《Kiyopon Can't Communicate!》The Island Exam begins / Kiyopon scouts the island.


Though, in reality, most of the girls were fighting with the boys about buying a toilet....

" You can't expect us to use that ! " Shinohara yelled

" Huh?! If we buy a toilet for you girls, then we'll lose points!" Ike retorted.

" Can't you just suck it up and live with it? It's only for a week!" Sudo backed Ike up.

And then they started bickering.

Kiyopon was watching all of this silently, until Horikita sighed.

" Seriously.....it hasn't even been 10 minutes..." she muttered.

Kiyopon glanced at Horikita and nodded in agreement.

Horikita is not sick anymore, which made Kiyopon glad.

If she were sick, he wouldn't have anyone to translate his sign language to the rest of their classmates, if ever they ask him a question or his thoughts on things.

Of course, he'd miss her too.

Kiyopon signed.

Horikita thought for a bit before answering.

" Personally, im fine without buying one. But you have to take in consideration that some girls just won't agree. " She said.

Kiyopon nodded .

Class D decided to buy a toilet ( Much to the boys dismay because of the points) and now they were currently looking for spots.

" Guys! Over here!" Ike called.

Everyone quickly went to where Ike said to come and immediately their eyes widened.

" We got a river and a spot!" He said before happily dancing in victory.

" Good job, Ike-kun. You really helped us out with your camping background. " Hirata complimented with a smile.

" Haha! Yeah!" Sudo screamed and joined Ike.

" Let me in!" Yamauchi said and also joined Ike.

Of course, everyone cringed but they were too relieved to care.

Kiyopon simply looked at the spot machine.

" What are you doing...?" Horikita asked with confusion, evident on her face.

Kiyopon points at the machine.

Horikita sighs.

" Strange things always seem to have your interest huh...." she muttered

Soon, everyone gathered in a circle.

" Guys, who's going to be our leader?" Hondo asked.

" What about Hirata-kun?" A girl immediately said.

" What? You want to get us eliminated that quickly?!" Ike yelled in shock

" Hey! Don't yell at her! Besides, Hirata-kun is a good leader." Shinohara retorted.


" I agree with Ike-kun. Picking Hirata-kun would be dumb. " Horikita said.

Everyone was suprised at Ike's use of his brain and even Horikita who backed him up.

Kiyopon was busy looking at the bird on the tree.

" Even Horikita-san agrees!" Ike said.

" Then who are we picking? Karuizawa-san?" Sato asked.

" Eh? No way! " Karuizawa immediately rejected.

" Then who!" Yamauchi asked.

Everyone was busy arguing about who will be the leader.

" Ayanokoji-kun." Horikita poked Kiyopon.

Suddenly, the bird that he was looking at, flew away into the sky.

Kiyopon slightly pouted because his interest was now gone.

Seeing that the bird was never going to come back, he turned his head to Horikita.


" Who do yo-" but before she could ask, she was cut off.

" Everyone has shared their opinion on who should be leader. But how about we ask Ayanokoji-kun?" Mori asked as she looked at Kiyopon.

Kiyopon's eyes widened.

" Oh, right! Yo, who do you think should be leader, Ayanokoji?" Sudo asked.

" Don't be dumb about it!" Yamauchi added.

Horikita looked at him.

This was exactly the question she was going to ask, but Mori beat her to it.

Everyone looked at him.

Kiyopon barely paid attention to the discussion.

He had all of his attention on the bird that flew away from the tree.

He glanced at everyone but then his eyes landed on Horikita.

Horikita's eyes widened.

' No. Don't tell me-- ' but her thought was cut off when Kiyopon pointed at her.

Everyone was silent until Ike broke it.

" Wait, why haven't we thought of this before! Horikita-san would be the perfect leader!" Ike said.

" For once, I agree with you." Shinohara added.

" Well, if Suzune is going to be leader, then I'm all in!" Sudo said.

" Huh? Who gave you permission to call me by my first name? " Horikita asked.

Kiyopon's eyes widened as he remembered that he blatantly gave up her name because Sudo was prodding and shaking him around.

Kiyopon slowly backs away from the scene.

" Oh. Uh....." Sudo scratched his head as he quickly glanced at Kiyopon.

Kiyopon mentally wrote his last will.

But it turns out, he didn't need to.

" Oh, uh, I just saw it from your desk! Yeah!" Sudo said, trying his best to not sound nervous and also to protect Kiyopon.

Horikita narrowed her eyes as she looked into Sudo's soul.

" Alright....... But remember this, I never gave you my permission to call me by my first name." She stated.

Sudo quickly nodded.

Kiyopon sighed in relief that Subro didn't sell him out

But Horikita turned around and noticed that Kiyopon was suspiciously far away.

" Why are you all the way there!" She said.

Kiyopon didn't respond.

Class D decided that Horikita should be the leader and Horikita also agreed.

" Alright, what should we do first?" Ike asked.

" Of course, we need to have a group look for possible spots." Horikita responded.

" Does anyone want to volunteer?" Hirata asked kindly.

Nobody volunteered until a laugh broke out .

" Hahaha! Fine then, I will scout for these spots! Only a perfect existence such as myself, is capable of doing it!" Koenji said out loud as he stood on the branch of a tree and gazed at the forest ahead.

Everyone mentally did a facepalm at this.

" Im sorry, Koenji-kun, but you won't be enough. I'm going to need two more people." Horikita said.

' Just to keep an eye on him....' Horikita thought.

" Ha! Just pair me with someone who won't taint my perfection!" Koenji said while grinning.

Horikita sighed and then her eyes landed on Kiyopon.


" I would like to volunteer Ayanokoji-kun to also look for spots." Horikita said.

Kiyopon's eyes widened.

