《Someone Under Stress Meets Someone Looking Pretty (Lin-Manuel Miranda X Reader)》Disclaimer: This Chapter is Ridiculous


You sit down at the first empty desk top you see, looking around to make sure that there was no possible way Lin would know you were here. Satisfied, you pull up your favorite home-search site and start digging. This fic would go into much greater detail on this, if it weren't such a boring task. Instead, we take a look at Lin-Manuel Miranda, whom is currently sitting upside down on the couch, with his head dangling off the cushion.

"Come on, brain, thing of things. Come on brain, be so smart, come on-"

Lin looks up, grinning. He sprints into the kitchen, where he'd spied only moments before: "A banana!" He trips and hits the stove hard, cursing his fat feet. Lin rips a ripe fruit from the bunch and holds it, heavy in his hands. Slowly, he raises it to his mouth, looking out the kitchen window forlornly, "In the eye of the hurricane there is quiet, for just a moment." Lin belts as he holds the banana into the air, "A yellow sky."

Lin hops into the bedroom and throws himself onto the bed, singing into the banana, "Ill write my way out, write everything down far as I..." He forgets the lyrics. "FUCK." He screams, tossing the banana at the wall and covering his eyes. Lin feels like a failure. He rolls off the bed, and then crawls to the bathroom where he sits heavily on the floor, looking into the mirror.

He sighs, pulling his long hair out of a bun, it falls limply on his shoulders. He starts humming a tune from Frozen, which, of course, becomes a full-length dance session involving jumping on the bed and using the banana as a microphone/tiara. "LET IT GOOOOO!" Lin screeches, as he flings the banana towards the bedroom door.

It flies out, into the kitchen, and he leaps off the bed, bounding after it. He stops short, as he sees that the kitchen is filled with black smoke. Lin races to the stove where he sees that the rest of the bunch of bananas has caught fire. He must have accidentally turned the stove on earlier.


He tosses the bananas into the sink and turns on the water. Good thing the apartment has faulty fire alarm wiring he thinks, as he watches the charred banana remains smoke. He looks down at the floor, where the bruised banana/microphone lies. Tears come to Lins eyes as he plucks the fruit tenderly from the floor. He cradled it like a baby, "My God, it must be so difficult for you to have watched them burn..."

Lins eyes widen, "Burn?" He tosses the banana over his shoulder and races to the coffee table, where Ron Chernow's Alexander Hamilton lies, worn and sticky-noted. He scours the pages in search of, "YES!" He cries. There it is. All of the evidence he needs that Eliza was a pyromaniac.

He runs into the bedroom to tell you about his exciting find, but then he stops, remembering. He looks over at the banana and sighs. He walks sadly into the kitchen, picking up the oozing fruit and settling back onto the couch, opening his lap top. "Guess it's just you and me, pal." He says, placing the banana on his head as a hat.

Back at the library, you chew on your thumb. You've sent your resume to a couple of practitioners in Texas looking at the Houston-Austin area for affordable housing. You sigh laying your head on the keyboard. You don't want to move to Texas, but Houston's medical center is the best in the nation.

But is that what you want?

You turn this thought over and over in your mind. What if, you consider, you just stayed here with Lin. What if- you shove the thought out of your mind. You have work to do.

You lift your head and look at the computer, to see that you've accidentally pressed some keys with your face. You press "Search" curiously, and see that a practitioner named Luz Towns has a nursing position open in... "New York?" You breath the name outloud. When you were in high school, New York was your dream destination. But between the high cost of living and scarcity of job offerings, you'd long ago given up on those thought. However, you suck on your cheek, bemused, and click "Send Resumé".


Exiting out of the website, you stand up, grab your things, and decide to head home. Before you can reach the library door, though, you hear an all too familiar voice behind you.

"Damn, baby, those pants look hot."

You turn around, rolling your eyes, "Hello, Anthony." The curly haired, freckled-faced player slinks towards you like a weasel, gawking open-mouthed at your skinny jeans, "There's nothing like summer in the city." You push past him, out the doors, and into the air, "Okay, one, it's winter. Two, we don't really live in the city. And three, I'd rather skip the pleasantries, I've got somewhere to be."

Anthony grabs your arm, "Hey! Slow down! Why you in a rush?" You look at Anthony, "What are you doing on campus? Didn't you drop out?" The man grins, "I snuck into the campus to watch minds like your at work." He taps your head. You snort, "Oh, since when were you interested in any part of me above my hips?"

Anthony laughs, "Yeah, that wasn't your mentality last time we met." Your cheeks redden and your head dips, he had been your first boyfriend out of high school. And your first sex partner. "T-That's not fair. I was only a freshmen." You look at him, tears brimming in your eyes, "Get out of here, creep."

Anthony's mouth drops, "Damn, baby feeling feisty today." He bites his lip, "Why don't you take that attitude with you to my place ?" You smack him across the face, turning on your heel and stomping towards your apartment.

Anthony fumes behind you, "Look around, sweet cheeks, you aren't getting any younger."

You start running, tears streaming down your cheeks as you make your way back to the apartment. You're not sure why Anthony upset you so much, but something about that last thing he'd said was eating at you. You knock feebly at the door. "Lin?"

You hear feet patting and hear the lock click. "(Y/n)! You won't believe what I just wrote for-" He looks down at your tears, "Oh my gosh, (y/n), are you okay? What's wrong?" You throw your arms out and wrap them tightly around Lins waist. You feel something hit your head and you looks up at Lin. He shrugs, "Sorry, that was my banana hat." He blushes and you cry harder. Why is he so cute?

"I-I'm sorry." He says, rubbing your back, obviously confused. You pull away, trying to calm down. "What was it you wanted to show me?" You says, handing him the banana. He stares at the banana, "What...? Oh!" He runs grabbing his lap top, "Wait, are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" You shake your head, "No, I wanna hear your news." Lin blinks a couple times, shrugs, and sits on the couch, patting the cushion beside him.

You shut the door and walk into the living room, sitting next to Lin and leaning on his shoulder as he shows you: "Burn, that's what I titled it. It's gonna be this great anthem where Eliza's all like: 'Fuck you alex.' And burns all of his letters." You nod, "Where'd you get the idea." Lin stiffens, thinking about the blackened bananas in the sink, "I don't know... It just sorta, came to me."

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