《Whodunnit ?》Chapter 7 - A Grilling Death
Giles guided the eleven remaining guests into the parlor. And gave them a few minutes to decided which area they would like to investigate.
The group of eleven immediately split up into two. The group of seven, and the group of four.
"Ok, so there will be one person at the first two locations. And two at the third." Courtney reminded the group. Knowing that if the group of four wanted to get as much information as possible, that they were going to have to split up.
"Where does everyone want to go?" Natalie asked the group.
"I wanna see the body," Dan said. Knowing that the morgue presented a lot of information last time.
"I think I wanna see more of that barbecue." Courtney nods , not knowing what information could be hidden at the crime scene.
"I'll go with you then!" Natalie also wanted to investigate the barbecue.
"Guess I'm going to the last known then !" Jamie exclaimed , suddenly finding a bit of joy because he didn't get killed off.
"This is going to be tricky." Michelle scratched her head. Knowing that the group of seven had to be split into three groups.
"I think I might go to Hannah's last known whereabouts," Brianna thinks out load to the group.
"I'm curious to see what's at the morgue. I'm gonna go to the morgue." Greg says to the group.
"I don't know where to go." Alec sighs.
"I think I might join you at last known if you're still going Bri." Nelson points to Brianna, who was still making up her mind.
Brianna nods her head "I'm gonna go to the last known whereabouts."
"Ok, so that's two at the last known whereabouts, one at the morgue. None at the crime scene." Reynold recapped.
"I'll go to the crime scene." Talia suddenly jumped in.
"Me too." Alec joined Talia.
"Two at the crime scene. Two at the last known whereabouts. One at the morgue." Reynold recapped again.
"I'm going to go to the last known whereabouts," Reynold announced his decision to the group.
This left Michelle. "Well to make it fair in numbers I'll have to join Greg at the morgue."
Reynold smiles enthusiastically "Ok that's great we've got everything sorted."
"We just need to make sure those four don't notice anything we don't!" Nelson said in a worrying tone. Knowing that the group couldn't get too much information otherwise they could end up being Spared tonight.
" Don't worry, I won't let them out of my sight " Alec chuckled.
A few moments later Giles reappeared back into the parlor.
"Those who would like to scrutinize the scene of the crime. Please raise your hands." Giles repeats the phrase he was going to have to be saying a lot during this game.
Courtney, Talia, Alec & Natalie raised their hands.
"Please make your way outside." Giles made the group of four walk outside without anyone else.
"Those who would like to investigate. Hannah's last known whereabouts, her bedroom?" Giles asked the remaining seven in the room.
Brianna, Jamie, Reynold & Nelson raised their hands and followed Sophie to Hannah's room upstairs.
" Ok, Michelle, Greg & Dan please follow me to the morgue."
CRIME SCENE: Courtney, Talia, Natalie & Alec made their way back to the barbecue, suddenly realizing how small it actually was.
"How did Hannah fit in that?" Natalie asked the group, in awe that anyone could have fit in that barbecue.
"I have no idea. Looks like the killer must have stuffed her in there." Alec pulls a face of disgust.
"Ew that's monstrous." Talia opened the barbecue.
Unfortunately for Talia & Alec, they knew that since the crime scene this time was so small. That Courtney & Natalie were likely to find something that same time the other two did.
"There are a few blood spots there." Natalie points to the grill of the barbecue, seeing about five small blood spots on the grill.
"I would have thought there would have been more blood." Alec scratched his head, confused that there was little blood at the crime scene.
"So did I." Courtney wasn't believing what she was seeing before her.
Talia spoke next "What do you think he killer her with then ?."
"I have no idea," Natalie responded.
After a few more moments of discussion, the group split into their pairs. And started looking for themselves, instead of a group of four.
Courtney & Natalie investigated the bushes surrounding the barbecue. Whereas Talia & Alec continued investigating the barbecue.
After rummaging through one of the bushes Courtney found something and alerted Natalie. "Natalie!" Courtney whispered sternly, trying to get the younger girl over without Talia & Alec seeing.
"Oh my god, is that a hunting knife?" Natalie asked, slightly recognizing the bloody knife which was hidden in the bush.
Courtney nods "That's defiantly a hunting knife."
