《Kiyopon Can't Communicate!》Horikita makes lunch for Kiyopon! / Kiyopon hangs out with Ichinose


Kiyotaka stared at the window as he remembered the events from last night.

He was glad that Horikita managed to back him up.

Who knows what he would've done....

" Hey." A voice spoke.

Kiyotaka turned his head to see Horikita.

" It's already lunch time." She said before taking out her lunch.

Kiyotaka finally realized the time and immediately stood up to buy a sandwich.

" Where are you going?" Horikita asked.

he signed.

" There is no need. Please sit back down." Horikita said.

Although Kiyopon was confused, he sat back down anyways.

Suddenly Horikita gave him the lunch that he thought she'd taken out for herself.

" You can eat that....." Horikita said while looking away.

Kiyotaka stared at Horikita silently.

Horikita noticed his stare

" What?" she asked.

Kiyotaka took out his notebook and wrote in it.

It said

" I made a bit more food than usual.....so I just decided to give it to you." She said.

In truth, Horikita wanted to make him lunch because she felt sorry about leaving him alone to clean with Kushida of all people , which lead to a troublesome confrontation.

Even though they were probably even because she saved his butt. She felt like this would seal the deal and no further revenge plans would take off anytime soon....

It's not like she wanted to cook for him or anything....

Not like she wanted to practice being his future wife or anything......

Kiyotaka slowly nodded in understanding and stared at the lunch box.

" Aren't you going to eat it?" She asked impatiently.

Kiyotaka wrote on his notebook and showed it to her.

it said.

" H-Huh!?" She stuttered in suprise.

He wrote again.

It said.

' That's not the problem....' Horikita thought as she glanced at some of the students who were looking at them both.

Kiyotaka wrote on his notebook.

It said.

" F-Fine!" Horikita surrendered and stood up.

She grabbed her chair and placed it at the opposite end of his table, and then sat down.

" Happy?..." she asked while she was a bit red.

Kiyotaka nodded in satisfaction and opened the lunch box.

Kiyotaka widened his eyes at the meal.

The boys muttered how much of a lucky bastard he was.

The girls squealed because they're seeing such a cute display.


Kiyotaka wrote on his notebook.

It said.

" Just eat it already...." Horikita said and then sighed while taking out her own lunch.

Horikita opened her lunch and took a glance at Kiyotaka to see his first bite.

' Come on....eat it already!' Horikita thought.

Kiyotaka noms his first bite.

His eyes widened a bit in suprise.

Horikira tried to cover her nervousness by also eating.

" It tastes good, Horikita...." He said softly.

His voice was only heard by the two of them, while everyone else who was watching had not manage to hear it.

Horikita turned slightly red as she took another bite of her food, acting confident as if she already knew it was good.

" I know." She said.

The Chibi Horikita in her head had started doing somersaults and calling a party with the other Chibi Horikitas as they celebrated their victory

The Chibi Horikitas cheered.

' I'm glad he liked it...' Horikita thought in relief.

It was after school and Kiyopon was strolling around the mall.

He just decided to walk around there on a whim, he had no actual business he needed to attend or an errand to do.

" Oh? Ayanokoji-kun! Hello! " A voice called.

Kiyopon turned and saw Ichinose Honami waving at him with her friends.

Kiyotaka slowly waved back as they suddenly went closer to him.

" Oh? Is he perhaps your boyfriend, Honami-chan~?" A girl with black hair teased.

" E-Eh? No! Ayanokoji-kun is my friend!" She said in response.

A girl with short blonde hair sighed in relief.

Kiyotaka nodded his head in agreement.

" Aww, no fun!" The girl nicknamed as " Mako-chan" said .

Mako-chan suddenly turned to look at Kiyotaka.

" Amikura Mako! It's nice to meet you!" She said.

Suddenly, Kiyotaka had remembered that he left his notebook in his dorm before strolling around the mall.

Kiyotaka silently cursed his stupid Kiyopon self.

Kiyotaka finally opened his mouth.

" My name is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka......of Class D...." he said softly.

Suddenly all the girls including Mako had been caught off guard by his tone of voice.

Even Ichinose felt that same feeling from when they first met.

