《•Let me help you• (Lin Manuel Miranda)》Chapter 9


*6 year time jump*

Sara's pov.

"Evie eat your breakfast please."

"But I want to play."

"We need to leave in a bit, we're going to tio Lin remember?"

I grabbed my coat and made sure Evie was ready to go.

It was only a couple minutes walking. Soon we were standing in front of the door. V was at work so Lin opened it.

"Sara, It's so good to see you, come in! Hey Evie how are you?" He asked

"I'm good, tio." Lin and I both laughed.

I sat down on the couch and Evie immediately ran off to go play with her older nephews Sebastian and Frankie.

"So, Evie's fifth birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. How do you wanna celebrate?"

"Oh I guess we'll invite some friends from school and your boys of course and we can just do some fun activities over at our place to...."

I was interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. I didn't recognize the number.

"I'm sorry."

"No it's alright, get it."

I walked towards the kitchen to have a little privacy.

"Sara Johnson, how can I help you?"

It was completely silent for a moment.

"Sara how are you? It's Steve."

My world collapsed.

"Sara, are you there?"

His voice. I spent years trying to get it out of my mind. Suddenly it was there again.

"Yyyes...I'm here."

All my confidence I had built up over the past 6 years shattered within seconds. I started hyperventilating.

"Sara listen I know It's been a while and..."

He was cut off abruptly. I had ended the call. I couldn't do this. I couldn't accept this was real. As I slowly walked back towards the living room I saw Lin's smile drop.


"Who was it?"

It was quiet.

Lin rushed over and gently grabbed my face looking concerned.


"Steve." I finally said

He seemed confused for a second, taken aback. Like he had almost forgotten who it was. Almost. The look of confusion quickly made space for anger, but I could see he was trying to stay calm for me. I broke down crying.

"Shh I've got you. Sit down."

As he sat me down he started rubbing my back up and down. He didn't try to get me to talk. He knew it was useless. We stayed like this for a while until Lin spoke up.

"Sara, I'm gonna need you to listen to me very carefully. I know this is scary, but I will figure this out. I'm not gonna let that man come close to you or your daughter okay."

"How are you gonna do that?"

Just then my phone dinged. I looked over. Lin grabbed it.

"What does he say?"

"He wants to meet up."

"What am I gonna do Lin?"

"Well I'm not gonna let you go, that's for sure."


"What if I go?"

"Are you insane!?"

"It's not insane. I can go and figure out what he wants. Does he know about Evie?"

"I don't know, maybe."

"I can find that out."

"Lin are you sure about this?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Let me go."


We sat down as I texted Steve asking him where we should meet up and we decided on a place and date.

"Lin I think I'm heading home. It's getting late and Evie has school tomorrow."

"Yeah. I'll call you." I nodded.

"Hey, It's gonna be alright. I'll figure this out okay."


"Thank you."

*Lin's pov.*

Short after Sara had left V came home. I explained everything to her. She wasn't happy about our little plan. I leaned against the counter as she started making dinner. We quickly got into an argument.

"What do you think this is Lin, some action movie!? You're not James Bond and you're not spider-man. You can't just go ahead and have this little adventure by yourself. If you think she's in danger you call the police and you get a restraining order."

Oh boy. Arguing with a lawyer: this will be fun.

"Listen V I get that you're concerned, but we're meeting up at a public place, what could go wrong."

"What could go wrong! Lin are you crazy."

"I'm not crazy. You should've seen the look in her eyes. What would you have done."

"I would've though things through rationally."

"Oh I'm sorry I'm not a robot like you without feelings who can only calculate things rationally through numbers and shit."

"I have no feelings! What is wrong with you."

"That's not what I meant."

"It's what you said." I sighed dramatically.

"You know what fine." I said, standing up and grabbing my coat.

"Lin, where are you going?"

"I need to take a walk. You can have dinner without me!"

I said, before slamming the door shut.

V and I didn't fight often but when we did it was serious. I just couldn't believe her. I understand that she is scared, so am I, but what else was I supposed to do. I did feel a little bad that I left like that, it was unlike me. But I was filled with rage. I was a little upset with my wife of course, but above all I was furious with Steve.

That twisted basterd how dare he enter Sara's life again after all these years. I have watched her recover from that relationship for the past 6 years. All the progress she had made disappeared with one phone call. She had turned into the petrified girl again and it broke my heart.

What did that guy want! Did he know about his daughter. Does he want to meet her? What will that do to Sara.

I was walking through the park at a quick pace. Whenever I was frustrated or upset I needed to do something physical. My mind was going a mile per minute as I tried to think of every possible scenario that could come my way.

I looked at my phone and realized I had been gone for a couple of hours. I quickly rushed home. When I openend the door I saw Vanessa sitting on the couch her head in her hands. I felt a wave of guilt rush over me. I rushed up to her and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry V. I'm so so sorry."

"No, you were right. I'm just scared."

"I know. So am I. But I can do this. I promise."

We held each other for a while needing each other's arms around us right now.

"I love you so much Vanessa."

"I love you too."

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