《Unacceptable Love | ✓》Aunt Rima?


'' No he didn't! '' She jumps from her bed, '' Yes he did! '' I scream and she laughs. '' So now you're dating a billionaire? '' She winks at me and I laugh. '' Omg I remember you hated him and talked shit about him, now you love him. '' She says and I smile. '' Love who? '' A familiar voice says and we look towards the door. We see Saja coming into the room looking all... depressed?

'' Saja? What's wrong? '' We ask her confused. She looks down and sits down in Leila's bed. She takes some deep breaths before she talks. '' Nothing, I just felt a little sad... '' She tells us. I look at Leila who looks at me confused. '' Saja, tell us what happened. '' Leila says. '' I promise It's nothing. '' She looks up trying to smile. She's lying, I've never seen Saja cry because she's just '' a little sad ''. That just doesn't make any sense. '' Saja, if there's something you have in your heart you could always talk to us. '' Leila walks over to her and hugs her tightly. '' Thank you guys, don't worry. '' She sobs and smiles.

'' But Nawal who's clothes are you wearing? '' I look down, '' ohhh... Mohsin's! '' I stutter. I see Leila trying to laugh, '' Why? '' She asks. I look around, '' well, cause their comfy! '' I say and she nods. '' They do look comfy, but too big. I didn't know Mohsin was that fat? '' She says and I hear Leila burst out laughing. '' hehe yes. '' I chuckle.

I borrowed some clothes from Leila because I couldn't walk home with me wearing Matthew's clothes. I walk into my home and heard my mother talk with another woman in the kitchen. I walk in to say hi when I see Aunt Rima! '' Aunt Rima! '' I run and hug her tightly. '' Nawal! My daughter! I've missed you! '' She hugs me back. I pull away for a second, '' Aunt Rima! You told me that you would be back soon, It's been two years since you left! '' I say and she laughs. '' Sorry () It was hard for me to leave Iraq, I loved it so much there. '' She pets my cheek, '' You're right, Iraq is so much fun than here. But still, I missed you. '' I say and she chuckles.

Aunt Rima is my father's sister's best friend since they came to the USA, yes the same sister that got beaten up by my father. She got to know my mom and they became really close friends. When they had me she loved me and always took care of me. She raised me with my mom, she used always to come over because she wanted to meet me, she even used to sleepover so she can stay with me. She taught me things that my mother didn't even teach me, one example is dolma. She taught me how to do dolma, fasolje, biryani and Kobet shorbe (Asian food). She's lovely, amazing and my best friend. She was born here so she's American from Iraq, like me. I've heard that Aunt Rima had an awful past but I never asked her about it, they say she had a son and husband but something happened and she had to flee away. I feel really sorry for her, I mean she has a son out there and she can't meet him? That's awful.


'' So how are you doing these days? Found a job? A man? '' She asks and I chuckle, '' Actually, she has found a job, a good one. '' My mom says and winks at me. '' Oh where? '' She asks curiously. '' You know the famous Company Bayaroads, she works there as the boss's assistant's assistant. '' My mom smiles at her, Aunt Rima's smile turned into a straight expression.

She looked at us shocked. She got lost in thoughts like something got into her. '' Aunt Rima? '' I say, she looks up at me and she shakes her head. '' Oh, Mashallah my daughter. You're so lucky. '' She fakes smiles. I give her a hug and tell them that I will sleep now because I have work tomorrow. '' Okay love, but your Aunt and I will make some dolma for you so you can bring it to work tomorrow. Night. '' My mom says and I nod, before I leave I take a look at Aunt Rima who still looks shocked. I chuckle and walk out.

I walk into my messy room, '' Ugh, why do I never clean my room? '' I say and start to clean my room. I put all the clothes on the floor in my wardrobe and put some of them in the laundry. I hear my phone pining. I take up my phone and see that Matthew has texted me.

- Jerky, I smile at his message.

- Nawal.