Meanwhile, Talia & Alec noticed a white chalky substance spread out throughout the grill of the barbecue.
"What is that?" Talia furrowed her eyebrows.
"It's probably just charcoal." Alec shook his head, thinking that the substance didn't look too important.
A few moments later the estate bell rang , and Sophie the maid guided the group back into the parlour.
: Hannah's body lay still on the morgue bed. With her face glowing a eerie shade of red. Michelle , Greg & Dan hesitantly walked closer to the body.
"Oh gosh, Hannah I'm so sorry." Michelle apologies to the deceased Hannah.
"How did her skin get this red and blotchy?" Greg asks the group, noticing how Hannah's whole body was red and blotchy.
Dan started investigating the evidence bags near the body. "I think that's just dried blood."
As Dan peered closer into the bag Michelle & Greg met glances and both shook their heads. Feeling confident that it wasn't dried blood that was all over Hannah's body.
"Guys, wasn't this the dress Hannah was wearing last night?" Dan pulled out a long emerald dress, which Hannah was wearing last night.
Michelle nodded her head "Yeah it was."
Greg gasped at the dress in shock. "So she was killed last night? , I would have thought that if she was killed last night we would have heard something."
"Me too." Dan placed the dress back down into the evidence bag once seeing there wasn't anything more.
Michelle started examining Hannah's face and grabbed the tweezers from the side table. "There's something in Hannah's nose."
Greg & Dan walked over to peer at Hannah's nose and also noticed the white cloth fibers coming from her nose.
"Maybe the killer used that to knock her out!" Dan thought of a possibility of why Hannah did have the cloths in the nose.
"Yeah, that a good theory." Greg nodded.
"I think we should examine her body because we found a lot of clues on Justin's body when we turned him over." Michelle took charge and with ease flipped Hannah onto her back.
Dan & Greg moved the cloth off Hannah's back to show a cut about six centimeters wide, but not too deep.
"That's weird." Greg felt the gash on Hannah's back.
"This couldn't have killed her, it's as deep as a paper cut." Michelle shook her head.
Greg scratched his head in confusement "Then what did ?" Abruptly the estate bell rang and Michelle , Greg & Dan left Hannah's body alone in the morgue.
: Before Brianna , Jamie , Nelson & Reynold could even arrive at Hannah's room they noticed that there were black marks on the wooden floor. Black marks that almost looked like tyre marks.
"What are these?" Brianna asked the guys who were following close behind her.
" I don't know, I didn't notice them earlier." Nelson furrowed his eyebrows, baffled that him and Brianna didn't notice the marks when waking everyone up this morning.
" OK let's just get to her room, we don't have much time." Jamie rushed over to Hannah's room. After pushing down on the handle he noticed that the door was locked.
"It's locked." Jamie tried to push down on the handle once more.
Reynold pushed Jamie out of the way "Then how are we going to get in?"
Meanwhile, Brianna glanced down at the bottom of the door. "Wait there's something sticking out of the bottom of the door!" Brianna noticed what looked like a small metal hook sticking out of the door.
Reynold, Nelson & Jamie glanced down to the metal object Brianna pointed out.
Reynold knelt down and pulled the metal object closer to him. He noticed a label on the object ordering him to 'Slide device under and up, bend left and pull'. After a few moments of trying Reynold broke into the room.
"Wow" Nelson breathed as the four entered the room. The floor of the room looked like a mess, with black tire marks marking the carpet and wooden floor of the room just like it did in the hallway.
"There are so many marks on the floor !" Reynold gasped slightly.
Brianna was closely examining the first set of marks. "There are three wheels on that thing," She says quietly to Nelson who's also closely examining the marks.
"Are you sure?" Nelson asked.
"Yes, I'm sure! Look each set of marks has three." Brianna was confident that she was right.
"You're right." Nelson nodded quickly.
Meanwhile, Reynold & Jamie were examining Hannah's bed.
"There's a tissue here." Jamie lifted up the large tissue which had a golden brown colour stained on it. With a light shade of pink over it.
"What is that?" Reynold looked closer at the tissue.
Brianna approached the two men. "That's the lipstick Hannah was wearing last night." She defiantly remembered that that shade of lipstick was what Hannah was wearing to the dinner last night.
As the three stared at the cloth more Nelson examined the bed side table.
