《HER NIKOLAI (Her Volkovs Book 1)》Chapter 25. The Prince Charming and the Beast.
"These are Ivan and Vasily. They will be your security detail starting today Madamme." Yuri said, introducing me to two men in black suit. One is brunette and the other has a copper blonde hair. They look like like my age but they already sport a frightening presence.
How come Nikolai did not tell me about this? I quickly went back inside the house. I found Nikolai and Alexei in the living room.
"Nikolai, about my security detail which you conveniently forgot to consult me about....."
"You will have a security detail, end of." Said Nikolai, interrupting me. My lips parted in disbelief.
"If you don't like the men I assigned to you, you can take Boris instead." Is he kidding me? Boris is like a statue, he's as stiff as a dead owl and not to mention how he trampled down those women from the beach.
I let out a frustrated sigh and exited the house. Arguing with Nikolai when he seems to have already made up his mind is hopeless. I reluctantly went back outside and went inside the SUV.
Just a while ago, Nikolai was the sweetest ever and then the next second, he's like ten times my father.
Ivan is in the front passenger seat while Vasily is the designated driver. Ivan's phone vibrated, he took it from his chest pocket and talked for several seconds before handing the phone to me.
"If that's Nikolai tell him I'm not talking to him. End of." I said, emphasizing the last words. Ivan placed the phone back to his ears. Seconds later, he handed the phone to me again.
"Madamme please." The man is now pleading to me. Poor Ivan, I can just imagine what Nikolai said to him.
One thing I know about Nikolai is that, he is a tough and ruthless Boss. His words are the law of the Russian Mafia and what he says or commands, he will absolutely get. I still don't want to talk to him but I don't have a choice because Ivan became his leverage, which makes the playing field between Nikolai and I, uneven.
I gave in and took the phone from Ivan.
"Do I need to buy you a new phone baby?" Baby your face Nikolai! Uh!
"I just left my phone at Dylan's, I'm going to get it later."
"No your not going to see that guy."
"Yes I will, Nikolai. I have to see my bestfriend who's mad at me right now because I chose you over her. So yes, I am going to Dylan's house later." I swear I'm starting to lose my patience with this man.
"What pleasure do you get from saying no to me? I'm starting to think you purposely say no to me so that I would want you even more."
I parted my lips in disbelief. Narcissist level one thousand, Nikolai Vyacheslav Volkov. I just roll my eyes.
"Have you been skipping sessions with your shrink again Nikolai?"
"You caused this madness. I don't need a shrink. I need you."
I sigh in frustration and defeat. "Nikolai...I'll see you tonight." I tapped the phone and gave it back to Ivan.
A few minutes later we arrived at St. Mary's. As I enter the school I notice that Ivan and Vasily are still walking with me inside.
"You can wait for me outside."
"We can't do that Madamme, the Boss' order."
Is he kidding me right now?
"Hand me your phone Ivan." He took the phone from his chest pocket and handed me it to me. The other guy named Vasily is looking around sporting a serious face.
I then dialed Nikolai. "Nikolai! They can't come with me inside the school. I am sure that is not allowed plus they might scare the kids." I looked at Ivan and Vasily. "No offense Ivan, Vasily."
"My men are allowed to go inside the school. I had it arranged with Dr. Thomas. If they don't agree, they can say goodbye to the money I regularly send them."
My lips parted in disbelief. So that's why he knows Dr. Thomas. He also donates money to the school. I don't know if I'm going to get mad or be proud of him.
"We'll talk later Nikolai."
"I love you baby."
"I love you Nikolai."
I gave the phone back to Ivan. When I glanced at Vasily I noticed that he is holding a black sling bag.
"What's that?" Oh my god, I hope it's not what I think it is. "Is there a gun inside that bag?" I asked Vasily sternly but I try to lower my voice so people won't hear me.
"No Madamme, this is your lunch." Said Vasily while raising the bag in front of him.
I crinkled my eyebrows. Lunch? Nikolai had the chef pack lunch for me? I can feel that I'm slowly turning crimson. Oh god, Nikolai is just unbelievably sweet and difficult at the same time. I didn't know that it's even possible. A smile slowly forms on my face. I quickly turn my back from the two to hide my embarrassment. My Nikolai deserves a sweet hug later.
I'm on my way to Dylan's. I'm holding in my hand two VIP tickets to the Dara concert Amy has been babbling about since back home. Dara is Amy's favorite Korean girl group. She would take time to research the meaning of the lyrics and would dance and sing her heart out to their songs. She's basically obsessed with them. I know this is not enough to gain her forgiveness but it would at least put a smile on her face. Hopefully.
