《HER NIKOLAI (Her Volkovs Book 1)》Chapter 26. You and Me, Forever and Ever.
I glanced at the window and I see two black SUVs pull over next to the car Nikolai assigned for me. Yuri went out of the vehicle first and opened the car door for Nikolai.
I intertwined my hands in front of my breast and took a deep breath. This is it.
"Hey A... come, I'm going to introduce you to Nikolai."
Amy crinkled her eyebrows while sporting a smile. "Yah? The Nikolai himself? The Mafia Boss? Your demigod boyfriend?"
I just smile in response at Amy's silliness. I grabbed her hand and walked towards the living room. Dylan is already in the couch while Ivan and Vasily are outside.
A few seconds past, the door was opened by Ivan for Nikolai.
The living room instantly filled up with Nikolai's inexplicable godlike presence. I feel like my abdomen instantly tingled in response.
The man who completely owns my heart and soul is standing at the door, looking at me intently. He is wearing a navy blue suit with a vest inside. His beautiful green eyes, his tattoos peeking from his wrist and collar and his overall magnetic presence is slowly overwhelming me.
Nikolai entered the living room and walked towards my direction. His attention is focused on me while completely ignoring everyone in the room. He then grabs me by my waist while sporting a serious look on his face.
What is up with him?
"Why did you cut your hair without my permission?" Nikolai said sounding all mad.
Geez... so its because of my hair.
"Nikolai, I did not cut my hair. Amy styled it to make it appear shorter."
His expression slowly toned down as I explained to him. Nikolai continued to wrap his arms around me while pulling me close to him. Dammit, he really smells so damn good.
"I want you to meet my bestfriend Amy." I said while removing myself from Nikolai's embrace.
When I turned around, I swear Amy's eyes are glittering while looking at Nikolai like she saw Santa or something.
"A..." I tried to catch her attention.
Nikolai's lips are pulled to the side as he reached to shake Amy's hand. "Hello Amy, its a pleasure to finally meet you."
Amy shook Nikolai's hand back.
"Hello Nikolai. Finally, we have met." Amy said, she's trying so hard to have a poker face but knowing my bestfriend, deep inside her, she's already struggling to keep it together. She's just too transparent.
"Nikolai this is Dylan, Amy's brother."
I can feel the awkward silence when I introduced the two. Nikolai did not even hide his indifference towards Dylan. He just looks at him. Dylan himself did not even bother standing up from the couch. They just stare at each other. Oh my god. This is so awkward.
I quickly interrupted their stare-down and took the attention of the love of my life.
"Uh Nikolai, where are you taking me tonight?"
"It's a surprise. Shall we?"
Nikolai held my hand on our way to his car.
When we are already inside the SUV, Nikolai pulled me to his lap and wrapped his arms around me.
"I miss your sweet smell baby." Nikolai spoke near my right ear it instantly gave me goosebumps. He plants small kisses on my neck and cheek as he breathes in. I can already feel his cock grow hard from his pants.
I glanced at Yuri and Boris in front and they are just looking straight on the road.
"Hmmm...?" Nikolai ran his hand on my thigh where the slit of my dress is situated.
"Thank you for the lunch you sent for me." I said while I feel my face blush. Nikolai lets out a smile in response.
All of a sudden my phone buzzed. I tried to reached for my phone from my purse but Nikolai tugged me back to him.
"Nikolai, Ill just take this please." He lets out a frustrated sigh but still did not let go of me. A smile formed on my face as Nikolai acts like a teenage boy.
When I answered the call, I quickly removed it from my ear because Amy is screaming on the other side of the line.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! B!!!!!!! Nikolai is indeed a demigod!!!!! The pictures of him did not even give justice to that face!!!! He is drop dead gorgeous. Omg B!" Amy sounds hysterical as she spoke profanities in our language.
"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! B!!!! Are you there?"
I decided to speak to Amy in our native language so that Nikolai would not be able to figure out that we are talking about him.
"He also smells good A." I giggled. Nikolai continues kissing and running his hand all over my body. I feel like I'm already running out of breath.
"Yah? Omg!!!!!" Said Amy.
"What is he doing now?"
"We are making out and you're interrupting us." I chuckled. Amy lets out a laugh in response.
"Really? Okay, well I'll leave you two in kiss, I mean in peace." Amy said teasingly. We both giggled in unison. Amy dropped the call after throwing me a kiss.
"Who was that?" Asked Nikolai while fondling me.
"It's Amy."
"What did she say?" That you look like a demigod.
"Nothing, she just said goodnight."
