《•Let me help you• (Lin Manuel Miranda)》Chapter 14


This was it. It was 9 in the morning. We had to be in court by 2 pm. Both me and Vanessa hadn't slept. The incident with Sara was 3 days ago and neither of us had spoken with her since. I tried calling and texting her, but it was no use. We dropped the kids off at my parents place yesterday evening, so we had our hands free. My phone rang and when I looked at the caller ID is saw it was Kristen. I had e-mailed her about the situation.

"Kristen! How are you!"

She sighed "I really don't know what to say Lin. You're definitely making my job a lot more challenging."

"I messed up. I know. Have you talked to Sara?"

"Yes. She wants to hear Steve out and maybe even grant him custody of Evie. At least for a couple of days a week."

"She can't to that. Is she crazy!"

"She's not crazy Lin. She's falling in love with him again. Feelings can cause people to stop thinking clearly."

"How can she fall in love with hem after what he's done to her!"

"I'm a lawyer, not a therapist. Do you want the last couple of updates before going to court?"

I sighed "Yes, please."

"Well, the judge doesn't care that you guys aren't talking. You still need to show up as witnesses. You need to be there to help prove the allegations, but neither of you have any say in the custody situation. The fact that you are close is irrelevant to them."

"That makes sense."

"Your job won't be all too hard. Both of you need to answer the judge's answers as honestly and clearly as possible."

We talked some more and said goodbye. V and I got ready and around 1 pm we left. We got in the car, V was driving.

"Will we have some time to talk to Sara?" I asked.


"If she wants to, probably, but I don't know if she will."

"What if we walk out of there and he has custody of Evie."

"I don't know Lin. And I honestly can't think about that right now."

From the moment we parked the car to the moment we sat down in court I felt like I wasn't there. It all felt like a blur to me. We briefly saw Sara, but it didn't come further than a couple of hello's and good luck's. As we walked in, both V and I immediately grew uncomfortable at the sight of Steve sitting there. Neither of us had any good memories of that guy. I studied Sara's face, but it was unreadable.

I was so nervous, I could barely make sense of the things that we're being discussed. At this point, all I could think off was Evie. I've seen her grow up and I was terrified I was about to see her end up in the hands of a violent man.

After about an hour I was called up to be questioned by the judge. I got up from my chair and walked towards to the lectern. After taking an oath to speak the truth the judge got started.

"Mr. Miranda. How did you and Ms. Thomas meet?"

"She was the woman who worked at the bodega in my street, where I got my coffee each morning."

"When was the first time you suspected possible abuse?"

"She was always somewhat skittish around me, but there was a time when it became clear"

I told the judge the story of the first time I saw her and Steve and everything that came after. I kept looking at Sara to see what reliving these nightmares did to her. I wanted to see if she would change her mind. I spared no details while telling the story, it was painful for her, but it was necessary. I had to, or at least try to, change her mind.


After I was done, I walked to my chair and sat down again. I let out a shaky breath while Vanessa softly squeezed my hand. She leaned over and whispered:

"You did good."

After me, came Vanessa. I tried to focus, but I couldn't keep my eyes off of Sara. I tried to figure out what was going on inside her head, but I couldn't. I gave V an encouraging smile after she finished, but to be honest I had completely missed anything she said. The judge ordered a break and everyone left the room.

"How are you holding up?" Vanessa asked me as we were walking out into the hallway. She knew me well and had already noticed my complete lack of focus.

"I don't know." I said, shaking my head.

"Do you have any idea what was just discussed or do you need me to give you a summary?" She smirked.

"I heard some of it, but yes summary please."

"Well, after the break the judge is gonna tell us wether Steve is going to get custody of Evie and if he does, how many days a week."

"So this is it."


They called us back and we took our seats again. The judge spoke up.

"We have reviewed all information and have come to the conclusion that Ms. Thomas's daughter Evie is in no danger while being in the presence of Mr. Davidson. Mr. Davidson is therefore also not convicted of any of the allegations that have been made. The court rules to allow him to have Evie on the weekends. If there is enough evidence to prove abuse of either Ms. Thomas or her daughter this can and will be turned around. Court adjourned."

He banged his gavel on the wooden table and with that, my heart shattered into a million pieces. My throat turned dry and I could barely stop myself from crying. I looked to my right and saw that even Vanessa, the woman who was alway on top of her emotions , had trouble keeping it together. I searched Sara's face. She looked worried, but not in the same way V and I were. Was it a poker face or was she genuinely incapable of grasping the weight of the situation.

As soon as we walked into the hallway I ran up to Sara, took her hand and lead her into a private space.

"What are you gonna do Lin? Yell at me again!?"

I wasn't. It wasn't what she needed right now. Instead I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a warm hug. She wasn't expecting it and I sensed she was a little uncomfortable at first, but that quickly melted away. I could feel her letting go and she started sobbing.

"I'm scared Lin!"

"I know."

"He sounded different on the phone, but I don't know if I can trust him yet. I shouldn't trust him, I know, but I can't help it. There is something inside of me that falls for that man."

"I understand. Right now we just need to make sure that we keep an eye on Evie. If he does something we'll go to court again, okay?"


"Hey, V and I are here for you. We'll figure this thing out."

"I'm sorry, Lin. You were just trying to help. I never should have gotten so mad at you."

"No, I'm sorry. If I became a parent at 22 after years of abuse and having the child of my abuser, I would be an absolute disaster. You've done an incredible job at raising Evie. I had no right to call you a terrible mother, because you aren't. You are the strongest woman and mother I have ever met. I am proud of you."

I hugged her again and whispered:

"We'll be okay."

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