《•Let me help you• (Lin Manuel Miranda)》Chapter 10


The entire morning I was a bundle of nerves. Today I was gonna meet up with Steve. Vanessa tried to calm me down but it was no use. I was distracted and short with the boys at breakfast. Frankie wouldn't eat, as usual

"Frankie, eat." I told him firmly

"Daddy I'm not hungry!"

"I don't care."

Frankie refused to eat and started screaming 'I don't want to' over and over again, Sebastian started screaming at his younger brother because of the noise he made, Vanessa was running around getting ready for work and even the dog started barking from all the noise. Combined with all my nerves, fears and worries I couldn't take it anymore.

"EVERYONE, SHUT UP!" I yelled while banging my fist on the table.

The whole house became completely silent in a second. Everyone stared at me before I stood up and stormed off. When I entered our bedroom and shut the door I started crying softly. After 10 minutes or so I heard someone softly knocking on the door.

"Lin, can I come in."

I tried to steady my voice before replying


V looked at me with pity upon entering the room.

"Oh sweetheart."

"I'm okay, I need to get the boys ready."

"Don't worry about that. They're ready and I will take them to school, I just called my boss to let her know that I will be a bit later, it wasn't a problem."

"Thank you V! I wouldn't know what to do without you."

I leaned in to capture her lips in a soft kiss.

"How are you holding up?"

"Not good. I just screamed at my kids and stormed off." I said, feeling guilty.

"Oh don't worry about that. They've already forgotten about it." I nodded, somewhat relieved.


"I'm afraid I have to leave, but let me know how it went okay?"


"Hey, you can do this. Be smart. Don't put yourself in danger and you will be okay."

"I know."

I kissed her once more before she stood up to leave.

An hour after V had left with the boys it was time for me to leave. I texted Sara that I was going and she wished me luck. She must be a lot more nervous than I am. Poor thing.

I was walking down the street and knew I was only a couple of blocks away from the place we decided to meet up. It was a small cafe. Small enough to have a private conversation yet big enough for me to not be kidnapped. As I got closer and closer I braced myself for the confrontation. He was expecting to see Sara not me.

I took a deep breath before opening the door and entering the cafe. I saw Steve sitting in the back. My stomach turned upside down upon seeing him, but I quickly pulled myself together. He glanced over at me to see if I was Sara, he looked away seeing I wasn't and then looked back wide eyed realizing it was me. An angry look appeared on his face. I made sure my face looked tough and my fear was masked. I'm an actor I do this for a living. Yet this was different.

"Where's Sara?"

"She won't be coming."

"I need to talk to her."

"You will talk to me or you will talk to nobody." He sighed.

"What do you want from her."

"I want my daughter."

This is what I feared the most.

"How do you know about Evie." I said, feeling my protective instincts kick in.


"They needed to contact a parent for a health check up. Sara must not have been able to answer the phone and apparently my name was on the birth certificate so they called me up. As you can imagine that was quite a surprising phone call to get."

"Surprising ?" I said, raising my voice. "You have abused that woman for years and you're surprised that she doesn't want her child near you! You should be glad you've gotten away without a lawsuit. Sara had mercy on you, but if it were up to me and my wife you wouldn't have gotten away so easily."

"She's MY daughter."

It stayed quiet for a moment. I looked down feeling an extreme amount of rage entering my body.

I find that people react one of two ways when they're angry: They run hot or they run cold. Most of us run hot: We lose our temper and our wits often leave us as well. I don't get angry easily, but when I do, I run cold: Time slows down and the exact right words click into place to destroy what's in front of me.

I took a deep breath.

" daughter. You have forcefully had sex with this woman, she begged you to stop but you didn't. Then you decided a condom wouldn't feel as good, she begged you to use one, but you didn't. You raped her. When she finally managed to get away from you, she found out that you impregnated her. She carried her child for nine months, gave birth to a beautiful girl who she then raised for 5 years all by herself while dealing with mental issues caused by you. And you claim this is daughter. You have nothing to do with this child or her mother whatsoever. You managed to get away last time, but if you contact her ever again you won't get away with it. I will personally ensure that you spend every last minute of your life behind bars."

He seemed taken aback. Good.

I let out a huge breath before getting up and leaving.

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