《Whodunnit ?》Chapter 20 - Catapult


After Brianna came downstairs after getting appropriately changed, the guests all gathered in the parlor to discuss what areas they would want to go too.

Jamie & Dan separated away from Reynold, Nelson, Michelle & Brianna.

"So this time it's harder. We're going to miss out on one area. So what I'm thinking is, if we convince one of them to give us information then that means we have information from every scene." Jamie whispered quietly so that the other team couldn't hear his plans.

Dan made a face "I don't think so. I mean I don't see any one of them giving us information."

"I was thinking Michelle would?" Jamie said to Dan.

The footballer made another face "Nah, I've been getting some dirty looks recently and I think she thinks that I'm the killer. I think she's the killer, however."

"Interesting." Jamie rubbed his chin.

"Nelson maybe?" Dan suggested.

This time, Jamie made the face. "I've been getting a bit of a weird vibe from him recently actually. I accused him of being the killer last night."

Dan sighed, he knew that Brianna wouldn't give any information. He just got the vibe from the youngest guest that she wasn't a person who shared. This left Reynold, both of the men on the minority alliance definitely thought they could manipulate the doctor in some way. Either by a guilt trip or by supplying evidence as of why his team isn't trustworthy.

"Oh, I almost forgot! What area do you wanna go to." Dan stopped the carpenter before he could walk away.

"The morgue."

"Ok good. I'm going to go to the last known whereabouts again." Dan decided to go to the last known whereabouts again as it did supply him a lot of information last time about why Greg went down to the garage.


Giles entered the parlor twenty minutes after the initial discovery of Natalie's body. The butler decided to not go into any of the prep speech and just decided to get straight into it.

"Who would like to examine the crime scene?"

Michelle & Brianna rose their hands.

"Please follow May to the pool."

The only two female guests remaining followed the maid out the back of the Manor.

"Who would like to investigate Natalie's last known whereabouts, her suite?"

Dan & Reynold rose their hands.

"Please follow Sophie upstairs."

The two males followed the maids lead as she guided them up the staircase.

"Jamie & Nelson. Please follow me to the Morgue."

"How did Natalie even end up in the pool?" Michelle asked Brianna as she noticed the pool still had a red colour to it.

"I don't know." Brianna scratched her head. At this point, she didn't even have any theories as of how Natalie was killed and how she ended up in the Rue Manor pool.

The two girls started their investigation by approaching the pool.

"There's something at the bottom of the pool." Michelle pointed out that there was a small capsule of something at the bottom of the pool. There also seemed to be a bloody handprint imprinted on it.


Michelle looked expectantly at Brianna, hoping she'd volunteer to dive to the bottom of the pool and retrieve the mysterious object.

Brianna simply chuckled in response "I am not diving down there. I just dried my hair!"

"Well, I'm not going down there! Natalie's blood could have some diseases that I don't want in my body." Michelle argued back to the olympian.

Brianna sighed, she knew that she needed to get to the bottom of the pool to get the obviously significant piece of information, but she didn't want to dive into the now red pool. So she decided to do something about it.

With one swift push, she sent Michelle flying into the bloody pool. Michelle let out a blood-curdling scream before she hit the water.

A few moments later, Michelle arose to the surface.

"Brianna! I'm going to kill you!" Saying that Michelle was angry was an understatement at this point.

The Olympian replied with a shrug "Well now that you're in the water. Just see what's in the bottom of the pool will ya?"

The red head took quite some time to convince herself to sink to the bottom of the pool. It chilled her that she knew there was a dead body at the bottom not even an hour ago. However, the actress did eventually grab the capsule and threw it to Brianna once on the surface.

"Bliponal?" Brianna furrowed her eyebrows at the unfamiliar name.

The pill bottle had a very damp label and the olympian could barely make out the title.

Michelle quickly got out of the pool and grabbed the pill bottle. "That sounds familiar. Where do I know that from?" The wannabe actress knew the name rang a bell from somewhere, she just didn't know from where exactly.

"Ok, well this shows she obviously was carrying these on had them on her when she got into the pool." Brianna lead on her suspicion that Natalie was carrying the pills when she got into the pool.

Michelle looked around "Why the hell did she get in the water though? Did she drown?"

"Well that noise we heard wouldn't say that she got in. But then again why was she bleeding?" Brianna couldn't wrap her mind around it. This was definitely one of the hardest murders yet.

In the last minutes of the time, the girls thought they were missing something. Something, to them. Felt out of place.

Michelle started looking at the bushes which surrounded the pool around five feet away. After pushing through one of the bushes, however, she made a discovery.

"Bri. I found something!"

Brianna came running over, the two girls found a part of empty land behind the bush. And a single wooden catapult was lying still.