When I arrived, I saw Dylan at the garage. The two men are still following behind looking like goons. Oh wait. Who am I kidding.
I swear, I'm slowly running out of patience with these two. I seriously need to talk to Nikolai about this.
When Dylan saw me, he stopped working on the old car and wiped his hands with a towel. "Hey Belle." Dylan looks at me and the men following me behind.
"Hey Dy. Is she here?"
"Yup she's watching TV. You two should really patch things up. She's never the same without you Belle." I feel like my heart is being crushed. Amy and I seldom fight. When we do fight, we don't talk to each other for a few minutes just to cool things down and then we go back to our crazy selves and kiss and make up. Like literally, we kiss and then we put make up to each other's faces.
"I'll see you inside Dy?" I held his hand and squeezed it tight.
He again looked at Ivan and Vasily and squeezed my hand back.
When I entered the house I saw Amy sitting on the couch while watching tv. When she saw me, she suddenly stood up, walked out on me and went to our room. I followed her but she slammed the door on my face.
"A, I miss you so much. I'm sorry."
"You don't have the right to miss me Arabella."
"I have all the right because you're my bestfriend."
"The moment you left, you have thrown away our friendship. So no, we are not bestfriends anymore."
"I love you A."
She remained silent.
"I love you and I miss you so much A."
I feel like my tears are threatening to fall. I blink twice and wipe my now teary eyes.
"Don't you dare cry on me B! Don't you fucking dare!"
I know my bestfriend and one thing she could not bear is me crying.
"I'm not crying. This stupid onion I'm chopping. It's the one making my tears fall."
My legs are doing it again so I decided to sit down while my back is resting on the door.
"You want to hear a story A?"
She still did not answer.
"Once upon a time, there's this princess who traveled oceans and mountains in order to see the world outside the walls of the kingdom, his father, the king made for her. The princess was so happy because finally she could do whatever she wants to do away from the shadow of the king. She lived a normal yet content life. She was so full of hope. She saw her new world as all colorful and beautiful.
One day, while the princess is roaming around savoring her new found freedom, she met her prince charming. She instantly fell in love with him. It turned out however that the prince charming transforms into a beast at night, but that did not stop the princess from loving his prince. In fact she loved him even more.
There were a lot of times that the prince broke the princess' heart, but her love towards him did not falter. The princess did whatever she can to hold on to her love towards the prince. One night, while the prince was transforming into a beast, he saw something move in the corner of his eye. The prince that now has become a beast suddenly attacked the princess by placing his fang on the princess' throat. When the beast realized that he was about to devour the love of his life, he quickly took off and ran away from the princess. It is however too late since his fangs have already pierced through the throat of his princess. The princess was left on the ground soaked in her own blood. She could not believe that her love towards his prince would cost her her own life.
The beast growled so loud on top of a cliff under the moonlight. He cried and mourned because he knows he killed the love of his life. He then wished to end his own life. He was about to stab a dagger to his heart when all of a sudden, the princess came running towards him. The beast lets go of the dagger and caught the now almost lifeless body of the princess in his arms. Despite his beastly appearance, the princess saw right through his eyes. In those eyes is his prince. The princess placed her now pale hand on the beast's face. Their eyes met and slowly, the beast kissed the princess.
The beast and the princess glowed and slowly faded away in the darkness of the night. Their silhouette turned into tiny sparkling lights that scattered all over their own little kingdom. And they died in love, happily ever after."
After telling the story, a long somber silence filled the air. I can hear from the other side of the door that Amy is weeping. I found myself tearing as well.
I run my palm to wipe the tears off of my face.
"It's okay if you won't talk to me. I'll just give away these VIP tickets for Dara's concert. I won't be enjoying without you anyway."
I suddenly heard a gasp of surprise from Amy.
"Yup! VIP tickets, Dara concert and a chance to meet them in person, but you know, my bestfriend wont talk to me. What a waste." I teased Amy even more.
I then slip the tickets through the tiny gap between the door and the floor. I wiggled the tickets first then placed them still. A few seconds later I see that the tickets are being pulled from the inside. A smile is now forming on my face.
Moments later the door slowly opened. Amy and I are now face to face. She's looking at me intently while a smile is forming on her face.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" We squealed in unison.
