《HER NIKOLAI (Her Volkovs Book 1)》Chapter 17. The Guardian Angel.
"B, wake up!" Amy's voice is too loud.
"No. Let me sleep in peace A, go away." I buried my face on my pillow.
"We are going out tonight. Stand up, it's just six pm why are you already in bed?"
"I thought you want me to recover. This is me recovering. Shoo A"
"I'm going to find you a date."
"Dylan and I kissed."
Amy gasped in surprise,"You what? Say that again B!" She's now pulling my head from the pillow.
"Your brother and I kissed."
I'm still trying to bury my head back on the pillow. I'm so tired of thinking about what happened. The kiss only reminded me of Nikolai. I let Dylan kiss me hoping that I can finally move on and forget about Nikolai but it only reminded me of him even more. It's not fair for Dylan. I feel like I'm a terrible person.
"Then what happened B!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh!" Amy is screaming hysterically.
"Did you like it?"
Yes I did because I imagined Nikolai during the kiss.
"Dylan asked me if I could give him a chance."
"And what did you say? Omg!"
"I said yes."
"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! For real? Ahhhhhh!!"
I swear the whole neighbourhood can hear Amy's voice.
"Where's my brother?"
I buried my face back to my pillow. Dylan is all a girl could ever want. He's just not my Nikolai.
"B! I love you so much! This is good for you and my brother. Thank you for giving this a shot! I can go back home in peace now."
"What? No A, I still need you."
"Kidding. Of course I'm not yet leaving. Now stand up and take a shower, we are going to have an adventure."
"What are you up to now A? If we go to jail, no one's going to bail us out here unlike back home."
"I know, we'll make sure we don't get caught. And if ever we get caught, we will have our first mug shot ever. One item from the bucket list, remember?
Amy lets out a wicked grin. I let out a wicked grin in response. We have been in several troubles before but we always get away with it. This is going to be an exciting night.
After a few drinks in the bar.
"A, whose house is this?" Amy and I are hiding behind a bush. We are outside a house. It has a front porch, the garage looks empty and no one seems to be home.
"Calvin. I hooked up with him last week. Said he loved me. I found out he has another girlfriend. I'm just going to flush his goldfish down the toilet." We giggled together. Sometimes I wish I had Amy's guts.
"No A, we are not flushing any goldfish."
"Fine. What about putting ants in his underwear case?"
"Uh in case you haven't notice, we did not bring ants with us."
"You're right."
Amy is on a roll. She places her pointer finger on her cheek. I have always known that Amy is a diabolical genius.
"Aha! Let's pee on his bed." We let out a giggle again.
"We need to chug gallons of water first. Let's go." Amy said all to wickedly.
We went to the nearest mini mart and chugged down juices and alcohol that would definitely put a distinct smell to our pee. I have never felt this beating in my heart in a long time. It makes me feel alive again. I looked at Amy, and she's full on battle mode. We giggled and chugged and giggled and chugged until we felt our bladder almost explode.
We then went back hiding in the bushes.
"Are you ready Thelma?" Amy said, referring to our favorite movie Thelma and Louise.
"Yes. How about you Louise?"
"I was born ready sweetheart. Now lets go pee on Brad Pit's bed." We both laughed all too loudly. We quickly hushed one another.
We slowly walked beside the house. Luckily the window is not locked. Amy went in first then me. We tiptoed to Calvin's room.
When we are already inside, Amy removed the sheets and quickly hopped on top of the bed and pulled down her panties. Amy's face looks so mischievous, I can't help but let out a laugh. To my horror, she walks like a crab all over Calvin's bed to make sure her pee scatters all over the bed. She mutters profanities while she's doing it. Oh my god.
"You piece of lying shit! You lied to me idiot. You screwed over the wrong fucking girl you fucking moron."
"Hahahaha." I'm laughing like a crazy hyena while rolling on the floor. I'm already tearing up because of Amy. I feel like I'm going to die of laughter.
"B, what are you waiting for?"
"I think the bed is perfectly soaked A."
A few minutes later, after going to the toilet, I suddenly heard a door open. Shit. I quickly went back to Amy who is now scouring all over Calvin's things.
"A, we need to go. Somebody's home." I whispered to Amy.
"Omg!" Exclaimed Amy. We decided to jump over the window. When I'm already outside, Amy was about to jump when somebody shouted from the inside.
Oh my god. We are so going to jail.
