《Kiyopon Can't Communicate!》Kiyopon is curious / Kiyopon is scared....


After Horikita fell asleep, Kiyopon gently placed her on the bed.

He pulled up the covers gently on her body.

And then his eyes flickered to her sleeping face

Horikita was lightly snoring and her face seemed a bit red, most likely from the fever.

" Huff......foo......." she breathed as she sleeped.

It caught Kiyopon off guard on how cute that sound was.

It peaked his curiosity.

He takes his hand and places it on her cheek.

" Fuu........." she snored.

Kiyopon squeezes her cheek and she reacted to it in her sleep.

" Wah........stooppff......" she said before snoring again.

Kiyotaka didn't mind seeing this Horikita.

Kiyopon then used his other hand so he can squeeze both of her cheeks gently.

"Awwhhh....wahhhh....." she reacted.

Kiyopon stops and then suddenly realizes how close he was to her face.

Kiyopon tilted his head as he looked at Horikita's wonderful facial features.

She was truly a beautiful person, but then his eyes flickered to her lips.

He felt drawn in....

He placed his thumb gently on her bottom lip and he could feel her hot breath.

If he leaned in......just a bit more.....

Kiyopon leaned away and stood up.

He was definitely curious, but this was going too far.

He still had to buy her the medicine....

As he turned around, his eyes widened as he looked at the door.

" Oh? Do continue with what you were doing.....please don't mind me." Mori said before closing the door.

Kiyopon sighed as he opened the door to walk out, only to see Mori leaning on the wall with a smirk on her face.

" You're not gonna continue with what you were doing?" She asked in a teasing tone.

Kiyopon quickly wrote on his notebook.

It said

" Hm, are you sure? You were leaning quite...close to her." She said.

Kiyopon stared at her.

And then he walked past her.

" H-Hey!" She called and caught up to his side.

" So, where are you going?" She asked.


Kiyopon wrote on his notebook.

It said.

" Aww, how sweet~" she said.

Kiyopon was confused so he wrote on his notebook.

It said.

Mori sighed in disappointment and told Kiyopon to not mind it.

" Ayanokoji-kun, there's been rumors about you and Horikita-san dating. Is that true?" She asked.

Kiyopon shakes his head 'no' .

Mori suddenly stands in front of him, stopping Kiyopon in his tracks.

" Then she won't mind if you and I started dating, right?" She asked with a cute grin.

Kiyopon's eyes widened.

" Pfft, just kidding!" She said before stepping aside and giggling.

" Looks like I succeeded in gaining a reaction out of you!" She said.

Kiyopon wrote in his notebook.

It said.

Mori smiled

" Well, I'll leave you alone for now. See you later, Ayanokoji-kun!" She said and then walked back to her shared room with Horikita.

Kiyopon wondered if Mori was truly joking...

But he immediately brushed that thought away and focused on getting medicine.

Mori sighed as she made her way back to the room.

' I was obviously joking but.....I wouldn't really mind dating him....' she thought while smiling at their earlier encounter and recalling all the fun she had with Kiyopon at the arcade.

It was the 3rd day of vacation and currently, Kiyopon was simply walking around the different hallways, absent-mindedly.

He suddenly came upon a room that had a sign that said,

Kiyopon wondered if he should get a massage....

But instantly denied it since it would be a waste of his points.

But as soon as he was about to walk away...

Suddenly a random employee walked out and went to Kiyopon.

" Hey kid. Can you hold onto this for a sec? I need to get something." The employee said and gave him a bottle of oil and then ran off to who knows where.

Kiyopon looked at the bottle in confusion and then to the missing employee.

But before he could move, suddenly a woman went out of the store with an angered look.


" OI! KAZUTO, YOUR SHIFT ISN'T DONE! YOU STILL GOT ONE CUSTOMER!" She yelled but then realized that the man named " Kazuto" was gone.

She then let out a small 'tch' and then suddenly noticed Kiyopon with the bottle of oil that Kazuto had left him before he left.

She points to him.

" You!" She said.

Kiyopon's eyes widened and he pointed at himself as if asking ' Who? Me? '

The woman nodded and pulled him to the front door.

" It seems like Kazuto left you with the oil bottle. Do you know how to massage?" She asked impatiently.

But before Kiyopon could answer, he was suddenly cut off.

" Ah! Whatever! Just don't mess up and you will be rewarded with 10k points or whatever." She said and pushed him inside a private room.

And then she closed the door and locked it.

' So he won't escape like that damn Kazuto...' she thought before returning back to her desk.

Kiyopon stared at the door in silence.

He wondered how and why this happened.

He just wanted to roam around this ship with no particular plan in mind, but it seemed like the world says otherwise.

Suddenly, he hears a voice.

" Oh~? Have you finally arrived? Please begin, my back is killing me!"

Kiyopon stiffened as he turned around to see....

She was currently laying on the bed and her back was exposed.

" Come in already, Masseur-san! " she kindly demanded.

Kiyopon immediately tried to open the door to no avail.

He remembered that the female employee locked the door from the outside.

" ....."

Kiyopon said nothing as he turned around again to look at her back.

" Hurry up!" Hoshinomiya yelled with slight irritation masked by her teasing tone.

Kiyopon sighed silently.

He'd rather do this quickly and then run away immediately....

He slowly approached her bareback and opened the oil.

With each step, he cursed everyone in the world for granting him with this luck.

He poured some oil on his hand and gently rubbed it on her back.

" Finally~" she said.

Kiyopon then gently pressed his fingers onto the most likely sore parts of her back.

" Mmm~ that's good....but could you do it a bit harder?" She said

Kiyopon put more force and it released a satisfying moan from Hoshinomiya.

" Oh~ Just like that~!" She moaned.

He then began his fingers and slid it up and down on the center of her back.

" Your hands are amazing~!" She moaned again.

Kiyopon silently cursed the world againm

With each press that he did on her back,

He wondered....

Was there some sort of sadist out there who's dictating his story? Which led it to this?

Was there some sort of audience who SEES this as entertainment?

" Ohhh~ my back feels so gooooddd~" she said.

Kiyopon felt like he was being violated even though she hasn't done anything but praise him with that seductive voice of hers....

After 15 minutes, Hoshinomiya was finally satisfied and she was panting heavily from the amazing massage.

" Huff....so amazing~" She said.

Kiyopon said nothing and continued wiping his hands.

" I see your face and know your name! I might make you my favorite masseur, after all~" she said before turning her head around slightly to look at her "masseur".

Kiyopon's eyes widened as soon as Hoshinomiya's eyes landed on him.

She seemed suprised at first, but then she smirked.

" Ara Ara~ who knew that it would be YOU of all people, Kiyotaka-kun~" she said

Kiyopon slowly backed away to the door.

" How about you massage something else?" She asked.

Kiyopon tried to unlock the door but it was still locked!

Hoshinomiya began to sit up with her towel covering her chest.

" How about you massage me on my front next~?" She asked with a dangerous smile.

Kiyopon had enough.

Kiyopon decided to kick the door down and ran away.

" H-HUH? WAIT!" Hoshinomiya tried to call him

But our silent protagonist succesfully escaped.

With his purity intact......

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