Amy and I hugged each other tight and jumped in gladness. All of a sudden Dylan, Ivan and Vasily quickly ran inside to see what has happened. Ivan and Vasily had guns in their hands. When they saw us, the two placed back their guns on their backs. Dylan just shook his head and smiled on us.
"I was not complete without you A."
"I know I know." Amy said arrogantly.
"The story you told, that was pretty tragic and too close to your reality B."
I just smiled at Amy in response. She doesn't know even half of my reality. Mine and Nikolai's reality.
She now places the tickets on her chest, hugging them tight.
"Thank you B!!!! This is sooooo awesome! Dara! The Dara!" She places her index and middle finger on the side of her eye in gladness.
I'm so happy to see Amy like this. I cant imagine my life without her. I owe a lot to my bestfriend. And I'm going to make it up to her the best way that I can.
"How did you get these? The show had been sold out months ago. And the event is by invitation only, what in the world did you do B?"
He looked at me like she realized something. "Oh right, you're the queen of the Russian Mafia, of course." Said Amy.
It was Alexei actually. I just requested the tickets from him and in just a few hours, I already have them in my hands. The perks of being around the kings of the underground world.
"Hey let's have lunch A. Look!" I raised the lunch bag Nikolai sent for me.
"Whats that?" Amy said. Her eyebrows are crinkled while pouting her lips.
"My lunch. Nikolai sent it for me." I don't know why but I'm so happy and proud because of the lunch sent for me by Nikolai.
Amy shook her head."That Nikolai got it bad for you B. And look at you, you look like a lovesick unicorn." I giggled in response.
After eating our lunch, we left Ivan and Vasily to eat as well in the kitchen. Amy and I are now in our room cuddling.
"Hey A, I have a proposal to make but I want you to say yes before you could even hear what I have to say."
"Yes B. I want to marry you. We will be a one big happy family. I will act as the father and you will be the mother, considering your boobs and all, you can sufficiently produce milk that could feed a whole tribe of Palawian kids."
My lips parted to Amy's silliness. "A!!!!! Stop fooling around and leave my breasts alone. I am being serious here!"
Amy laugh out loud like a crazy hyena.
"Fine fine, geez, calm yo tits B!" She looks at me teasingly. "Calm yo tits, see what I did there?" She continued. Yup, my bestfriend is back to her crazy self.
"What if we fly Ana here? I'll take care of everything. What do you think?"
"B, Ana is okay. I called her doctor and he said she's now recovering."
Oh my gosh, my heart is suddenly filled with joy. "Really? I'm so happy to hear that A!!!"
"She responded well to the meds after the stroke. She's just gonna be fine. In fact we talked a few hours before you arrived. She doesn't want me to come home yet B. She's happy that my brother and I are here together."
We were interrupted by a knock on the door. It's Dylan and he looks fresh from the shower. He is wearing a black shirt and jeans. He opened the door slightly to speak.
"Belle, can we talk?"
"Sure Dy. Come." I signaled him to sit beside me. Amy attempted to stand up and go out of the room.
"No A. The two outside will tell Nikolai that Dylan and I are left alone in a room. I will have a hard time explaining to Nikolai. He's not really that open minded kind of guy."
"You mean B1 and B2 outside? Don't worry I'll hide at Dylan's room." Amy let's out a wink. I just chuckle at Amy's silliness.
I scooted over to sit on the corner of the bed. Dylan sat right beside me while holding my hand.
"Belle, I'm going to tell you the whole truth. I have been carrying this in my heart and it's slowly eating me up."
"What do you mean Dy?"
"The time that you saw me with another girl. I had to do it. I had to end our relationship that night. I didn't have a choice. I was up against the whole Russian mob, they threatened to kill me and everyone close to me if I didn't let you go."
My heart sunk to Dylan's confession. "You mean Nikolai threatened to kill you?"
"It was Alexei, he was the one calling the shots."
Oh my god. Alexei.
"I'm so sorry for dragging you into this Dy. I now understand. To be honest, I tried to work it out with you. I really did, but I was and still am in love with Nikolai. I'm sorry Dy."
Dylan looks defeated. He let's out a faint smile and replied, "It's okay Belle. Perhaps in the next life?".
"Perhaps Dy." I squeezed his hand tight while looking him in his eyes.
"Can I still keep this?" He held the pendant I gave him, while rubbing his finger on top of it.
"Of course Dy. You might be my ex boyfriend but you were first my dearest Dylan and will forever be my second bestfriend. You know why your just second right?"
Dylan lets out a sweet smile.
"Wow I never thought I would ever be placed in the freindzone. I guess this is the price I have to pay for aiming too high."
