《Someone Under Stress Meets Someone Looking Pretty (Lin-Manuel Miranda X Reader)》Breathe


Sleep comes neither swiftly nor peacefully. The violent crashing of rain on your bedroom and the flood of anxious thoughts creates a torrent in your mind.

After an hour or so of tossing and turning, both the rain and the click-click-clicking of Lin's fingertips on the keyboard subsides. You read that there is another band of rain set to fall sometimes later in the night, but you are too exhausted to think of that. With a heavy sigh, you fall to sleep.

You awaken, screaming. You hear nothing, between the rain and growl of thunder, and see nothing, blinded by a lightning flash. Gasping and confused, you fumble for the lamplight. Only seconds later, your room is illuminated once more and you scream in anticipation of the next thunderclap. You shut your eyes tight and pull your knees into your chest. You feel something grab you in the dark and you shy away from it.

"Hey, it's me. Lin."

Suddenly, the dreaded thunder bellows and you grab onto the hidden figure, wrapping yourself around him. "Shhhhh." Says Lin, putting a large hand over your mouth. "Suenas como un gato asustado, deja de llorar y gritar." He mutters, wrapping a strong arm around you and pulling you into his lap. You wrap your trembling arms around him and sob uncontrollably into his neck.

"I didn't mean to scare you, but I heard you scream." You can't form the words in your head to answer, instead letting out another sob in response. "Okay, okay." He says, nodding and stroking your hair, pulling soaked strands of it out of your face.

Another bolt of lightning fills the room and you shriek, inadvertently digging your nails into Lins back. "Aye! Relax mami!" Lin yells above the roll of thunder. He pulls you off him and holds you at arm length, forcing you to look into his all-knowing eyes.


"Breathe..." He coos, "I'm here now, it's okay." You inhale a rattling, rugged breath. You look at him, really look at him, for the first time. He isn't wearing a shirt and his bare chest is slick with sweat and tears. Panting, his breath is ragged, his eyes are wide and tired.

You lean gently against him and he lays back on the bed, allowing you to rest your head against his collar bone. You trace circles on his chest with your index finger, trying to regulate your breath. For several minutes you lay quietly, waiting for the storm to pass.

When the thunder finally ceases, Lin attempts to slide out from under you. You grab his arm and forcefully say, "No." Then, regaining composure, you say, "Please." Lin moves back towards you, silently. You wrap an arm around him and he returns the favor. For the first time in a long time, both you and Lin can rest peacefully for a night.

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