《They Can't Separate Us (Pjo kronercy/pernos mutant fanfic)》The Apology






Mismatched shoes.

Paint splattered cargo pants.

Cropped tank top with random cuts all over.

Golden and silver fanny pack, spray painted, with paintbrushes sticking out.

Freckles on the nose bridge.

Forest green eyes, with hints of yellow.

Red, unruly curly hair tied back into a half-bun.

This what Rachel felt walking in the overly dramatic, eerie silence. She felt drama overcome her she imagined her image in 3rd person, as if it were not her thoughts but someone else's.

Walking out of the dim hallway, Rachel made her way towards the kitchen. She stopped midway, letting out a gasp, widening eyes looking at the blade resting on Percy's wrist and his tear-stained face.

Percy's head snapped, shocked, he dropped the blade. His eyes getting teary, he fell on his knees, quickly crawling to the corner, where he let out choked sobs, still maintaining steady eye contact, not looking down once.

"Percy, what is this? What are you doing? Where's Kronos?"

Percy opened his mouth, he looked like he wanted to say something, but Rachel couldn't hear anything, only if she strained her ears, she heard small choking sounds.

Rachel walked closer, crouched in front of him, her mouth slipping reassurances. "Come on, Percy, tell me where Kronos is? We'll figure it out, I promise."

Percy hiccuped, chest heaving heavily from the sobbing that was progressing to a stop.

"He hates me-hic-he never wants to see me again."

"Oh, no, honey, don't think like that, Kronos, could never hate you. He would sacrifice the world for you. So, he loves you, "Rachel said, soothing the ache in Percy's heart just a tiny bit.

Percy sniffled, looking up, with a set of fresh tears in his eyes, he shook his head, "You-hic-don't understand, I sta-hic-bbed him, and there was blood, so much blood coming of his armpit. It's-hic-already been two days."

"It's okay, he'll come back, I'll make sure of it, come on, you look like you haven't eaten in days."

Slowly Rachel leads Percy to the kitchen, where she made two servings of instant blue mac and cheese, leaving it on the table for Percy to eat. She quickly excused herself to the bathroom.

Instead of going there, she snoops around in the medicine cabinet. After finding what she was looking for, Rachel left.

Rachel looked over at an unsuspecting Percy, who still sniffled here and there. Putting her plan into action, she asked Percy if he wanted water, albeit confused, he said yes.

Turning her back to Percy, she grabbed a tinted glass and gave him the mystery substance-infused water. Percy finished his food, if a little slow, like in a daze, immediately after requesting to lay down and passed out on the bed.

Rachel watched with hooded eyes, regretting what she had done but, it was either this or watching him get hurt again. She grabbed her phone out of the fanny pack, she dialed in a number, and two rings later, "Hello?"

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Line Break^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

He sat silently, waiting, not knowing for what, but there was an unsettling feeling in his gut. Oceanus sat across him, looking at him with questioning eyes, Oceanus still wasn't completely satisfied, with Percy, thinking he was taking advantage of his youngest brother.


Kronos felt his phone buzz, before he heard, with his heart pounding loudly in his ear, until it was the only thing he heard, he picked up the phone. Swallowing the lump in his throat he said, though more like a question, "Hello?"

It wasn't until two seconds later, when he heard Rachels breathy voice, "You need to come home, Percy's not well."

And with those words Kronos' brain went haywire, he ran, but to where? He didn't know, and before he knew it, he was in a car, Hyperon or Oceanus' it didn't matter to him, the only thing that was an issue was Percy. He felt scared, a feeling that he hadn't felt in so long, he forgot what came along with, the contractions on his stomach and heart, sweatiness, and most of all panic.

He drove, drove on memory, too absorbed to think about anything other than his beloved. Stopping at the traffic light, Kronos did the first thing that came to mind, slamming his hands on the car's steering wheel, and yelling out curse words towards himself.

It wasn't very long before he reached home, and it was safe to say that the house's state was beyond chaotic.

Kronos moved forward, the way to the room hardwired into his brain, as he looked at the mess created in the short amount of time he was away.

Upon reaching, he saw Rachel with one foot on the threshold and her head leaning on one of the jambs of the door.

Looking inside, Kronos saw what Rachel was staring at, it was Percy, looking weak, but still ethereal, like an angel.

Stepping back, Kronos looked at Rachel, "Hey, how is he?" The voice came as a shock to himself, it was raspy, hoarse, like he had screamed for hours, which was a little true.

Rachel rolled her eyes, gesturing towards leaving the door frame, as to not disturb Percy. Not expecting her to move quickly, Kronos took some time in catching up to her so they could walk side by side. Far from Percy, Rachel grabbed Kronos' collar, looking him dead in the eye, on any other occasion Kronos would have laughed, but not now, no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't.

"Where were you? Where? You know what I found when I came here, Percy with a blade, yeah let the sink in, a blade."

Speechless, Kronos cleared his throat, "I would never have left him if it weren't for my brothers taking me. How is he now, he looks weak?"

"He hadn't eaten in two days so, I gave home some food, and to help him regenerate, I gave him two sleeping pills."

"When will he wake up? Also, have you called Dr. Apollo?"

"He was in the ICU so, I got his assistant to take down a message, he'll be here in a couple of hours."