I was about to place my phone back to my purse when I realized I have got more than twenty missed calls and several unopened messages. When I checked it, it's Dardan and another unknown number. Oh my gosh. I quickly turned off the phone.
"What's wrong?" Nikolai said, noticing my sudden change in mood.
"Uh nothing Nikolai."
A few minutes later we arrived at Pauliana Hotel. Nikolai held my hand as we walked inside the grand entrance. Wow, this place is really posh. There's a long and winding chandelier in the lobby and everything around seem so shiny and luxurious.
We were greeted at the entrance by a man in suit. He has glasses on and he looks too formal.
"Good evening Mr. Volkov, everything is all set."
"Thank you." Said Nikolai.
We walked towards the elevator. Yuri and Boris are following us from behind, while the man who greeted us walks ahead of us leading our way.
While in the elevator, Nikolai grabs the small of my back, pulling me close to him. Boris, Yuri and the other guy are standing in front of us not saying a single word. A few minutes later the elevator stopped at the topmost floor.
Nikolai and I are now walking towards what seems to be an open air rectangular balcony. Right in the middle are the table and two chairs elegantly arranged. Tiny white lights are hanging around the railings of the balcony. They are moving like fireflies as the wind blows. A few rows of light bulbs are hanging on top of the balcony perfectly complementing the overall surreal atmosphere of the place.
Nikolai took a bouquet of red daisies and baby's breath from Yuri and handed it to me.
"Thank you Nikolai."
He lets out a smile in response. He held my hand as we slowly walk towards the balcony. My heart suddenly jumped when I realized that the balcony's floor is actually made of glass material, effectively allowing us to see how high above we are from the ground. Oh god. My knees instantly wobbled. I quickly took a halt and grabbed Nikolai's arm.
"What's wrong baby?"
"I'm terrified of heights Nikolai." I have always been afraid of heights since I was a little girl. Few people know of this fact about me, unfortunately Nikolai is not one of them.
My hands are already shaking. I have this frightening feeling that the floor is going to collapse any moment soon. I feel like I am going to fall down.
Nikolai quickly carried me in his arms and walked out of the balcony. He then places me on the sofa. He cups my face while looking all worried. I feel like all the blood flushed away from my face.
"I'm sorry. I should have known." Said Nikolai while he wraps his arms around me.
"Nikolai, this is so sweet of you to have prepared all of these. I really love it."
"Uhuh. You have no idea how much you just made me so happy."
"We'll just have dinner in the restaurant, I promise no more heights." Said Nikolai, trying to comfort me.
"No Nikolai, can you just hold me tight while we go to the balcony?"
I really don't want to spoil this night just because of my stupid phobia. This is our very first date and I want this to be memorable. The love of my life prepared all of these, he has no idea how much I appreciate his effort.
"Are you sure?"
"Uhuh, you are my safe place Nikolai."
Nikolai's beautiful green eyes looked at me like he's longing to say something.
"What did I ever do to deserve you baby?" Said Nikolai while running the back of his hand on my face. I just gave him a faint smile in response.
"Are you ready?"
I just nodded at Nikolai. He held my hand as we slowly step in the balcony.
"Don't look down okay?" Said Nikolai, while cupping my face.
"Okay Nikolai."
The moment we entered the balcony, I suddenly felt the wind blow my hair. I dare not look down. I can do this. I will not ruin our first date. My fear of heights will not ruin my first date. I just focused my attention at Nikolai's face.
"Your doing good. Almost there."
When we took a halt, he instantly grabs me by my waist and pulled me tight to his body. We are now face to face. The wind is blowing my hair to the side as some strands cover my face.
Nikolai guided my left hand to his right hand. I press my breast to his leftmost chest part then held his left shoulder with my right hand.
To my surprise, the sound of a violin playing filled the air. Oh my gosh. Can this night be more perfect? The small lights around us are dancing with the blowing wind. Everything around looks even more dreamy and surreal.
"I want to confess something." Said Nikolai without a hint of playfulness in his voice.
I feel like my heart suddenly took a halt. What is he going to confess? All the bad thoughts are running in my mind right now.
"What is it Nikolai?"
"I was the one..."
I crinkled my eyebrows. "You were the one what Nikolai?" Oh god, the suspense is killing me. I feel like I'm already running out of breath.
"I was the one who saw a girl slam her face on the glass window at a flowershop." He has now a smirk plastered on his face while looking at me teasingly.
I gasped and parted my lips in disbelief. "Nikolai!!!!!" Oh god I feel like I'm going to faint. So it was him. The one I heard chuckle from behind.
