《Kiyopon Can't Communicate!》Celebration at Kiyopon's dorm! / Shutting down Kushida


Well here it is.

I couldn't help myself from writing this part ( again )

Third Person PoV

The 3 idiots,Kushida and Horikita were celebrating in Kiyotaka's dorm.

Kiyotaka tried to deny it, but they took his silence as a yes.

But since Kiyotaka would rather not spend his time alone with the 3 idiots and Kushida ( Horikita's advice) he decided to drag Horikita along, much to her dismay.

Now here they are, eating snacks and drinking softdrinks.

Kiyotaka sighed silently.

Kushida was busy conversing with the 3 idiots. ( Much to her displeasure)

Kushida was invited by Ike and she accepted.

But she only accepted to learn more about Kiyotaka, his secrets would be most preferrable.

Horikita was only reading a book silently.

So our protagonist decided to bother her.

He slipped a note onto the page she was reading.

Horikita was suprised, but she read it.

it said.

Horikita glances at Kiyotaka, only to see him staring back at her in silence.

She began to write her response on the note and sent it back to him.

It said.


It was a sharp stab to the heart from Horikita to our Kiyopon!

What will be his response?

Kiyotaka quickly responded and passed it back to her.

It said.

A ghost of a smile formed on Horikita's lips as she began to write her next response.

She then passed it back to him.

It said

Kiyotaka wrote his response and quickly sent it to her.

It said.

Horikita once again writes down her response and sent it back to him.

it said.

Another critical hit towards our protagonist.

It seems like Horikita was going to win this battle.

Is Kiyopon going to lose this battle?

Kiyotaka wrote down his response and sent it to Horikita.

Once Horikita read it, her face turned slightly red once again.

It said.

' Idiot...' Horikita thought while turning red.

Kiyotaka was confused.

He wondered why Horikita froze and is not responding anymore.

He was about to poke her until Ike called them out.

" Oi! You two are having your little moment, huh?" He said.

" You guys are really close, huh~" Kushida teased.

" W-Wait, so the rumors of you guys dating are true?!" Sudo exclaimed

" What? Of course not." Horikita responded.

It seemed she regained her composure.

Yamauchi whispered to Sudo's ear.

" Oh boy, you better hurry up or that silent guy would steal her. " he whispered.

Sudo glared at Yamauchi in response.


That's right, Kiyotaka convinced them that Horikita had paid for his point.

( It was revenge )

Horikita decided to just accept it and think of another way to get revenge later on.

Kiyotaka and Kushida were currently cleaning the aftermath of this little get-together.

Why was it only them?

Well, the 3 idiots just left the door and not once think about cleaning up.

As for Horikita?

One word:


So now, Kiyopon is stuck cleaning with Kushida. And Kushida also found this as a great opportunity to try and pry into his life.

" Hey, Ayanokoji-kun, do you like girls like Horikita-san?" Kushida asked as a starter.

Kiyotaka paused for a bit.

He turned to look at Kushida.

He signed.

Unfortunately for him, Kushida wasn't a candidate for best girl, so she didn't understand a SINGLE thing he just signed.

" Um...sorry, Ayanokoji-kun...but I don't really understand sign languahe..." Kushida said


Kiyotaka suddenly realized something.

He was so used to conversating with Horikita, that he probably assumed Kushida knew sign language.

Kiyotaka quickly searched for his notebook and began writing.

it said.

Minus the fact that she took revenge by leaving him with the person she warned him about.

Kushida smiled and nodded in response.

" It was a suprise you know? She's quite cold to others and you don't really seem to be interested in befriending anyone. But here you are! The two people with common traits becoming friends! Hehe~ are you sure you're not secret lovers?" She said and teased at the end.

Kiyotaka shook his 'no' and began writing again.

It said

" Well....you never said ANYTHING in your introduction....ah! Wait, I've been meaning to ask, are you mute?"

Kiyotaka wrote his response in the notebook.

It said

' SON OF A-! SO YOU CAN TALK! GOD, THIS GUY IS PISSING ME OFF!' Kushida thought angrily.

" Ah I see! Oh, Ayanokoji-kun, this might be personal but.... what were you like in middle school?" Kushida asked.

Kiyotaka paused for a bit and then responded by writing it in the notebook.

it said.

Kushida wasn't satisfied with this answer.

" Really? Don't you have a good body? I managed to see it during swimming class, so you must have at least done sports right?" She asked.

Kiyotaka shook his head no.