"What's that yellow stain, though?" Jamie asked.
"I think it's chloroform," Nelson says suddenly, head lodged in the bed side draw.
"What makes you say that?" Reynold asked. With one swift movement, Nelson pulled out a bottle of clearly labeled chloroform.
"So he knocked her out!" Jamie exclaimed, happy that he knew Hannah got knocked out by the killer for sure.
Brianna nodded "Yep, Actually I wanna see more of that marks in the hall." With that Brianna left Hannah's room.
The three guys followed her out of the room. Following the marks Brianna stopped at a door, opening it she realised that it was a little lift.
"That's kind of creepy." Brianna stared at the lift.
"Where does it go to?" Jamie asked from behind the kick-boxer.
With one quick peek Brianna saw that there was only one button on the lift, labeled Kitchen.
"The kitchen." Brianna responded.
"That's it?" Nelson asked back, surprised that a lift would only go to one place of the huge manor
Just as the group of four started another conversation , the estate bell rang. Meaning that their time for investigating Hannah's room was over.
All the guests had all now gathered into the great room as instructed to by Giles.
"My dear guests, before the riddle the killer has given you all time to confer with what you found at your respectful areas. Please do listen carefully, as the smallest detail missed can result in you being Scared."
The eleven guests separated into their groups. The majority group of seven went into the parlor, whereas the group of four stayed in the great room.
"So what did you find?" Courtney asked Dan first.
"So something that I know for sure is that she was killed last night. The dress she was wearing last night was in the evidence bag." Dan started explaining what he had discovered at the morgue.
"Interesting," Natalie said.
"The second thing was that there were small white fibers stuffed in her nose."
"That relates to the last know whereabouts by the way," Jamie says, remembering that there was the white cloth on Hannah's bed.
"And the third thing that there was at the morgue was that Hannah had a little cut or stab mark on her back." Dan pointed on his back to the whereabouts of were the mark was on Hannah's body.
Courtney & Natalie smirked at each other, knowing that the hunting knife they found in the bushes made that mark.
"Oh and obviously Hannah's skin was blotchy red but we already knew that, " Dan said, reminding the group of this morning when they actually got a good look at a body for once.
"Myself and Courtney found a hunting knife in the bushes at the crime scene." Natalie was over in a few seconds with what she and Courtney found at the barbecue.
"Oh, and there was also a few blood drops on the grill."
Jamie then started explaining what he found, which was much more then what the others had at their locations.
"Before me and the others could even get into Hannah's room, we noticed these black marks on the floor which looked like car tire marks actually." Jamie started his long explanation.
"Then we tried to get into her room. But it was locked, we had to use this metal device that unlocked the door. Once we got in there were those tire marks all over her room. On her bed was a cloth which was stained with chloroform and Hannah's lipstick."
"So the killer broke into Hannah's room, and knocked her out?" Dan asked, wanting to know if he was correct with that estimated guess.
"That's what I'm thinking." Jamie replied.
"We then followed the tire marks outside her room and they led us to this lift. Which had only one button and it went to the kitchen and that was it."
"So the killer put her on something and put her in that lift?" Natalie estimates a guess.
"I think that's what happened." Courtney smiled slightly.
"So wow the last known whereabouts really gave a lot of information huh?" Courtney laughs. Knowing that her location provided her with hardly any information whatsoever.
"Yeah I guess so." Jamie chucked back.
As Courtney, Natalie, Dan & Jamie were discussing their findings. The group of seven were in the parlor and started sharing their information.
"I can't even remember who went where." Talia laughs.
"Well, me and you went to the crime scene." Alec pointed to himself and Talia.
"Michelle & Greg went to the morgue." Alec pointed to the two others.
"And Reynold, Bri & Nelson went to the last known whereabouts right?" Alec asked, already knowing he was correct.
"Correct," Greg responded.
"There was so much to the last known whereabouts guys!" Brianna exclaimed, almost showing off at herself finding a lot of information about Hannah.
"What did you find then?" Michelle adjusted herself from her seat, trying to take in the information as best as she could.
"There were black tire marks on the floor in the hallway." Brianna started.
