humidity, and overall warmth, decreased. Even though it was mid-afternoon in mid-September, cornering late, the air was crisp, with a hint of breeze coming along the south.

Percy walked, tense, taking in the weather, he didn't have much protection against it.

Mrs O'Leary didn't seem to be having much of a problem, if anything she enjoyed it, dragging Percy behind her as she went to where she willed. The whole world felt really at peace, as if it weren't going to ruin, gradually.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Time Skip^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Percy woke up, gasping, as he sat up straight, towards his left Kronos slept, his body relaxed, lips being upturned, the only taut muscles in his body. Percy hadn't realized he staring at Kronos, fully concentrated, until Kronos shifted, his features clouding into one of discomfort as if sensing that he was being stared at.

Percy broke out of his trance as he left the heat of his bed. The house was veiled in a greenish hue, the entirety of the expanse a dark translucent colour.

Percy filled a glass of water, thinking deeply of the time, his child self wanted to be a boy instead of a girl.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flash Back~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Come on, Persephone, please wear this."

"Nu, I dun wike."

"Please for me, it'll look nice on you, come on, quick, tell me, we're already late."

"NU, nu, nu, nu, nu, nu, NU."

Kymopoleia sighed, half an hour had passed, and Persephone had still not decided on an article of clothing. She was tired, so, instead of her doing the work, she said, " You tell me what you want to wear, huh, would that be okay with you?"

Persephone looked up, shy, she muttered something, inaudible, upon her sister's questioning gaze, she spoke up, "Wan to wear Triton's clothes."

Dazed, Kym called upon her sister, Rhodos, she told her that they weren't going to the dinner, and to tell that to their mother as well.

"Is it because of the brat? If so, tell mother yourself, I'm not getting involved in this."

"Please, I'll do anything, Rhodes, please for me, " Kymopoleia's request took a pleading edge to it, as she uttered this.

Softened by her nickname, Rhodos made her elder sister promise of Kym owing her.

Now alone in the mansion, Kym's attention went back to Persephone, sitting her youngest sister down, Kym said, "I am going to show you different outfits and you're going to tell me your favourite ones, okay?"

Although smart for her age, Persephone didn't quite understand what was going on, but she decided to go along with it. Kymopoleia held the first item, a dress, she waited but seeing Persephone's unresponsive face, and her being non-verbal, Kym asked whether Persephone wanted to wear this, to which the prompt response was a whiny 'nu', and a shake of the head.

As demonstrated, Kym did this with most of Persephone's clothes, switching between more feminine and masculine clothes, with most answers of 'yus' leaned towards masculine clothes, with almost all feminine clothes rejected.

Kym thought deep, she had a feeling her intuition was correct, but as to not pressure her sibling she went with an easier route, "Do you like your name, Persephone?"

After a moment of hesitation, Persephone gave a short, timid shake of the head.

And as that Persephone knew, her sister wasn't her sister, Persephone's anatomy be damned, she was a boy, no longer she, but he.

"What names do you like, baby?"

"Pershuesh, I wike that name."

"Oh! You like that, hmm, how would you like having it as your name?"

"That be sho cool."

"You're sure you want your name as Perseus."

This time there was no reluctance, not even an ounce of hesitation, before, "Yahh!, " vibrated the walls of a nearly empty house.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Flash Back End~~~~~~~~~~~

To this day, Percy had never regretted his decision. Even though he was trans, he felt comfortable in his body, he had little to nothing up top so, him having the body parts of a female wasn't easily detectable.

Zoning back in, Percy could hear the birds chirping, the previous greenish hue replaced by a pale blue.

With sluggish movements, Percy checked his phone, it was half-past five, if he went back to bed now, he still had around 2 or so hours of sleep, seeing as his school started at 8.

So, he went back to bed, safe in its warmth, with Kronos snuggling up to him, his front pressing up to Percy's back.



It's me, Affaf, again.

How are you??

I'm good, well, these months have been particularly hard, but I'm back, and everything is well-taken care of. I like how this fanfics progress is coming along, and starting this chap, something has changed, for the people who are sensing it, good for you, those who are not, you'll get it eventually. So, in this chap, Percy is in his 9th week, at the start of 3rd month because he was so weak, and had a concave stomach, you can't see his bump until you look very closely. In the fanfic, it's mid-September thus why I wrote 'progressed into the colder months', this itself will play quite a big part of the original plot, I have planned, and you won't notice it until a good few chapters, I may be having more regular updates now so, stay tuned.

Take care of yourself and stay safe.

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