《Taking Her Home》Ultimatum


Vincent pushed the call button before throwing his suit jacket on. He adjusted his collar as he listened to the ringing. "Vince, what's up?" He heard Dominico answer the phone.

"Meeting at my parent's place in thirty. Call Gio and let him know," he answered as he looked himself over in the mirror. He nodded and buttoned the last button on his grey jacket. He hadn't put a tie on and he had left the top two buttons on his white dress shirt. Ties were for formal affairs and a meeting with his father and brothers was not formal. He knew he would probably hear about it from his father but he didn't care. It was definitely time to show his father he was his own man. How else was he going to believe he was ready to take over?

"See you then," Dominico responded before hanging up. Vincent walked out of his bedroom and headed towards his front door. He grabbed his keys and walked out. Getting on the elevator he took his phone out and sent a quick text to his father to inform him that he was on his way.

Putting his phone back into his pocket the doors opened and a beautiful blonde stepped in. Vincent sent her one of his pantie dropping smiles and watched as she blushed before looking down on the floor. He was pleased with her reaction and decided that he would introduce himself. "Vincent," he said turning to her and holding his hand out for her to shake.

"Sarah," she said shaking his hand quickly before tucking a strand on her long hair behind her ear in a nervous manner. Vincent chuckled a little. He loved the effect he has on women.

"Sarah. What a beautiful name. Tell me, Sarah, do you have a boyfriend?" He asked her and received a shake of the head in response. "Husband?" He asked. Another head shake. Vincent smiled before pulling a card out of his jacket pocket and handing it to her as the elevator doors opened. "Call me," he said as he walked past her and out of the elevator. He made sure to saunter all the way to the lobby door. He swung his keys around his finger and didn't turn around. He knew she was watching him though and he loved it.

Twenty minutes later Vincent was walking into his parents' house. "Mr. Bellandini, your mother and father are in the dining room waiting for you," Lola, the family housekeeper, told him. Nodding he bent down to hug her, lifting her up and making her laugh. Lola had a hand in raising him and he loved every bit of her five-foot self.


"Lola, I have told you a million times, call me by my name, please," he said putting his hands together to show his begging. "If you insist on calling me by my father's name, I will have to call you Mrs. Hennsing," he crossed his arms in order to try and intimidate her, knowing that it was impossible considering that she had done enough of the punishing when he was a boy.

"Okay, Vincent," she said laughing as she turned to walk back to the kitchen. Vincent started for the dining room shaking his head and laughing.

"Vincent, it's so good to see you," he heard his mother, Nadia, say as soon as he had a single foot in the room. Vincent laughed. His mother was never sure who was with him so she was always very formal when he first arrived. "Are you alone?" She looked behind him to make sure no one else was coming in.

Vincent nodded his head, "Yes Momma," he reached her and hugged her tightly. "Your nephew and less good-looking son should be here shortly. Besides that, though I know of no one showing up that you have to be so proper for," he smiled down at her and received a slap to the arm for his teasing.

"You know, I didn't realize that I had raised such a comedian," his mother said taking her seat again. "Dish yourself up some food, Vinny," she waved her hand over the abundance of food that was spread across the table. Vince rolled his eyes at the nickname that she used when they were just being a family. He hated it and only allowed her to call him that.

"Really Momma, I'm not hungry. Plus, as soon as everyone is here we need to talk Father," He said as he heard footsteps coming up behind him. Turning around he watched his younger brother and cousin walk in and greet their mother first, than their father. Sending each of them a nod he turned to his father, "Are you able to give us the time I requested so we can discuss the matter that we need to?" He asked Francesco.

Francesco nodded his head and turned to his wife, "I enjoyed lunch with you, my dear. Now I must go and help our children with their problems," he sent her a wink and a smile that caused her to blush.

Another reason Vincent didn't plan on ever getting married. His parents' marriage was the actual definition of perfect and he was sure that it didn't happen in the same family twice. Most family members married and became miserable he would not let that happen to him.


Vincent, Domenico, and Gio, all turned and follower Francesco to his office where the door was shut and locked. Vincent and his father both never fully trusted anyone that was not in their direct family bloodline. There have been betrayals many times throughout Francesco's reign along with his father and his father's father's reign. They couldn't take any chances especially right now. The time during a change in power always was a little unstable with some lower men trying to overthrow the rightful heir, but with Vincent being unmarried, it was the most unstable that Francesco had ever witnessed.

"What exactly happened last night boys?" Francesco asked sitting down behind his desk. Vincent and Domenico sat in the two chairs in front of the desk while Gio took a seat on the couch against the wall behind them. He was less involved in what happened the night before than the other two were, so he picked up the book that was on the table in front of him and started to look through it.

"Enzo knew what he was doing," Vincent answered crossing his arms in front of him. "He was trying to get a rise out of me, unfortunately, it worked," he added looking at his father. Francesco looked at his son with disappointment, causing him to look down at his hands.

"Do you know what this could do to the treaty?" Francesco shouted slamming his fist on the desk. Vincent's eyes shot up. It was rare for his father to lose his temper he was always in control. Domenico and Vincent looked at each other.

"I know laying a hand on Enzo was a violation of the treaty, but him being at my club was too," Vincent said.

Francesco nodded as he thought about what his son had said. "I understand that, but we need to make sure that this fight didn't jeopardize this deal," he said looking between Vincent and Domenico. "You should set up a meeting and discuss the issue. Let me know how it goes," he pointed at them to make his point.

Vincent nodded and looked to Domenico, "set it up and make sure that it's a secure meeting," he said before looking back at his brother, "Gio, you hear me?" he said in a firm tone. Gio looked up from the book he was reading and nodded before standing up and heading for the door Domenico behind him.

Vincent stood up and started to button his jacket, "again father, I apologize for causing all of this. I know that you are counting on me to show my leadership and last night I did not. It will not happen again," He turned to leave.

"Son, wait," Francesco said as Vincent reached for the doorknob.

Vincent turned around with a raised eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Would you care to tell me the real reason you started the fight?" Vincent took a deep breath and walked back to the chair that he had just vacated. Sitting back down he looked his father in the eyes. "You have to know that I have eyes everywhere," he added not losing eye contact with him.

"I just had a feeling that I had to stop him," Vincent shrugged. "I don't know why. It's not something that has ever happened before," he sat back in his chair with a sigh. He had spent most of the night thinking about why he had bothered to save that girl and then why he took her home without expecting anything from her. He didn't feel like himself but he just had a feeling that leads to all of his actions.

"Well whatever it was, you need to figure it out and get your act together. Your mother has told me she wants me to retire in no less than two years. That means that you need to get ready," Francesco leaned on his desk more to make sure that Vincent was hearing him, "you know that means that you need to find a girl you can settle down with," Vincent rolled his eyes, "a stable relationship is necessary so you can have an heir someday. You're not going to just let the family fall to someone else, are you?"

"I understand what you are saying father, but I am just not interested in all that relationship cazzate," Vincent sighed and put his head in his hands. He peeked an eye through his fingers and looked at his father. He didn't look amused.

"I'm sorry Vincent, you don't have any other choice. Find a girl. Maybe the one that you risked our newest treaty over?" Vincent's brows shot up in shock. "You really think I don't know anything," Francesco shook his head in disbelief.

Vincent stood up and matched to the door. Throwing it open he turned to his father, "if I don't settle down, what happens?" he asked his father.

"I will give your brother the family," Francesco said sternly.

Vincent huffed and walked out, slamming the door.

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