《They Can't Separate Us (Pjo kronercy/pernos mutant fanfic)》They Can't Separate Us


Hi, I'm Percy, and right now, I'm standing in front of Mr. Paul Blofis, the principal. You may be wondering, why? Well, let's just say that trouble follows me everywhere I go.

This time I didn't even do anything wrong. It's all their fault. They made me mad and when I'm mad bad things tend to happen, and this time I accidentally destroyed my school's water fountain and drainage system. Who are these mysterious people? My bullies. They just love picking on me. Their names are Annabeth, Luke, Jason, Piper, Thalia, Nico, Leo, Calypso, Frank, and Hazel.

If it were only two or three, I'd stand up for myself. But no, there are so many and all of them are quite muscular, while I'm lean and have a swimmer's body. Why don't I tell anyone?

Well, my father died in an uprising against the mutants and my mother grief-stricken, went into labor with me, unluckily she perished.

I don't live with a foster family or an orphanage. I live with my boyfriend, Kronos. Who, it just so happens, owns my school. Kronos is a nice boyfriend, but can't be called gentle.

Kronos lives in a mansion, my mother and father used to as well, but my father's second wife, Amphitrite, kicked me out. I can't even access the wealth; my parents left me with because Amphitrite's son is older than so he gets the fortune and my father's business.

A hand, shaking my shoulder snapped me out of my thoughts. The others were snickering, I felt a blush blooming from my neck to my cheeks.

"What were you saying Mr.Blofis?" Mr.Blofis just sighed and shook his head, while I felt my blush deepening.

"I asked if I should tell Kronos or not." I felt my body stiffening, my gaze unseeing. "No, please don't tell him, I'll even pay for the charges. Just don't tell him, please." I begged.


Thalia smirked and said, "What is baby Percy scared of his boyfriend?"

I wasn't hearing her, I was too busy thinking about what Kronos might do if he found out, would he hit me, because he's done that before, or would he put me under house arrest? He's done that before so, it wouldn't be anything new. So many possibilities were going through my head. Each worse than the last.

Finally, gathering my courage, I said, "You can't tell Kronos. He's really busy, and you wouldn't want to bother him, would you?"

"Bother him with what?" said a voice I knew well, a little too well for my liking.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Time Skip^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Long story short, I got suspended for three weeks and had to pay for the water drainage and fountain charges.

Kronos and I were driving home from school, there was an eerie silence in the car and it was starting to annoy my ADHD. Did I mention that I had ADHD and dyslexia? No, well now you know.

As soon as we entered the house, I was being dragged into our shared bedroom. My back slammed against the door, pain erupted in my back and rear end.

Kronos lowered his face so we were at eye level, and slipped his hand into his jeans pocket and took a small pocket knife and held it to my forearm threateningly, drawing some blood, and sneered, "You want to explain how you got into trouble and why I was called to your school in the middle of an important meeting. Do you know how bad that is for my portrayal, you know what people will say 'Kronos can't even handle his bitch, how will he run the business?' SO TELL ME, BITCH, WHY DID YOU BLOW UP THE SCHOOL'S FUCKING WATER FOUNTAIN AND GET INTO A FIGHT?"


By now I had tears streaming down his face because with each thing Kronos said, he put more pressure on the blade against his forearm, seeing the tears, Kronos put more pressure. Kronos hated it when I wept.

So, this only made things worse. Kronos grabbed a handful of my hair, yanked my head forwards, and banged it back on the door.

Kronos left, but not before growling, "You are not to go out anywhere, whether it's for groceries or getting new clothing."

I remembered when I was on house arrest first.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flash Back~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Percy was hanging out with his best and only friends, Travis and Connor Stoll, in the school gym. They were brothers, which caused friendly mishaps everywhere they went.

They were talking about random things when Connor unexpectedly grabbed Percy's face and pulled him into a long kiss. It was harsh and possessing. Percy was too frozen in shock to do anything. Meanwhile, Connor expressed his feelings towards Percy.

Unfortunately, Kronos came in for an unplanned visit to the school. He passed through a corridor when he heard a single voice, went closer, and heard a love confession. That wasn't what stunned him, it was the name at the end of the declaration. The name pounded in his ears.

Percy. Percy. Percy.

Percy. Percy. Percy

Percy. Percy. Percy

Kronos burst through the gym door and lunged at Connor Stoll. Connor only had time to brace himself for the impact of Kronos' body on his.

Needless to say, Connor Stoll lost their fight, and his brother and he were immediately expelled. That wasn't what bothered Kronos, it was Connor's last line,

~~~~~~~~~~~~Flash Back End~~~~~~~~~~~

That day, Kronos abused me for the first time, then he put me on house arrest. Days passed, Kronos hit me again but, this time it was more out of jealousy than anger. This happened a couple of times until it became a routine.

I felt as if it was the worst year of his life, I wasn't allowed to go to school, I was permitted to go outside after three months but, I couldn't interact with boys my age or a little older.

That year was interesting as well because once I got sick so, the doctor came to give me a checkup. He checked and proclaimed that I was pregnant and could bear children.

Both Kronos and I decided that we weren't ready to have children yet so, we got an abortion. From then on, Kronos decided to use protection, while doing the deed.

Here I am right now, thinking about how this whole started.

I didn't even realize that the blood on my wound was already clotting. Deciding it was about time I cleaned up my wound, I got up on trembling legs.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Line Break^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The rest of my suspension passed without any problems or excitement. Occasionally, Kronos and I did something fun. Other than that there was nothing to do at home.

Then came the time my suspension ended, I was kind of sad, but it was fine.



I'm Affaf.

Do you want more or is it ok as a one-shot? Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and follow the main account affaf11 I am currently writing a TOG (throne of glass) fanfic as a continuation on the plot in EOS (empire of storms).

I hope you like this and want more chapters of this one-shot.

Take care of yourself and stay safe.

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