"It was you!!! How could you Nikolai!!!!" I can feel my face heat up. I know that I'm already turning crimson. Oh god, I then remember the embarrassing Marilyn Monroe moment I had. I smack him on his shoulder a couple of times but he just lets out a chuckle in response.
"Why do you always enjoy embarrassing me Nikolai?"
"I like it when you blush. It gives me unbelievable pleasure baby."
I just shook my head on him. Well, this man is crazy.
"That was also the day I realized I still have this." Nikolai trailed my hand to his heart. "That was the first time I felt something for a girl I don't even know the name. I thought it was just a weird feeling but then I saw her again at that exact place. I knew I want her in my life at that precise moment."
How do I even respond to that? So Nikolai fell in love with me the first time he saw me? Just like what I felt for him?
"But then one night, some piece of shit tried to harm and rob my girl from me, so I had him incinerated alive."
Oh my god. I don't know if I'm going to be overjoyed because of his confession of love or terrified by the fact that he had Jared burned alive.
"I will destroy anyone who will try to harm you baby."
"But Nikolai...."
I feel like my heart is beating a million times. My Nikolai who swept me off my feet the first time I saw him. The man who took my virginity in a very Nikolai way. The man who gave me unimaginable pain and happiness. This man will indeed do everything for me. I then remember Calvin, the two men from the stadium, Jared and even Dylan. They were either dead, beaten up so bad and threatened to be killed all because of me.
I really want to tell him to stop with the violence but then I know that the moment I went back to Nikolai and Alexei's lives, I have already accepted them, all of them, Mafia and all, monsters and all. This is my Nikolai. He is the boss of the Russian Mafia.
"Let me prove myself to you. I cannot promise I will not screw up again but I will do my best to protect you and love you until my last breath." Said Nikolai as he tightens his grip on me.
At this point my heart has already melted down. If there's a happier place than heaven, I feel like I am in it right now.
"Nikolai...I don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything. Allow me to make it up to you now. I will give you everything and anything you want. We will go anywhere you want to go. Just say the word baby, I will do anything for you."
"Really? Even getting rid of I.V?
"I.V?" Said Nikolai and he looks puzzled.
"Yah, I.V, Ivan and Vasily." I gave him the sweetest smile.
Nikolai lets out a smirk in response. "That's non-negotiable."
"Aww, but you just said you will do anything for me Nikolai!" Well at least I tried.
"You know that's not what I meant you witty brain."
"But Nikolai....immnoottussseeddtooohavingggbodddyyyguuuardsss." I mumble my words as Nikolai kisses me lustfully while I try to speak. He then removes his lips on mine.
"What's that baby?" Nikolai said while sporting a wicked smile.
"I said....immmmmnnotussseddtoohaavinngboodddyguaardss." He again planted a long lustfull kiss on my lips while I was talking. I giggle and smack him on his shoulder. He really enjoys doing this to me.
"Ivan and Vasily are instructed to take out whoever tries to even lay a finger on you. They can protect you while me or Alexei are not with you. You are mine now and I will never allow anything to happen to you baby."
"Why would anything happen to me?"
"I have powerful enemies. And they are just waiting for an opportunity to ruin me. I will never let them do that again."
"What do you mean Nikolai?"
"What happened to my father was a hit and I'm closing in on whoever did that to him. They thought they can destroy the Volkov crime family by killing my father and Viktor, but that was the biggest mistake they have ever made. I am going to find them. I will find them one by one, including the most precious people in their lives, and I'm going to personally put a bullet in each of their heads." Nikolai said all too seriously. His eyes are full of hatred and vengeance. I fully understand why Nikolai wants to avenge his family. All I can do right now is be by his side and support him.
"How about Yelena, what happened to her Nikolai?"
I can instantly see the sadness on Nikolai's eyes.
"Yelena took off driving her own car without her security detail. When we found out about it, Alexei and I went looking for her but we were too late. Her car already crashed. We arrived at the scene a few minutes late. We tried to pull her out of the car but she's already dead. We first thought it was a hit considering what happened to my father. That someone rigged the car or something, but we got hold of a camera footage of the accident. Plus there was no hit placed on Yelena's head that we know of at that time. So we are to believe that it was just purely an accident. "
I feel like my heart is being crushed. My poor Nikolai and Alexei have been through so much. Now I understand why Nikolai is insisting on putting security detail on me.
"I'm so sorry Nikolai."
Nikolai cupped my face and slowly places his lips on mine. I feel like volts of electricity are running through my body as our lips touch. I inhale his warm breath inside my lungs.
"Nikolai, that day when you said that you just played me.."
He then interrupted me.
