《Taking Her Home》Waking Up


When Rebecca woke up the next morning, she had a horrible headache. Sitting up, she felt herself spinning and laid back down immediately. "How did I get home?" she said out loud to herself. Sighing, she forced herself to sit up again. As she threw her feet over the side of the bed, she noticed there was a bottle of water. "Thank God for Joni," she thought as she reached for it. As she did, she noticed a few pills sitting beside the bottle. Throwing them in her mouth, she chugged the water until it was gone.

Taking a deep breath, she realized that she felt like she might vomit. She got up and sprinted towards the bathroom. Landing in front of the toilet, she took several deep breaths before realizing it was a false alarm. Standing back up, she walked to the sink. Splashing cool water on her face, always helped with her hangovers. She was never a big drinker, but she had a few nights with Joni that left her head pounding and her stomach wanting something greasy.

When she was finally feeling a little better, she decided that going back to bed was the best thing for her today. Making it back to her bed she sat on the side and finally noticed the note that Vincent had written her. I hope that you feel better. If you need any blanks filled in feel free to call me. - Vincent. He left his number for her to call and she found herself smiling. She could remember bits and pieces of what had happened the night before. One man was going to take her somewhere but another man stopped him. She guessed that man was Vincent, the man who brought her home, she remembered he was really cute. She decided that maybe she would send him a quick text before laying back down.

Reaching for her phone, she started to type his number in the recipient box. As she typed the last number there was a knock at her door. Sighing, she put her phone down and headed down the stairs to answer the door. As soon as the door was unlocked it swung open and Tobin walked past her with Joni following him.

"How are you? Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Tobin rushes out question after question while grabbing her shoulders and shaking her a little, making Rebecca's head spin. She saw Joni over his shoulder with a weird look on her face. Tobin was always protective, but even this was a little over the top for him.


"T, stop," she shouted, holding her hands up. "I'm fine. Just a little hungover," she finished. "It would be great if you could stop shaking me. Unless you are looking to have my none existent breakfast on your shoes. " She would have laughed at the grimace on his face if she had felt better.

"Did he do anything to you?" Tobin asked her again, composing his face to a slight glare as his eyes swept over her. After getting home, he had confirmed his suspicions and realized exactly who Enzo was. He kicked himself for leaving Rebecca with him.

"I'm fine. T, really I. Am. Fine," she said again, Emphasizing each word so he would hear and understand her. She turned and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge.

Joni walked over to her with a smile, "yes you look it. Did you get lucky?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows and giggling. Tobin let out a grunt, not finding the joke funny.

Rebecca rolled her eyes as she took a drink out of her water bottle, "Ha ha," she said after swallowing. "You're so funny." She was in the mood for Joni's antics this early in the morning with her head pounding.

"I told you to wait for us and then when I got back with Ros you were just gone, with that guy. Then when we went to go find you..." Tobin started. His tone was back to one of worry.

Rebecca cut him off by holding up her hand, "I'm fine. There was a fight, but I am fine," she walked to the couch and took a seat with a huff. Tobin and Joni followed.

"A fight? With who? You didn't get hurt, did you?" This time it was Joni who was questioning her. Rebecca rolled her eyes again. She was thankful she had friends that worried, but this was too much. Why did they have to show up before she could take a nap?

"I told you both already, several times, I'm fine," Rebecca grabbed the blanket off the back of her couch and wrapped it around her legs. "I was leaving, with the guy I was with, he said that he would have his guys bring you to where we were going. I was about to get in his car and out of nowhere some guy came and stopped him. I don't exactly remember what was said, but the next thing I knew they were throwing punches and then that guy I kissed earlier, he came and backed the guy up, "Rebecca paused trying to remember what happened after that but only had flashes. The Vincent guy had obviously driven her home, but she did remember any of that apart from a flash or two of him asking her something.


"Then what happened?" Joni said she was on the edge of her seat with excitement.

Rebecca laughed, shaking her head, "the next thing I really remember is waking up in my bed," she shrugs before quickly adding, "Alone," she was sure Tobin was about to ask the question she answered, when he opened his mouth. "There was a bottle of water, aspirin and a note from some guy named Vincent," Rebecca finished looking up at her friends.

Tobin's head whipped up, hearing the name, Vincent. "What did he look like?" He asked her.

Rebecca shrugged. She just said that she didn't remember anything until she woke up and saw the note what part was he not understanding?

"The more important question is, what did the note say?" Joni said, moving closer to Rebecca and looking at her with intensity.

Rebecca held up a finger to signal for her to wait and got up to grab the note. Sitting back down beside Joni she handed the note to her. Joni quickly read the note and a huge smile. "OMG Are you serious? You have to call him!" She practically shouted at Rebecca. Tobin was almost completely sure that this was the Vincent he was thinking about and he was starting to regret taking his friends to that club.

"Don't you think she should call him, T?" Joni turned to look at Tobin who was still in deep thought. He was sure if Vincent would be angry with him or not. He was still confused as to why he had even bothered to take her home. "T, Earth to Tobin," Joni said, poking him in the arm when he did not answer her.

Shaking his head, he looked from one girl to the other, he nodded, "Yeah, I guess," he said finally with a shrug. "I mean, he said to call him if you needed anything filled in," he finally said. He knew that it wouldn't matter either way what his answer was. If Rebecca wanted to call him, she would. Especially with Joni egging her on. Besides Vincent wasn't one to entertain women anyway.

Rebecca nodded her head, "Yeah, I guess you're right, but first I need to shower. And to eat," she looks at Joni who starts clapping her hands.

"Yay! Okay, how about we meet at the normal spot in two hours?" Joni says jumping up and heading towards the door. "Wear something cute," she shouts over her shoulder before walking out the door.

Tobin laughs a little and turns to look at Rebecca, "You know you don't have to call this guy if you don't want to," he places a hand on each of her shoulders. Deciding then that he would at least try to convince her not to bother so his conscience would feel a little better.

Rebecca nods her head, "I know, but the guy at least deserves a thank you. Don't you think?" she says, looking up at her best friend who nods in response.

Tobin takes a deep breath. He doesn't want her getting too far in with Vincent. He knows it's not safe, but he does not know how much he can say to her without putting her in more danger and his self also. "I'll see you at lunch in a couple of hours," he finally says before he turns to leave.

Rebecca calls a quick goodbye before heading upstairs to her closet. Grabbing a simple pair of dark washed jeans, white tank top and her favorite cardigan that had a plaid print on it, she walked toward her bathroom to shower, throwing her clothes on the bed as she passed it. Thinking about the night before made her head hurt and she decided to push it to the back of her mind for now.

Stepping out if the shower, she wrapped a towel around herself before running a brush through her hair and decided that no makeup and letting her hair air dry was the easiest thing to do. "Why can't they just let me sleep today?" She asked herself in the mirror. Sighing, she walked to her bed to get dressed before grabbing her purse and making sure she had everything she would need for a day out of the house. Stopping at the door, she grabs her sunglasses too knowing her friends will make her sit outside in the too bright sunlight as a way of torturing her for answers to god only knows what. She shut the door behind her and locked it before walking to the elevator.

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