《They Can't Separate Us (Pjo kronercy/pernos mutant fanfic)》Back To School


My first day in school, after the suspension ended, has been awful. Rumors of Kronos being mad and dragging me out of the office were everywhere. They were posters of the look of my horror-struck face while I forcefully exited the principal's office.

It even seemed horrible, as my driver/bodyguard, Grover, felt pity for me. I have no one who likes me in the school, the teachers always look at me as a troublemaker, the students don't want to hang out with some creep whose boyfriend beat up a minor and got out of a lawsuit, because he was too over-protective.

There is a teacher, Chiron, who seems to tolerate and expects me to be the best in everything, though he's only in this school because Kronos hired him when I was on house arrest and later gave him a job in this school. Chiron is a Latin and Greek teacher, he does substitute other subjects as well, and I don't get bored in his classes at all when I fall asleep almost immediately in other classes.

Ughh... ADHD anyway, back to my shitty day, posters of me and Kronos, cover my locker. From posters of my crying face to ones where people had photoshopped my, crying face onto the body of a baby and Kronos was holding me and such, everything was there. The students whispered amongst each other, whenever I passed by. The teachers would send disapproving glances anytime my mind wandered and would scold me in front of the whole class, but that isn't anything new.

The weird thing was that nobody stopped anyone, Mr. Paul Blofis had other mutant schools to attend to. He's a nice principal and has 4 other mutant schools to look after. But, there were teachers, from which only Chiron stopped students and scolded them.

Then came the people who got me into this mess, they were selling posters, t-shirts, coffee mugs, and all types of merchandise, possible, in museums, or different resorts. They appeared to have a lot of sales and by each customer, their nasty grins grew smugger.


The queue in front of the stalls kept growing by the passing minutes. I knew people generally don't like me, but these many people, it's crazy, probably have never even passed by me in the hallway.

I don't know what sparked my confidence, but I went to them and asked, "What did I ever do to you, please tell me what I ever do to expect this?"

Annabeth answered with, "You were born, I think that's the simplest and most reasonable explanation I can come up with."There were several nods and hums of agreement.

This time it was Piper who spoke, "Jason, Leo, and Frank go take care of him.", still not looking up from painting her nails.

Almost immediately, Frank grabbed my arms and held my head in a headlock, I thrashed and writhed on his grasp, but it was to no avail, seeing as Frank was like a Chinese Candian Baby Man, but with a lot of muscles.

They led me to the boy's restroom. Jason threw a punch to my stomach, making me choke on my blood. Leo pulled out a lighter and lit it, he brought it close to my neck but quickly stopped noticing Jason's scowl.

Leo backhanded me hard, at the same time Frank loosened his grip and I hit my head on the washbasin, this caused a little gash to form on my forehead and cheek. Taking advantage of my vulnerable position, they starting kicking and punching me. A little while after, Nico came in. He circled my body and squatted down next to my face, murdered something, under his breath, and brought up his fist, and slammed it against my nose.

They continued to beat me till I was on the verge of passing out, then they would pour some water on me, wait, and again continue. It was a continuous cycle. Until I completely passed out.

I lay there, thinking about why this happened to me. I froze vapor particles to lock the door.


Standing up the first thing I did was to open the water tap, I instantly put my hands underneath it.

I swirled the water around my body, then cleaned, and healed myself. I didn't go to the rest of the classes, deciding to stay there.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Time Skip^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The house seemed oddly quiet, I mean there isn't much that happens, but mostly there are servants who are cleaning. I went towards the living room to see... OH MY LORD!! Rachel was here.

Without another thought, I threw myself at her. She didn't seem to be surprised as this was a common occurrence. Rachel is my best and only friend, her family, and mine were friends. Rachel had recently gone on holiday and was now telling me all about it.

We were to put a movie when Kronos came and wanted to talk to me. He took me to the master bedroom and sat me down on the bed.

He kneeled in front of me, still in his blue pin-striped suit, and put his head on my lap. He let out a frustrated yet soft sigh and blurted, "Percy you know how you can pregnant, well I was thinking, I want a child."

It took a moment for me to process what he said, thinking he was joking, I let a breathy chuckle. Seeing no reaction, I asked, "Kronos are you serious?"

"Yeah, why would I be lying, huh?"

"Kronos, I'm still sixteen, I haven't even graduated high-school an-and finals are in a couple of months how am I to study if I'm pr-pregnant. Then in junior year, I-I'll probably give birth, I can't take care of a ba-baby and pass my exams. Please, Kronos, let's wait for another two years, till I graduate." I finished my rant slightly out of breath, very close to hyperventilating.

Kronos sat up and looked at me, his face was bright red, he looked so close to bursting.

"I provide for you, is that not enough for you? I earn money, are you that ungrateful? I'll provide money for the family, I don't care how you manage, I want a fucking child, it would be your job to care for the child. Or should I take you out of school? And this time, I won't even hire tutors, " he roared. He brought up his first and hit me on my cheekbone, making me wince.

No, he can't do that, my last shred of freedom, I can't give it up. "I'll give you a child, " I said in a small, squeaky voice.

Kronos eyes brightened and he smiled, he smiled. Seeing him happy, made me happy, and made me wish that the child I gave him was the best.

He dismissed me, so I went to Rachel to tell her the news. I had already explained it four times when Kronos came in and told Rachel to leave.

There wasn't any food at home, thus Kronos took me to dinner at a new Thai restaurant.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^Line Break^^^^^^^^^^^^^

It was still a little early when we came home and it wasn't a school night and so we watched Finding Nemo, upon my request of course.

Halfway through, Kronos carried me to bed and we made love the whole night. It was sweet and sensual not like our previous ones and for the first time, in a while, Kronos didn't use a condom.



It's me Affaf, again.

How are you??

Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please tell me if you want more or have any suggestions. English is my second language, so if there any issues in the grammar, please do not hesitate to call me out.

Take care of yourself and stay safe.

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