" Y-You speak so softly! So cute!" Mako yelled as all the other girls agreed.

" Girls calm down.... Ayanokoji-kun is not a person that likes to talk much. He usually likes to express his thoughts through writing in his notebook." Ichinose said.


" Eh? Really?" Mako asked and Kiyotaka nodded.

" Then...where is your notebook, Ayanokoji-kun?" Chihiro asked.

" I left it...." he responded.

Mako squealed once again.

" He sounds like a cute child!" She exclaimed before suddenly squeezing his cheeks.

" W-WAIT, MAKO CHAN!" Ichinose said as she tried to stop Mako from mercilessly squeezing his cheeks.

" Hand me your phone, Ayanokoji-kun!" Mako asked.

Kiyotaka tilted his head in confusion and handed her his phone.

She took the phone and began to put her contact info.

After that, she immediately returned it to him.

" Here! Call me anytime when you want to hang out! " she said

Kiyotaka looked at his phone in suprise as he saw Mako's contact.

The girls also offered their contact info but Mako immediately ushered them away and left with them.


Kiyopon was currently confused but was happy to receive a new friend.

Only Ichinose was left with him and she chuckled nervously.

" Sorry if they pressured you, Ayanokoji-kun..." she apologized.

" It's okay..." he responded.

Kiyotaka wanted to say more but he felt as if his word limit has been reached for today.

" Hm...it's still a bit early....do you want to eat with me at the cafe?" Ichinose asked with a smile.

Kiyotaka nodded.

Ichinose and Kiyoon entered the cafe.

There were few students at this time, which was lucky for them.

They gave their orders and sat at the table, waiting for their drinks and snacks.

" Have you been here already, Ayanokoji-kun?" Ichinose said.

Kiyotaka nodded in response.

" Oh? Did you perhaps come with anyone~" she teased.

Kiyopon also nodded without hesitation which took Ichinose by suprise.

" Eh? Really? Who? Tell me!" She asked excitedly.

Kiyotaka stared at her silently.

Suddenly a realization hit Ichinose's head.

" Right! I forgot you don't have your notebook...and you're probably tired from speaking..... do you perhaps know sign language?" She asked.

Kiyotaka's eyes widened in suprise and he nodded.

He signed.

Ichinose nodded.

" Back in my middle school, I was a member of the student council . We wanted to have everyone involved in our campaign and there were a few mute or deaf students, so I took it as a chance to learn sign language in order to communicate with them! " She said.

Kiyotaka was amazed by her dedication and her hard-working, happy personality.

Kiyotaka had also noticed her kindness on the few times that he saw Ichinose in school. Although ever since becoming friends, they weren't able to hang out like this much, but he Ichinose had been kind to him on the few times that they did.

Kiyotaka felt that she was definitely a different person from Kushida. She was most likely not hiding a different personality.

He signed.

" Hehe, thanks! What about you, Ayanokoji-kun? Got any stories to tell me from your middle school?" She asked without malicious intent and only filled with curiosity.

Kiyotaka thought about his answer before signing.

He signed.

" Eh? Really? I'll take your word for it then." She said.

Ichinose suspected that he way lying but she was never the type to pry into someone's life.

" Oh, our orders are here." She said as they both turned to see the waitress coming towards them with their orders.

Now, Kiyopon and Ichinose were walking together to the dormitories.

" It was fun hanging out with you, Ayanokoji-kun. " she said.

Kiyotaka nodded in response.

Ichinose was good company.

They finally arrived at the dorms.

" Let's hang out again soon, Ayanokoji-kun!" She said with a smile.

Kiyopon responded with a thumbs up and a nod.

Kiyotaka entered his room and sat on his bed.

He grabbed his notebook and hugged it.

He was happy to be reunited with it.

He opened it and began to write in it.

Kiyotaka closed his notebook and checked his contact list to see the 3 girls mentioned and some other girls from Class D that he never texted.

He then realized that most of his contacts were girls.

Kiyopon wanted guy friends too.....

Just another wholesome chapter before another storm in the next chappie.

For now, I made Mako his temporary ( maybe permanent) step mom until we find an opportunity to get Harukaa-san on board the Kiyopon train!

Stay tuned!

SadisticPaimon, out~

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