" Hm, very well! Ayanokoji-boy may join my search for spots! He is a better existence than red hair-kun. " Koenji said.

" GRR. WHY YO-" Sudo was about to lash out until Ike held him back.

" DUDE RELAX! HE'S STANDING ON A BRANCH!" Ike tried to calm his friend down.

" Do you have any objections, Ayanokoji-kun?" Horikita asked.

Kiyopon sighs and shakes his head 'no' Signifying that he had no objection.

Horikita nodded.

" Oh! May I join, Ayanokoji-kun then?" Mori asked.

Everyone was suprised by her request, especially Horikita.

" Huh? Really, Mori-san?" Matsushita asked.

" Mhm! I don't mind." She said and walked towards Kiyopon.

" Do YOU mind, Ayanokoji-kun?" Mori asked Kiyopon.

Kiyopon shakes his head 'no'.

" Damn it....he's lucky...." Ike muttered.

Of course, to him, Mori may not be above Kushida but she was still definitely a girl he would like to date.

Horikita stared at Mori and Kiyopon silently.

' Why did she volunteer so suddenly? She volunteered right after Ayanokoji-kun agreed to scout with Koenji-kun....... what is she planning....' Horikita thought as her face subconsciously formed into a small frown.

" Horikita-san? Are you alright?" Kushida asked.

Horikita snapped back to reality and nodded.

" Alright then, you three may go..." she said.

Koenji immediately swung around the trees like Tarzan while Kiyopon and Mori tried to catch up.

' It's strange.....this feeling when I see them both....I....' but Horikita's thought was cut off when she realized that must focus on her job as a leader in this exam.

" Alright, Ike-kun. Please show us what we need to do."


" W-Why is he swinging around the trees!" Mori said as she almost tripped down a root but got her back on her balance.

Kiyopon shrugs as his eyes tried to keep track of Koenji.

" Where are you, Koenji-kun!" Mori yelled

But Koenji's laughter and words faded into the forest.

" Did....Did we just lose him?" Mori asked, bewildered as she slowed down her pace due to the fatigue.

Kiyopon only nodded.

It's a shame that he couldn't bring his trusty notebook to communicate with Mori.

It didn't seem like she knew sign language either.

" Haah....guys like that are so troublesome..." Mori said.

Kiyopon couldn't help but agree.

Koenji was an unstoppable force with spontaneous energy, accompanied by his narcissistic personality......

He's like a random tornado that just spawns in the world and creates unintentional or intentional havoc without a care....

" I guess, it's just you and me for now...." Mori said.

Kiyopon nodded.

They both slowed down their pace and made their way through the forest.

" Ayanokoji-kun, isn't this exam a bit crazy? I seriously thought we were going to get some sort of vacation......but yet again, this school ruined my dreams of relaxation. " Mori said with a sigh.

Kiyopon nodded.

" You are aware that just nodding along and shaking your head won't be enough to sustain a conversation, right? You're gonna have to open that mouth of yours if you want to communicate." Mori said and then giggled.

Kiyopon slightly pouted at that and Mori stopped giggling.

She suddenly turned a bit red.

" cute...." she uttered to herself.

They finally saw a cave from the distance.

" It's a cave....let's check it out!" Mori said and Kiyopon nodded.

They were walking towards it and were about to come out from the bushes until Kiyopon's eyes widened and he stopped.

Mori looked at him with a confused look.

" Ayanokoji-kun? What are-" she was suddenly cut off when Kiyopon pulled her behind the tree and covered her mouth with his hand, succesfully muffling her cute squeak of suprise.

' W-WHAT'S HE DOING?!' She thought.

Suddenly they overheard voices.

" You're amazing, Katsuragi-san! This spot you found was great!" A green haired boy said while entering the cave.

" Be quiet, Yahiko. Just do a quick inspection. " a bald man said.

The boy named Yahiko nodded and entered the cave with a grin on his face.

Kiyopon noticed Katsuragi holding a card in his hand.

Kiyopon narrowed his eyes and wondered if that was really the card.

The boy named Yahiko quickly came out of the cave.

" It's amazing!" He said.

Katsuragi nodded.

" Alright, let's just save this for later...." Katsuragi suggested.

Soon, both Yahiko and Katsuragi left the area.

"Mmmppff!!!" Mori's sounds were muffled as she tried to tap Kiyopon's arm to remove his hand from her mouth.

Kiyopon quickly let go, once he realizes that they are truly gone.

" Pfwaahh! Haah....haah..." she breathed heavily.

" Sorry...." Kiyopon apologized softly.

" Y-You really suprised me... why did you even do that...?" She asked once she regained her breath.

Kiyopon decided to speak.

" There were two people....from Class A. They entered the cave and then left....." he said.

Mori's eyes widened.

" W-Wait, could they have secured it as their spot? " she asked.

Kiyopon shrugs.

" It doesn't matter. We should get out of here before we get spotted...." Kiyopon suggested.

" Ah, your right..." Mori nodded.

They both stood up and went back to their path.

Koenji will return for Endgame.

Koenji was never found.

Alright, yeah I felt like simping for Mori today so I gave her more screentime.

Mori and Horikita are best girl for me in dis fic.

Yk, it's actually so funny to think that Mori is occasionally one of the people who would trashtalk Ayanogod in reaction fics.

I would expect her to at least have Shinohara's looks.

But I was wrong :))

Even Anime Mori Nene looks cute.

But this fanart will always bring her to life.

Oh. I'll give u a small tease for next chappie.

Next chappie,

Kiyopon meets Ryuuen ( on screen for the first time, since author skipped their first interaction after saving sudo )

Anyways, that's all!

Bye bye!

MoriSimpPaimon, out~

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