"That was the biggest mistake I have ever made. And I'm still paying the price for that mistake."
"Tell me what made you do that all of a sudden Nikolai?"
"When I arrived home that day, I heard the favorite piano piece of Yelena. She always plays that song whenever she's at home. I immediately went to the living room. And then, I saw her. I saw Yelena. She was wearing her white dress and her favorite red daisies."
Nikolai blinked before continuing.
"At least that's what I want to believe at that time. I want to believe that even just for that beautiful morning, Yelena came back and she's alive. But I know it was just wishful thinking. The image of her face full of blood flashed back in my head."
I feel like my eyes are being pinched by tiny needles. Nikolai is still grieving from Yelena's death. And he's blaming himself for what happened to her.
"And then I saw you when you turned to face us. At that instance, I know in my heart that I won't be able to survive if you face the same fate as my father and Yelena. I don't know if I would still be able to keep it together if you die because of me. So I decided to let you go. Id rather see you with another person than keep you with me putting your life at risk every single day. I'd rather die inside baby."
"Nikolai, I also died when you pushed me away. My heart was shattered into pieces and it almost killed me. It was not just for you to decide."
Nikolai then plants a kiss on my lips. "I know baby, that's why I'm asking you to give me another chance to make it up to you."
I wrapped my arms around him."We will work this out Nikolai. You and me, forever and ever."
"You and me, forever and ever baby." Said Nikolai, while touching my face with the back of his hand. The doubt that I used to see on Nikolai's face when I once said that to him is now gone. He now believes that we have a forever and ever.
Nikolai dragged his chair right beside me. We then ate our dinner in peace. Well technically not in peace because Nikolai would place his hand on my thigh from time to time, making me gasp for air. He is such a tease.
I glanced at the man playing the violin while sipping my glass of wine.
"Baby, don't look around. Just look at this pretty face beside you and you'll be safe."
I just shook my head on Nikolai's arrogance. Narcissist level ten thousand, Nikolai Vyacheslav Volkov.
My heart suddenly jumped when he again ran his hand through the slit of my dress. I have had enough so I slowly ran my fingers on top of his bulge in response. I instantly see Nikolai adjust his tie and his posture. I got you baby.
"I can play dirty as well Nikolai." I whisper to his ear and made a small bite.
Nikolai instantly pulled me close to him. "Do you want me to fuck you right now on this table?"
Knowing Nikolai, there's no doubt in my mind that he will do exactly what he said if I continue teasing him. I shook my head while making a sad face.
"That's right, it's good that we perfectly understand each other." Nikolai said all too arrogantly. He then guided me to sit on his lap. I instantly felt his cock from his pants. I wrap my arm around his neck and plants kisses on his cheek and neck.
The wind is blowing my hair and I feel like I want to drift off to sleep. My face is heating up already. It must be because of the wine.
"You are beautiful Mary Arabella Volkov." Nikolai said while kissing my face. I feel like I'm floating in the air. I don't want this night to end. I want the time to stop and stay right here, in Nikolai's warm and tight embrace.
- In Serial83 Chapters
Morcster Chef: Reckoning
Adventurers flock to massive crypts brimming with riches and promises of power. Heroes storm the gates of dark fortresses, their swords drawn in the name of freedom. Gods tear the heavens asunder, clashing over the fate of the realm itself. Arek cooks lasagna and tops it with a dash of finely chopped basil. Arek never wanted to fight again, but his plans have gone awry in the best way possible. After joining the Happy Sunflowers as their cook, Arek quickly grew attached to his new friends and party. After escaping a strange dungeon by the skin of their teeth, the group find themselves plunged into a struggle for power that has simmered beneath the kingdom for dozens of years. The strange power that has entered Arek and Ming seems to be spreading to the rest of the party, and none of them know what it wants. Arek's past barks at his heels, but he has no plans of going back to the person he used to be. The future seems uncertain, but there is one thing the orc knows for sure. He has meals to prepare, and, this time, nobody is going to kill his friends. All the recipes in this book are real recipes that I have personally made. The actual recipes will be included at the end of the chapter, and I highly encourage everyone reading to try them out. In addition, make sure to check out the Morcster Chef comic at this link! Morcster Chef: Reckoning is the 2nd book in the Morcster Chef series. You can read the first one on RoyalRoad at THIS link. IMPORTANT NOTE: Morcster Chef is a comedy / fantasy novel. It has equal parts cooking and Dungeons & Dragons style adventuring. It does not have: an OP / bitter protagonist, harems, excessively dark topics, or a depressing storyline. It is meant to be lighthearted. Cover art by CyanGorilla
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