We are at the police station. Amy and I are holding each other's hands while in handcuffs. We are escorted by a huge black woman. She has this no nonsense look on her face.
"What did these Disney princesses do?" Asked a policeman who is drinking coffee while his feet is on top of the table.
"Breaking and entering. Stupid bitches making some revenge porn or something" Answered the policewoman looking unsympathetic. The man laughed so hard it boomed all over the room.
I look at Amy and she's surprisingly calm.
"Hey A are you okay?"
"Are you kidding me B? We are living the dream." We giggled hushly.
"I already called Dylan. We are just going to be fine." Said Amy, I know that she can sense that I'm already feeling a bit shaky.
"Let's put some make up on before they get our mug shots. I want you to put a winged eyeliner on me B. Hey excuse me." Amy called the attention of the policewoman who escorted us.
"Maam, woman to woman, I know you feel us, we need to put make up on before you take our mug shots. Can you please hand us our purses?"
The policewoman has a are you kidding me look on her face.
"Please?" Amy pleaded.
Surprisingly the woman took our make up from our purses and handed it to us.
Moments later, Dylan arrived.
"Amy! What did you do now?" Dylan scolded my bestfriend.
"Oh brother I'm so happy for you! You and B are a cute couple." Amy just ignores Dylan's stern look.
Dylan places his palm on the side of my face. "Belle, are you okay?"
"Yes. I'm good Dy."
"Brother take a picture of us." Said Amy. I chuckled at Amy's silliness.
"You dragged Belle with you to commit a felony. The two of you are drunk and you are about to go to jail. Do you know how stupid and reckless you are Ames?" Dylan added. Amy is now looking down the floor.
"Dylan! Amy did not drag me into this. We did this together. And I enjoyed it a lot." I emphasized on the last word. I gave him a sweet smile and batted my eyelashes. Dylan looks so dreamy while talking to the policewoman. He is wearing his usual leather jacket, rugged jeans and white tee that perfectly hugs his chiseled arms and abs.
He dialed his phone and talked to someone while glancing at us every once in a while. He's scratching his forehead and runs his fingers through his hair. Damn..Why you so hot Dy?
Dylan exudes a sexy and magnetic kind of charm. His wavy dark hair and his beautiful brown eyes are a perfect combination. He is now sporting a thin beard making him look like trouble in all angles.
"You're staring at my brother."
"Am I?"
"Uh yeah." I see Amy's hand wave in front of me.
I heard her giggle.
We were escorted in a room with a long table in the middle and several chairs. Around the corners are drawers, where documents are stacked.
Amy and I are holding each other's hands. Normally I would be scared shit considering our current situation, but surprisingly I'm calm and a little bit lightheaded. Perhaps because of the alcohol.
"What are you thinking B."
"Nothing, I'm just happy that we're together again A."
"I know right?" We let out a chuckle.
"I love you B."
"I love you too A"
"No matter what happens you stick with me. You are my bitch now B, so no one will lay a hand on you in jail. You get it bitch?"
We were interrupted by the policeman who was drinking coffee
"You're out Disney princesses." Said the policeman who was drinking coffee a while ago.
"Out? What do you mean out?" Amy said.
"Out of here." He unlocks our handcuffs and escorted us out of the room.
On our way out of the police station, I see Dylan talking to someone. From our view, we could not see who's he talking to. As Amy and I walk along, the person Dylan was talking to has already went inside a car. I only saw a man in black suit. If I did not know any better, I would think I saw Alexei but Dylan and Alexei are not exactly best of friends. In fact, they hate each other's guts.
"Dy, who was that?"
"Just someone I know Belle."
"What happened Dy? Why did they let us go?"
"There's no complainant."
"What do you mean no complainant? Calvin was so eager to put us in jail after what we did to his bed." Amy looked puzzled.
"Well this must be your lucky day because he's not going file charges. Now let's get you both home, felons."
Dylan and I are snuggling in the living room.
"Dy, you're always in the gym, do you have a fight coming?
"Yes, tomorrow night." My lips parted in surprise.
"Tomorrow night? When are you planning to tell me that?"
He just smiles in response.
"Dy, don't shut me out of this. I want to be with you on your fight."
"That's not gonna happen my love." Dammit Dy, stop calling me that. I feel so guilty right now.
"But why? I want to support you Dy."
"You can support me in other ways if you want my lovely Belle" He now has a naughty look on his face.
"Yeah? Like what?" I know exactly where this is heading to.
