《we met through your brother/// FUNDY STORY》chapter 3


tommy outit

hello y/n wanna film a video with me and tubbo later so i can get views and likes they seem to love you

i really want some likes

wow using me for views and likes:( sure!

sweet come to my server at 3

well i'm not doing anything till 3 i guess. i wanted to text fundy, but you couldn't forget about last night and that text. so to pass the time i just finish season 1 of bojack.

"hey y/n" wilbur says walking into my room. "sup" i reply pausing my show. "so you know how pretty much all of me and my friends are in the Dream SMP and you aren't" he says. "ugh don't bring it up it's makes me sad every time" i say wiping a fake tear. "well... i was talking to dream and he said maybe you could join" will said with excitement. "OMG REALLY NO WAY YES!!!" i burst in excitement. "quiet how many times do i have to tell you" he leaves. "OMG! i should tell fundy and the others" i talk to myself.

i see fundy is on stream so i join it and comment 'hello people of fundy's chat.' he tells me to join his VC so i do. "why hello y/n" he says. "hello fundy man" i reply. "hey so will and dream we're talking about me joining the Dream SMP" i say with pure joy. "omg we can film so many videos and build new houses and just play together more often" he says overwhelmed. "I KNOW RIGHT" i shout. "why are you so loud mitch" he spats back at me. "oh sorry, but i don't know if it's for sure hopefully though" i wailed. he sighs.

"anyways whatcha doing?" i question. "streaming what else would i be doing loser" he says. "why you got to be so rude" i grunt. "i'm just joking calm down" he replies.


a couple minutes go by and i have been giving him the silent treatment. he knew i was still there because he could see my icon.

"hey why you giving me the silent treatment" he asks. "because you're mean and smell like poo" i say. "first of all i was joking and second how do you know what i smell like weirdo?" he asks confused. "well umm you probably do so haha loser" i stick my tongue out at him. "whatever just please talk to me" he pleads. "why? do you miss me?" i ask. "does big strong man miss me?" i spat at him. "no" he laughs nervously. "HA! say you love and miss me then i'll talk to you again" i scream at him.

he ends his stream. "hey why'd you do that?" i ask confused. "because if i say it will become a whole thing" he says. "ok so" i grunt. "well y/n if i said it i would be telling the truth" he says.

"y/n, i seriously love you not in a friend way or anything" he sighs. "oh" is all i can spit out the man i've had a crush on for years and all i say is oh. he leaves the VC.

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