《Notes From a Broken Heart》Prayer


I'm afraid. I'm afraid it'll hurt really bad. But I can't let this anxiety take over me, there's no way around the pain. I can't avoid it.

I'll walk in brave and with a smile, I'm still afraid, but I know God is right there with me.

God will is here to listen when I'm afraid.

He'll be right there when I walk in that building.

I know I can't do this alone, I need God forever, but I really need Him now. So God, please comfort me and calm my anxiety tomorrow. I know I'll overthink and worry, please help me to realize I'll be okay and you're right there with me.

Lord, I need you. I'm giving you my anxiety, stress, worry, all to you.

I trust you, help me to be strong and brave tomorrow. Let the surgery go well, help my dad ease his mind about me, and thank you for letting us have the money to do this.



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