《Someone Under Stress Meets Someone Looking Pretty (Lin-Manuel Miranda X Reader)》Doctor Dani


Your sister's real name is Danielle, but she rejects that name starkly. She walks in to your apartment without knocking or otherwise announcing her arrival (you forgot you'd given her a key a while back.) Wearing impressive black heels and a creme colored pantsuit, she introduces herself to a very groggy Lin as "Doctor (y/l/n)."

You flip the lamp on in your living room and Lin cringes against its intruding glare. "Mmm," Says Dani, giving him a good once-over, "He looks like shit." Lin crosses his arms and gives her an indignant "Humpf." Dani laughs coldly and places her stethoscope to his chest. Next, she takes a penlight out of her pocket, shining it quickly in his right eye, and then his left. Then, she says, "Open up." When he does, she shines the light in and looks at his throat.

"Ah, just like I suspected." Dani says, shutting off the light, "He has a very large mouth. I bet you can't get him to shut up, normally." You giggle and Lin rolls his eyes, growing visibly impatient.

"Well," You say, still giggly, "What do you think?" You look at Lin, his face a splotched red from illness and tears, and lower your tone, "Will his voice come back?" Dani shrugs, digging in her doctor bag, "Probably."

She pulls out a note pad and scribbles things as she talks, "It's possible that there was vocal nerve damage, if he experienced hypothermia, but that's rather unlikely. It's probably an upper respiratory infection, and I'm concerned that it could be turning into pneumonia."

She hands you a peice of paper with various, long words written on it, "Take this to the drugstore on the corner three blocks from here, ask for Sonny, he'll fix you up." Dani grabs her things and starts walking towards the door. She turns around and says, "Tell him Dani sent you, and to put the antibiotics on my tab."


Dani pulls you close just as she's walking out the door and says, "Oh, and try to refrain from any make-out sessions, what he has could very likely be contagious." You blush uncontrollably and say, too loudly, "WE ARE JUST FRIENDS!" Dani laughs coldly and rolls her eyes saying, "Honey, you look at him like a kitten in heat does to a feral tom cat."

You shut the door with a sigh and turn around to find Lin wheezing and gasping uncontrollably in a fit of laughter. Grumbling, you pick up your back pack (you've never owned a purse) and grab the prescription. You turn to the sickly, still recovering from his idiotic laughing session, man and ask, "Are you going to be okay while I'm gone?" Lin smiles, nodding and wiping the tears out of his eyes. You walk over to the bookshelf and grab a random book off the shelf, tossing it to Lin as you walk out the door, saying: "Here, occupy yourself."

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