"Like this." Dylan planted a long sweet kiss on my lips. His sexy scent makes me want to breathe in deep. I lie on my back on top of the pillow on the couch. Dylan climbed on top of me as his kisses turns deeper and deeper every second. I try to close my eyes but all I see and feel is Nikolai. I want to remain like this even for a second, just to once again feel Nikolai near me but guilt is creeping in. I open my eyes and I see Dylan's beautiful brown eyes.
He takes off his shirt. I cant help but run my hands all over Dylan's ripped arms. His body drops on top of me while kissing my right ear. He makes small bites giving me tingles which vibrate all over my body.
His lips went down my neck as his hand slowly runs under my shirt on my back. I pulled my chest up towards Dylan to give way to his hand for him to remove my bra. It feels like Dylan's body and mine are in sync. We know exactly what each other wants without saying a word. In just a snap, my bra unhooked.
While he is planting kisses on my neck, his hand cups my breast underneath my bra. He wipes his fingers on top of my now hard nipple while his other hand parted my legs. I'm now gasping for air while Dylan slowly explores me.
I can feel his cock harden from his pants. The same reaction I get every time Nikolai's body and mine touch. I feel so terrible for even thinking about that man while making out with my now boyfriend Dylan.
"I want you Belle."
I did not answer him. I just kissed him back while wrapping my arms around his neck.
To my horror and to Dylan's utter dismay and frustration, the door opened and I heard a bang on the floor. Oh my god.
It's Amy and another guy. The grocery bag that she's holding is now on the floor. And she has the widest grin on her face. Her eyes are glittering as if she is seeing a unicorn or something.
I quickly hide under Dylan. Oh my god this is so embarrassing. I want to put my legs back together but Dylan is on top of me, in between my legs. Dylan removed his hand from my breast and covered me from them. Slowly a smile forms on Dylan's face.
"Ugh we can go back later." Amy said amusingly. Dammit Amy!
"What are you doing here Trevor." Said Dylan. So he knows the guy.
"Just checking up on my bestfriend. I can see, he's more than fine." The sound of Trevor's voice is teasing.
"Uh we will just prepare our dinner. The two of you can continue. Let's go Trevor." Amy said while picking up the stuffs from the floor. I so want to strangle Amy right now.
Several minutes later at the kitchen table.
Dylan is sitting to my right, Amy is to my left, while Trevor is sitting across my seat. We sat in awkward silence for several seconds.
Trevor has dark blonde hair. He is as tall as Dylan and almost the same built. He also has a beard but a little thicker than Dylan. I can see Trevor's eyes are glued to me, he glances at Dylan once in a while. He then clears his throat. "My boy Dylan could not stop talking about you. Now I know why."
I suddenly felt uncomfortable.
"Shut the fuck up Trevor." Said Dylan.
Trevor lets out a smirk in response.
Amy on the other hand is all smiles. I threw a slice of an apple at her.
"What B? I'm just happy that's all."
A few drinks later the four of us are laughing and throwing jokes at each other. Trevor is telling stories about Dylan while Amy tells the story why we got arrested and almost went to jail.
I gasped in surprise as I stare at my bank statement of account online. What the hell? Aside from my own money, apparently I got six hundred thousand dollars in my account. The first one hundred thousand was deposited two days after I left my apartment. The second deposit was a week after that and the next four hundred thousand dollars every succeeding weeks.
I called my bank to inquire about it. The woman on the other side of the line told me that it was not a mistake. Someone anonymous deposited the money in my account. I also called my parents to ask if they deposited money but they know nothing about it.
"It must be your guardian angel B." Amy is on the bed looking at the screen.
"Dylan, it must be Dylan."
"Uh sure my brother has money, but six hundred thousand dollars just like that?"
All of a sudden, Amy gasped and her eyes widens.
"What A?"
"Your Ex, Nikolai! It must be him! Think B, there is no other logical explanation for this. He must have felt guilty that's why he's making it rain for you." Amy signals cash in her hand.
"First and foremost, I'm not a stripper for him to make it rain for me. Secondly, he's not my ex because there was no relationship. He just played me. People who play other people don't get guilty. They just throw you away." It must not be Nikolai. It could not be him. If it's him I can never, ever fogive him. Who does he think I am? Paying me off like I'm some kind of a prostitute.
"Point well taken. So the six hundred thousand dollar question is who is your guardian angel B?"
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