《Whodunnit ?》Chapter 6 - Spared Or Scared


After the two hours of discussion was over the twelve guests adjourned back to their rooms to prepare for the dinner. Every guest dressed for the occasion but they all had a bad inkling in the back of their mind. Knowing that they had to state their case about how Justin was killed very soon.

And if they didn't state their case correctly they could very much be the next person killed off.

Sophie the maid led Greg down the Rue Manor staircase first and into the library, where he was going to state his case.



Alec was the last person to join all the guests at the dining table. And took his designated seat next to Greg & Talia.

"So how's everyone feeling?" Alec asked the group, who before were just peacefully eating their dinner and drinking the wine served out to them.

"Good." Talia nods.

"I feel okay since I found out what was at the riddle," Nelson said, feeling confident about his chances tonight.

"Second that." Brianna agreed.

"I could be better. I just wish I could have got information from the riddle." Dan shook his head, knowing that there was a good chance he could be one of the people in trouble tonight.

"Since we've all stated our cases. What was in there at the end?" Courtney asked, knowing that the group of seven sharing the information wasn't important anymore since everyone's cases had been stated.

"Well me and Reynold went into the kitchen. There were three stacks of beans there. Cannoli, Adzuki, and Caster. We found out that once Caster Beans were crushed they made Ricin. Which is the deadliest poison out there?" Michelle answers Courtney's question.

"Oh my god" Dan sighs, knowing that he never mentioned anything about Ricin in his statement.

"It was nice knowing you all." Jamie joked, raising his wine glass before having a tiny sip.

Hannah shakes her head in disgust, furious that Michelle would leave her out of that information.

"So why did you not share that with us, Michelle?" Hannah finally thought of the courage to ask Michelle about her betrayal

Michelle took a deep breath before answering. "I knew that there was a better chance that if I went off with the others. That I would have a better chance of surviving."

Natalie bitterly shook her head. "I just couldn't believe that you wouldn't even tell us what you found."

"I'm sorry." Michelle apologized.

Just as Hannah went back in for another jab Giles walked into the dining room.

"I feel like I've just lost my appetite." Nelson sighs as he sees Giles holding a note from the killer.

"My dear guests .." Giles attracts everyone's attention at the table.

"It seems one of you have caught the killers fancy. " Giles reads the note provided by the killer.

Everyone looks around the table, sharing the same expressions of hope that it was them.

"Congratulations Reynold! You are spared." Giles suddenly smiles.

Reynold breathes a big sigh of relief. Knowing that he was safe for another day.

"Congratulations." Brianna congratulated the doctor opposite her on the dining table.

"Thank you, thank you!" Reynold exclaimed, appreciating the praise that he was getting from around the table.

"Yes Reynold, you are the one who impressed me the most on how I pulled off this heinous crime."

"In my own words, I will now walk you through what the rest of you didn't know."


"I wasn't sorry to see Justin go. In my opinion, he deserved it. Once we all finished our first impressions and adjourned to our rooms I quickly slipped out of mine. And waited until I heard the shower in Justin's en suit - "

Everyone except Jamie, Dan, Natalie & Hannah locked eyes with Greg. Knowing that Greg didn't share that he knew Justin had showered.

"I didn't realize." Greg mouthed to Talia before Giles continued reading the killers note.

"Once I knew it was safe to go in. I easily broke into the room and left a note with two small black earrings. The note read ' These would look great on you at the ball tonight '. Once Justin got out of the shower and read the note he slipped on the earrings. Once the time had come for the ball I blended into the crowd. Carefully watching out if Justin had decided to wear my earrings I placed for him. He thankfully did, once the ciders were handed out I sneakily doced his drink with a heavy amount of Ricin. The deadliest poison in the world. "

The group of Hannah, Natalie, Dan, Jamie & Courtney all shook their heads. Knowing that they were totally wrong with their case statement.

"Once the slow dance started the Ricin had started to take effects on him. It wasn't until I cut the power to cut out, out exactly midnight, that Justin died. In amidst the chaos of the pitch black, I saw the light in Justin's glow in the dark earrings. The light gave me more than enough vision to locate the mace I had planted in one of the draws near the dance floor. Taking the mace I plunged it into Justin's lower right leg. Raising his heart rate dramatically and finally kicking in the deadly ricin. Which killed him almost instantly. As the lights were still off I took my time to carefully place my mace back in the draw I placed it in. When the lights turned back on, Justin was very much dead. I guess you could say it was a 'killer' party. Sincerely your killer." Giles finished reading the first note from the killer.

"That's sick." Courtney shook her head in disgust.