- Jerky. Oh, this bitch.

- I send it with a smile on my face.

- Jerky, awwww.

- Nawal.

- Jerky.

- Nawal, It's true I'll change to his clothes and sleep in them. They smell like him and their so comfy.

- Jerky.

- Nawal, Is this man stupid or some?

- Jerky, Ewww pervert.

- Nawal. He better have a smart response to this, I'll kill him if he doesn't!

. - Jerky, omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg!

- Nawal.

- Jerky. I roll my eyes at his response and put my phone in my pocket.

omgomgomgomgomgomgomg! I'm late!!!!! I wear the clothes Leila gave me and wore a white scarf with it. I run downstairs and see my family and Aunt Rima having breakfast. '' everyone() '' I say breathlessly while I look for a glass. '' What's wrong with you? '' Mohsin asks. '' I'm late! My boss is going to kill me! '' I say and drink the drink of water. Aunt Rima looks up at me, '' Is your boss always strict? '' She suddenly asks. I shook my head. '' He used to because we hated each other. We would always argue and we never got along, but then we got along and he became kind to me. '' I tell her.


'' I heard the old CEO gave his company to his oldest son, is that true? '' She asks, I look at her with my eyebrows furrowed. '' Yes the old CEO gave his company to his oldest son, Matthew my boss. '' She looks at me with pain in her eyes. Strange? '' Omgad I need to catch the bus now! Bye! '' I say and storm out before anyone opens their mouth

I hear someone knocking and coming into my office, '' Good morning boss, here are the files you were looking for. '' Loren comes towards me and puts the files at my desk. '' Thank you, Loren, what would I do without you? '' I smile at her and she smiles back. '' By the way where is your assistant? '' I ask her and she sighs. '' Late, as always. These buses are so slow. '' She shakes her head. Right, she takes the bus to work. How can I let my girl take the bus to work? I'm so dumb. I need to buy her a car as fastest I can.

'' I'M HERE! '' We hear Nawal storm into my office, she accidentally trips with her stomach on the floor. Loren giggles and I shake my head. I walk towards her and help her up, her face turned to a red tomato. '' You're so clumsy! '' Loren says and Nawal slaps her arm.

'' Then I'll leave you alone. '' She chuckles and walks out.

Nawal is still looking down and I chuckle. '' Don't laugh! It's not funny. '' She crosses her arms and furrows her eyebrows. '' I'm sorry cupcake. Are you okay? '' I ask her and she shakes her head.

'' What do you think that I'm going to be alright after I forgot my dolma home? '' She stamps her foot on the floor hard. '' Dolma? What's dolma? '' I ask her and she raises her left eyebrow. '' You don't know the yummiest food in the whole world? '' She says and I shook my head. '' Right, your not middle eastern. '' She rolls her eyes. '' Sorry for not being middle eastern then? '' I walk back to my seat.

'' Don't be sad for not being middle eastern, I'll make dolma for you I promise. '' She says and I chuckle. '' It's fine, so I wanted to ask you... can you drive? '' I ask her and she shakes her head. '' You don't know how to drive? '' I ask her confused. '' It's not that I can't drive, but I don't have a license. It's too expensive... '' She looks down, what a great boyfriend I am. How could I not think about these things?

'' Don't worry, I'll buy you your licenses and buy a new car. '' I tell her and she immediately shakes her head. '' No! You can't! It's too expensive! '' She says nervously. '' 1, I'm a billionaire. 2, I'm your boyfriend. 3, How can I let you take the bus?! '' I frown.

'' But how will I pay you back? '' She stutters. I walk towards her, I take her hand and kiss it. '' By being mine forever. '' I say and smile. A big smile appears in her face and she kisses my cheek.

We hear some knockings and immediately let go of each other, we saw Loren and an elderly muslim woman come in. She didn't look so old but you could see in her that she was about 45 years old. I saw Nawal narrowing her eyes at her.

'' Aunt Rima? ''



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