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Time Skip^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Percy opened his eyes, panting, a sheer sheet of sweat lining the entirety of his body, he felt groggy. Walking towards the kitchen, he could hear utensils clinking, expecting to see Rachel, he went in with no hesitation.


He gasped, eyes tearing up, before a sob broke out he turned back, trying to go back where he was, a hand on his elbow stopping him mid-way. Pulling him into a chest, well Kronos' chest, arms wrapped around his body, providing safety, warmth, and relief.

"Shh, I'm here now, and I'm so sorry. I love you so much, so much more than you can ever imagine, I'll never leave you again."

Sobs still left Percy's mouth, but as he listened to Kronos' sweet murmurings, he found solace, comfort in his words, and protective grasp.

Percy felt a kiss being placed on his oily hair, another one followed not long after, all through his hair to the nape, when one arm lifted to tilt his head up. "I, " a kiss to his forehead, "Love, "one to both his eyelids, "You, " a quick one to his nose, "So, " individual kisses to his cheeks, "Much, " this one mumbled against his lips.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^Line Break^^^^^^^^^^^^^

"Ughh... Hurts, slower, please."

A burning sensation, to claim what was his, went through Kronos, making him thrust into Percy with renewed vigor.

A strangled moan left Percy's mouth, as the pleasure overcame the discomfort, he looked up, seeing stars. The bed's creak slowed to a stop, Kronos looked at him with concern, "Percy, are you okay? Did I go too hard? Should I stop?"

Although Kronos couldn't see him, in the dim lighting, Percy seemed to have a tense facial expression, that quickly changed into a blissed-out one, "Why did you stop, " Percy asked, voice cracking in between.

Kronos waited a bit, it wasn't until Percy opened his legs wider, did he start moving again, his eyes not missing the way Percy's stomach had a small but firm bump in it, that was most definitely not his appendage.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^Time Break^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Percy whined softly, patting the space next to him with both arms, trying to reach out for warmth. Finding none, he sat up startled, eyes darting, searching for Kronos. Upon not finding him, Percy started to hyperventilate, thinking last night was a hallucination of some sort.

"Percy, are you up, come on down for dinner if you are."

Relief flushed Percy's brain, hearing Kronos' voice. Hurrying on down, he saw Kronos wearing a captioned apron, plating food from a pan.

Just as they were about ready to eat, the bell rang, before Percy could utter a word, Kronos shouted, "I'll get it."

Deciding to follow Kronos, Percy was surprised to see Mr. Tantulas at the door, with a dog. He didn't go any further, deciding to stand a couple of meters shy of the door, so his teacher wouldn't spot him.

"Yes, thank you, " Kronos said, handing Tantulas cash.

"My pleasure, she's a real gem take care of her, the names Mrs. O'Leary, it's on the tag. Her favorite toys are in this bag, she'll probably chew on your couch cushions, you should be careful."

Percy peeked over Kronos, and he swore there were tears in Tantulas' eyes, he looked so sad, it almost made Percy feel bad for him, whatever he was going through, emphasis on almost.

He was jolted out of his thoughts when the door slammed shut, and Kronos yelled out his name. Feeling guilty, Percy stepped out of his hiding spot, with a meek expression, thinking Kronos would be angry.

Kronos held a stern face, "It was supposed to be a surprise."

"What was, I don't understand, "Percy muttered, clueless.

Kronos held out his hand, taking it, Percy was led to the porch, outside. Squeals erupted from Percy's mouth, "Oh my God, thank you so much. It's so cute, I've always wanted a dog, I promise I'll take good care of it. What her name, is it a she or he? I can not tell you how happy I am."

"Her name's Mrs. O'Leary, and come inside, wash your hands, Apollo will be here soon."

Percy glowed, the setting sun hitting his wheatish-tan skin, making his skin look golden, his sea-green eyes making a gradient from aqua to cyan to teal. Plump lips a cherry red color, licking them, he called out, "Kronos..., " making Kronos stop midway, on the stairs, to the door, continuing, "I love you too."

And in an instant Kronos, was in front of him, uttering, "I know, I love you more than you can ever imagine, as well."

Overwhelmed, Percy whacked Kronos' arm, "You stopped time, you know how flustered I feel when you do that, you bastard."

Not taking this to heart, Kronos' chest vibrated from the booming laughter erupting from within him, as he pulled a pouting Percy into a hug. Their perfect moment was interrupted by a bark, turning back they saw Mrs. O'Leary, looking at them, expectantly. "No, I don't forget you, come on let's go inside, " Percy said, his voice taking a baby-ish edge to it, as he walked towards the front door, one hand adjoined with Kronos', and Mrs. O'Leary's leash in the other.



It's me, Affaf, again.

How are you??

So quick backstory, I've had this in my drafts for about 2 weeks now, and I just couldn't bring myself to post this, mainly cause I'm not that satisfied or happy with it, but, anyway, it's here. Also, Happy Belated Ramadan Mubarak to all my Muslim folks out there, I wish you all have a very blessed Ramadan, and may it be easy on you. Don't you guys just love Mrs. O'Leary, I've been wanting to bring her since chapter 7 but she didn't fit, and as I was writing this chapter this clicked. I don't have anything else to say, I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Take care of yourself and stay safe.

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