"A catapult? Jesus." The twenty-four-year-old found it weirdly astonishing how the killer could his or hers hands on such high-tech equipment.

Upon further inspection, the two girls discovered how the catapult was on a timer. And also how there was a bit of blood where Natalie would have been placed.


"So she was already bleeding when she got out into the catapult." Michelle assumed.

"It would look like it." Brianna guessed.

Suddenly the Rue Manor bell rung, and time was up for the two girls.

Dan & Reynold quickly shuffled into Natalie's suite, the two males at first searched in silence until they found the clues.

Dan found the first deemed significant clue at Natalie's bedside table.

"What's that at the bottom of her glass?" Dan pointed out the half full glass of water had a weird, white substance which was almost stuck to the bottom of the glass.

"I don't know. It looks like chalk though." The doctor noticed how the white substance looked identical to chalk when it is submerged in any type of liquid.

The two men walked over to the sink in the bathroom and tipped out the remaining water from the glass, leaving the white substance at the bottom of the glass.

"I really can't tell what that is for sure." Reynold tried his best to identify what the white substance was but he really wasn't sure.

Dan thought to himself what this could mean. Did Natalie put this in her drink or did the killer slip it into her drink? He thought that if he knew the killer from the past few days, he or she must have slipped this into her drink. Dan decided not to share his theory with Reynold however, as he knew that he only had one other person left in the game who was actually truthful. And he trusted Jamie more than the other four guests who were left.

After the two of them felt they inspected the glass enough, they moved onto Natalie's bed.

At the foot of the bed sheets, the two men found a magazine. After flicking through it, the two found what looked like a dried blood spot on the 'crossword' page.

"Maybe she was a doing a crossword when she got attacked?" Reynold suggested to the footballer.

"Maybe." Dan shrugged back.

The two sat on Natalie's bed and tried to work out if half-done crossword had any importance to Natalie's murder.

"It looks like her pen ran off here," Dan pointed at the crossword. The line on the pen went on until the end of the page.

"She could have got jogged by the killer?" Reynold said.

"It's possible I guess but I don't see how the killer could have got in the room without her noticing."

"Well, anything's possible, Remember Talia?" The doctor reminded the younger guest of how the killer got into Talia's window by ladder during her murder.

"Well, I do have one question then.If she did do the crossword. Then where's the pen?" Dan noticed how the pen was nowhere in sight when they looked around the room for clues.

During the hard searching for the pen, Dan & Reynold found a tiny blood trail from the foot of the bed frame to the door, which they both can't believe they originally missed.

Eventually, after a long and hard search, they didn't find the pen, and the Rue Manor bell rung. Which meant time was up.


Jamie & Nelson felt a shiver go down their spine as they entered the morgue. For Nelson, he felt the most apprehensive as this was his second time going to the morgue ever. This was Jamie's second time as well but still seeing a dead body in front of him wasn't something ususal.

The first thing that the two eldest guests noticed was that Natalie had an extreme wound to her forehead. The two men could clearly see parts of the deceased skull and brain.

"That's disgusting." Nelson gagged as he approached the body.

"Well, that explains how the pool filled up with blood so quickly." Jamie assumed that all the blood which came from the pool was because of the deep head wound.

"What even caused this head wound?" Nelson wondered if the carpenter would have a theory.

"Maybe a big stab wound? I honestly have no idea." There really wasn't any big indications off the body which gave an answer to of what the head wound came from.

After thinking they had seen enough of the destroyed forehead, the two men flipped over Natalie's body.

Other than the hole on the backside of her head, Jamie & Nelson saw a few red marks on her back. The two guests assumed they were just marks from whatever distance Natalie hit the water at.

"Do you think she had this head wound already and maybe the force of her hitting the water could have killed her?" Jamie speculated his theory to the charity worker.

The forty-year-old shrugged "I mean it's possible. She could have been up on the roof or something and someone could have pushed her off."

Jamie stared at Natalie's back while Nelson spoke. He was kind of listening to the younger male, but several weird shaped marks on Natalie's back was grabbing his attention more. Jamie didn't respond to Nelson and eventually, both of them ended up searching in silence.

Jamie ran his fingers over the several weird marks. They felt like mini circles on her back, and they looked like that as well. They were indented on her lower back, and some of the marks did have dried blood on them.

The carpenter then realised that there was blue ink on some of the marks.

"Is that pen?" He thought to himself.

The carpenter thought it was a long shot but was Natalie possibly stabbed with a pen? He hoped that Dan had information to back it up with his evidence at the last known whereabouts.

The familiar sound of the Rue Manor bell meant that investigation time was over for the two males, and they scurried out of the morgue to meet back up with their teams.

They definitely needed to wrap their heads together for this murder.

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