' TCH. THIS IS USELESS.' Kushida thought.


" I see.....well, it's getting late, so I'll go now!" Kushida said before leaving the door.

Kiyotaka sighed in relief.

He didn't like hanging around her.

Especially, when Horikita warned him about her.

Suddenly, a notification was heard from his bed.

Kiyotaka checked it out to see a message from Ike.........

To Kushida's phone.

Kushida had accidentally left her phone before leaving.

He had to give it back to her.

Kiyotaka grabbed his pen and notebook and placed the cellphone in his jacket.

He left the dorm.

When Kiyotaka went out of the dormitories, he saw Kushida going to the school.

Kiyotaka was suprised but he followed.

Kushida ended up at the rooftop and Kiyotaka followed but hid himself in the shadows.

Kiyotaka wondered if she was meeting with someone.

If she was, then he should probably leave.

But then.

" Tch! That fucking fake-mute bastard...." Kushida said with distaste.

Kiyotaka was slightly suprised but now he can understand why Horikita warned him about her.

" Thinking he's soooooo cool by staying silent! Giving those papers away! I bet that Horikita bitch helped him. Ugh, I hate them both! I WISH THEY DIED! " She yelled.

Suddenly Kushida's phone had been notified.

" Huh?" Kushida was now alarmed.

Kiyotaka silently cursed Ike for being such a simp.

" Who's there!" Kushida asked as she turned around.

Kiyotaka stepped out of the shadows and presented himself to Kushida.

Kushida's eyes darken.

" You..." she said while stomping towards him.

Kiyotaka held her phone in front of her, in order to try and signal her that he only intended to give her phone.

Kushida snatched it and glared at him.

" How much did you hear?" She asked with venom.


As always, Kiyotaka stayed silent and simply stared at her.

" Answer me you mute shit!" She snapped.

Kiyotaka took out his pen and was going to write in his notebook in order to respond but-

Kushida slapped the notebook off his hands and it fell to the ground.

Kiyotaka stared at her again.


But Kiyotaka had not wavered.

" Fine then..." she says as she suddenly grabs his hand.

Kiyotaka was suprised, but before Kushida could make his hand land on her breast...

Kiyotaka reacted quickly and slapped her with his other hand.

" AH!" She yelled in pain as she backed off, releasing his hand in the process.

Kiyotaka stood still as he watched her rubbing her cheek.

She glared at him.

A hand mark was left on her cheek from the slap.

" You....You piece of shit!" She said as she charged at him.

Kiyotaka dodged and tripped her on the floor.

" Ack!" She yelled.

Kiyotaka watched this pitiful display.

" You........I'll tell everyone that you assaulted me! Everyone will begin to hate you! And soon, even Horikita will begin to lose trust in you!" She said as a last attempt to anger Kiyotaka.

" That won't be true, Kushida-san." A voice interrupted.

" H-Huh?" Kushida looked at the entrance in shock to see Horikita walking towards them.

Horikita stood in front of Kushida.

She pulled out her phone and it showed a video from start to finish.

" It shows here that you were insulting your own classmates and wishing for their death. I was going to stop the video and interrupt earlier, but then you tried to frame Ayanokoji-kun for sexual harassment." She said as she glared at Kushida.

Kiyotaka was glad that Horikita had back him up.

" Y-You-" But Horikita cut her off.

" Ayanokoji-kun may have slapped you in response, but then you charged at him and he simply dodged and made you trip. Once this video is released, everybody would see how much of a horrible person you are." She said.

Kushida was shut down.

" N-No! HORIKITA-SAN PLEASE DON'T DO THIS! I'LL DO ANYTHING!" Kushida started begging.

Horikita thought about it for a while and came to a conclusion.

" Fine. All I want you to do is to continue contributing to class. And leave Ayanokoji-kun and I alone. We have no intention whatsoever to try and ruin your life, unless necessary. " Horikita said as she glared at Kushida .

Kushida nodded

" I promise.........could you dele-"

" You wish. As if I'm going to delete the only leash that's tied to your collar."

Horikita said before walking past her and picking up Kiyotaka's notebook.

" Here." Horikita brushed the dust off and handed it to Kiyotaka.

Kiyotaka took it and nodded.

Horikita looked at Kushida for the last time.

" If you try and destroy our agreement. Then you will be expelled. Enjoy your school year." Horikita said " Let's go now, Ayanokoji-kun."

Kiyotaka nodded and they both left the defeated Kushida on the rooftop.

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