"I'm kidding. I'm still friendzoned though."
I smack him on his shoulder. "Correction, bestfriendzoned." I said to him teasingly.
"Ouch, that's even worse than friendzoned."
"Of course not."
To my surprise Dylan planted a kiss on my lips. I instantly breathed in Dylan's signature sexy scent. Dammit, why you so hot and sexy Dy? He cupped my face as he slowly removes his lips from mine.
I wanted to get mad at him but I just cant seem to find it in me to hate Dylan.
"Now your back at the friendzone, no bestfriendzoned for you Dy!"
"The demotion was worth it." Said Dylan while sporting a wicked smirk on his face.
"Ouch A! Are you still mad at me? Take it slow!" I swear my scalp already hurts from the small hair pins Amy is placing on my hair to hold my hair together and make it appear that it has been cut above my shoulder level, creating a faux bob.
"Sit still B! I won't be able to finish if your moving your pretty head."
"Yah? Well who's idea is this in the first place?"
"Yadda yadda, you talk too much B. Shush!"
Dylan is in our bed, lying on his side while resting his head on his palm. He is looking at us all amused.
"Belle is beautiful just the way she is Ames, there's no need for that." Said Dylan butting in.
I glanced at Dylan while smiling at him. Dylan winks at me in response.
"Could you two just shush!"
A giggle escaped my mouth because of Amy. Her neck veins are already showing because of frustration.
"Love you A."
Dylan softly chuckles as he exits the room while looking at our direction.
I'm looking at the bracelet Alexei gave me. It's just too beautiful. The little diamonds hanging around the bracelet and the red daisy ruby pendant are glittering like stars in the night sky. I then held the necklace my Nikolai gave me. He placed it back on me after I got out of the shower this morning. I know this necklace has a more perverted and stalkerish purpose but I allowed Nikolai to put it back on anyway. To be honest, I feel safer knowing that my Nikolai is with me anywhere I go.
"You're done B!" Amy said excitedly. I looked at myself in the mirror and was instantly amazed by the magic my bestfriend was able to do to my hair. Wow, I never thought a medium length hair would actually look good in me.
Ivan knocked on the door and entered the room.
"Madamme, it's the Boss."
I took the phone from him and answered the call.
"I have been calling you." Nikolai sounds like his patience is running out.
"You know baby, you really pull nerves in my body I never thought existed. Is this your way of punishing me?" Said Nikolai. Geeez what has gotten into him?
"Nikolai, I still wasn't able to check my phone. I'm sure it's just around here somewhere."
Amy handed my phone to me which she took from the drawer on our right side.
"I'm here." Nikolai said. My heart suddenly jumped from my chest. Nikolai's here.
I'm quite nervous because finally Amy and Dylan will formally meet Nikolai, the Russian Mafia Boss himself, on the flesh. Oh god please help.
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Living as a Demon
Jonathan was living the life of a normal human male in modern-day society, until he was rudely awakened one night by a summoning circle that ripped him out of his reality and dumped him into a new world filled with magic, demons, and…mouthy young orphan girls?! Now Jonathan must navigate the trials of playing guardian to a preteen, learning to unlock his inner demon, and somehow managing to find a dang pair of pants! Welcome! I'm E.O. Tenkey; thank you for considering Living as a Demon, my third released work here on Royal Road (following Not a Manga and Mr. Familiar)! Let's set some expectations, shall we? • Not much hard profanity (chapter 1 is the exception!)• Human MC! Our protagonist is a bona fide homo sapiens. Which is not to say there won't be demons, demonic powers, and what-have-you, but this isn't some grimdark exploration of the life and times of a nihilistic, amoral killing machine.• Slice of life. My previous works always ended up there, so might as well get ahead of the curve!• Weekly updates, and a completed story: I will post a single chapter per week on Wednesdays until the story is complete (extra chapters are rare, but do happen).
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probrably not going to update until winter break. Death is an unusual thing.It's A force only few can escape.yet when you do you feel so lonely.I never counted myself among those few,that was until i died.My death was something only seen in web novels. You know it is really the most common of deaths in web novels. When i died i didn't stay dead.I was reincarnated into a world of ninjas.A world of death,pain sorrow and destruction.Yet in all that there is beauty.My past won't leave me alone,my emotions are to stubborn.i don't want to remember.........I hope i survive this.This is the new summary hope you like.Creative roasting allowed This my first fic so show the errors in my waysReviewGive ideas of what you want to see in the future.
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