《we met through your brother/// FUNDY STORY》chapter 4


i was sitting staring crying at my computer for so long i forgot i had to do a video with tommy. "uh hi tommy" i say in a sad tone. "hey why you seem so sad?" he asks. "uh i just watched a really sad movie" i lie. "oh ok" he says. me, tommy, and tubbo film a random video.

i could tell something was wrong with y/n. i know when she watches a sad movie she never cries or sounds this sad for so long. at one point i could hear her sniffling.

something was seriously wrong and i was going to figure it out. after we were done with the video tubbo logged off so it was just me and y/n perfect time to ask.

"hey y/n you've been acting off and sad today is something wrong" i ask her. "just a really sad movie you know" they says. "y/n i know you it can't be an movie so tell me the truth please" i beg them. "tommy. i can't" she says about to log off. "y/n please i beg of you please i'm your best friend of course i won't tell" i plead of her "fine just don't laugh loser" she says. "of course" i reply.

"so during fundy's stream i told him to say he loved and missed me and after i ask him he ended the stream i asked why and he said if i said it i wouldn't be lying or saying it in a friend way" she takes a breath.

"and all i say is oh that's it" she continues. "oh wow um well my first question is do you have feelings for him?" i question. "that's the thing i have for the past year" she sighs. "oh so what are you going to do?" i lean back in my chair.


"no idea also tommy tell anybody you die not even wilbur or tubbo ok?" she yells at me. "of course nobody at all" i give her a salute. "well bye tommy" she says . i just reply with a small 'bye'.

i log off and flop on my bed staring at my ceiling. "hey y/n sorry i didn't get dinner i was busy" will says knocking on my door. "it's fine i'm not really hungry anyways" i mumble from under my blanket. he comes in and sits on my bed. "hey what's wrong with my little sister?" he stares at me. "nothing just tired long filming day with tommy and tubbo" i peek my head from under my blankets.

"sure usually you're all happy because you got to talk to your friends all day what's really wrong" he looks at me. "nothing just got super tired today" i say staring at my ceiling. "is it something to do with fundy i saw his stream and stuff" he looks away. "uh no nothing like that" i shoot straight up from my laying position. he flinches.

"uh yes it is now just tell me dum dum" he says. "no" i say getting out of my bed. "yes" he follows me. we have a yes and no fight for a good 10 minutes until i finally give up.

"ugh fine just stop following me" i turn around. "finally" he says sitting on the couch patting the seat next to him. i tell him everything. "well i did not except that" he says. "yeah exactly just DO NOT under any circumstances tell him got it" i scream at him. "yes ma'am" he salutes. "whatever" i get up to go to my room. "wait mitch do you have feelings for him?" he asks. "of course i do dum dum" i go to room and shut my door before he can reply.

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