"Then we tried to get in Hannah's room , which was locked. So we used this metal object to go under the door and pull the door handle. We saw a tissue with chloroform , so Hannah got knocked out. When we went back outside the room the tracks led to a lift which only went to the kitchen." Brianna finished explaining what she , Nelson & Reynold found at Hannah's last known whereabouts.
Talia & Alec went next. "There wasn't much at the crime scene, just a few blood drops on the grill." Alec finished explaining pretty quickly.
Michelle was baffled that there was not that much at the crime scene. "Are you sure ?"
"Positive." Talia nodded.
"Well at the morgue me and Greg found out that she was killed last night. Because she was in her dress. Hannah's skin was very blotchy and red and there was a small wound that looked almost like a stab wound on her back. We also found what I think now is tissue in her nose." Michelle assumed that the tissue at Hannah's room was the same tissue from her nose.
"Interesting." Reynold rubbed his chin.
"It all comes down to this riddle then." Nelson sighs. Almost if on cue Giles walked into the great room with a note from the killer in hand.
" My dear guests it is time for the riddle, please follow me outside." Giles marched his way to the front of the manor, just like yesterdays riddle.
The eleven guests quickly followed Giles to the front of the manor, each knowing that they wanted to solve it badly.
Flight of The Draykes
You can join my discord community where we meme and derp around here: DISCORD LINK Welcome to the Flight of the Draykes. This novel is a System-based sword and magic Western Fantasy with elements of gamelit (Dungeons) and eastern cultivation (The system). Genre: Fantasy, Historical, Action, Adventure, and a sprinkle of Romance with Comedy. Pacing: Slow at first till chapter 30 before becoming a rollercoaster. Known Issues: Ages of the Protagonist and allies at the start. NOTE: THE AGES IN THIS NOVEL ARE NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF THEIR ACTUAL MATURITY. THEY ARE PROTEANS FIRST. AND HUMANS SECOND. Also, if you're looking for smut, this novel isn't for you. Not in the slightest. On a fewer caps note: The age maturity thing is integral to the plot and it will be explained rationally as the books go along. You are free to guess why that is. Synopsis: Book 1 presents to you the world of Protos. Protos is the land of the blessed. Its inhabitants are of many races, but most of them have diminished in the long wars against the beasts that also inhabit Protos. This has led to humanity becoming the dominant species and eventually, all other races, including the beasts, have been banished to pockets of land where they survive on meager existences. However, Protos was destined not to be peaceful as the inhabitants could only fight off the beasts with the help of warforce. A bloodline system that allows them to activate their war potential and battle fiercely. Now, with the beasts defeated and the other races diminished, humanity - having no common foe to fight turned upon itself, for war was in their blood and they again shed their blood in rivers. As the years passed, kingdoms and empires rose and fell and eventually stabilized into an uneasy peace until - 300 years ago, the world went through yet another change. A change where the wielders of warforce now possessed additional powers that had been lost for millennia. These powers changed the face of war again and conflict, which was dying down, reignited madly. In this world was born Faustus Drayke, Scion of House Drayke - which, in turn, was the frontier protector of The Kingdom of Leon. Fate decreed him to be unimportant. His Destiny and the desperate prophecy of a powerless girl decreed that he will be an immortal. Set in the backdrop of betrayal, honor, and loyalty - Follow the tale of Faustus Drayke as he forges his destiny and becomes an immortal. For himself, he has to fulfill the prophecy. For the world, he better fulfill the prophecy. ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` The inspiration for this book came from Smoke is a Path's TotRL - which has unfortunately been discontinued. I have no interest in finishing others' stories, but I love creating my own. So I took inspiration from TotRL and I created this vast original overreaching world of over 30 books, with each book being around 100 chapters. Expect the full story to be close to 3000 chapters. Release Schedule: 3 chapters a day. 11:30 am - Eastern Standard Time - 1st Chapter 01:00 pm - Eastern Standard Time - 2nd Chapter 02:30 pm - Eastern Standard Time - 3rd Chapter All timings are subject to + or - 30 minutes. If you like this series, please do support me by leaving reviews that help me improve my writing, comments that inspire me to keep writing harder, and ratings that allow this series to be seen by more people. Thank you very much and cheers all! Horizon out. Current Arc: Arc 4 Current Volume: Volume 2 You can join my discord community where we meme and derp around here: DISCORD LINK
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