"Reynold is not the only person to be spared tonight. I have envelopes for each of you. Stating whether you are 'spared', and can rest easy. Or if you are 'scared' and could very much be my next victim." Giles started handing around twelve envelopes, each with the Rue Manor crest labeled on the front.

Once everyone had received their designated envelopes Giles returned back to his spot.

"Dan?" Giles asked Dan, wanting him to be the first to open his envelope.

Dan slowly pulled out the card inside the envelope, almost pulling himself away from looking inside before breathing a sigh of relief. He pulled out the card.

"Good job." Michelle congratulated the footballer.

"I thought 100% scared card." Dan gasped.

"Me too," Alec mumbled, causing a shocked laugh from Dan.

"Brianna?" Giles asked the kickboxer next.

Brianna pulled out the card, to no one's surprise.

"Greg ?"


" Talia?"



Nelson is also. Much to his relief.

"Michelle?" Giles turned to Michelle who was sitting at the very front of the table.

Michelle gave a sheepish smile to her card before revealing her card.

"Jamie? " Giles asked the carpenter next.

Jamie sighed, knowing that the possibilities of him being scared are 2/4.


Much to his dismay, he pulled out the card, which was designed with a big bold red font.

"I'm sorry Jamie." Courtney apologized softly to Jamie. Jamie shrugged it off.

"Alec? "


There was now only three left Natalie, Hannah & Courtney. And at least one more of them was going to be scared.

"Courtney?" Giles called Courtney's name next.

Courtney grabbed her envelope off the dining table. Tears now brimming in her eyes.

"It's okay, you've got this." Natalie tried to reassure the lawyer.

"I hope so." The older woman hoped before slowly pulling her card out.

Much to her shock, she was Spared.

"Oh my god!" Courtney exclaimed, trying her best to hold back the tears.

"Miss Taylor, you are next." Giles called Hannah next.

The jeweler picked up her envelope, not feeling confident at all that she was going to be spared. And unfortunately, she was right. The girl was Scared.

Hannah wept into Natalie's arms, which caused Michelle to feel incredibly guilty.

"Last but not least Natalie. Please reveal your card."

Natalie was still holding a weeping Hannah in her arms as she pulled out her card. Which surprised nearly everyone.

" Woah, " Natalie gasped.

"My apologies to Mr. Smith and Miss Taylor. But one of you are the killers next victim. I must now bid you all a good nights sleep. I will see nearly all of you tomorrow. " Giles left the twelve in the dining room.

"I don't wanna die!" Hannah sobbed into Natalie. "I know. I know." Natalie stroked Hannah's hair.

"I hope you're all happy with yourselves." Jamie said bitterly to the alliance of seven before storming out of the dining room.

"I'm going to go back to my room. It's been a long day. " Nelson took the words out of everyone's mouths. Knowing that this had been the most draining day of all their lives.

All of the guests left a short amount of time after Nelson. All agreeing that they should get some well-deserved rest.

Ten of them could rest easy. But for Jamie & Hannah, it was going to be most terrifying night of their lives.

It was about 10:40 when Alec decided to walk to the great room, wondering if anyone would be there yet.

To his surprise, five were there. Courtney, Nelson, Talia, Brianna & Reynold to be in fact.

"Oh hey, guys." Alec greets in surprise.

"Did you sleep well?" Nelson asked, voice strained from the early morning start with no coffee.

"I tried. It was weird that I couldn't get to sleep because I wasn't even Scared " Talia chuckles slightly.

"Well, we didn't wake up to any screams for help. So I'm assuming that they are both alive still. " Courtney assumed. Hoping that her alliance member was still alive.

"I find Hannah suspicious, so if she dies then I've gotta think of another suspect." Reynold openly admits to the group that he thinks Hannah is the killer.

Brianna shook her head. "It'd be too obvious for the killer to be her. I mean hello! the pretty girls are always the killers." Brianna nodded confidently.

Alec squinted his eyes in Brianna's direction. Alec knew that Brianna wasn't too bad looking herself, was that a hint to throw suspicion to herself ?

"I need a coffee." Nelson whined before rising from his seat. He didn't get very far before Giles burst into the room.

Giles had a look of pure terror on his face. Almost as if he'd seen a dead body. Wait that was what he had seen.

"Giles? What's wrong ?" Courtney noticed Giles expression and raised from her seat.

Giles swallowed his saliva forcefully, trying to compose himself for longer.

"I'm afraid I've made a gruesome discovery. Please gather the other guests and follow me out to the backyard." Giles' voice shook slightly.

Nelson & Brianna exchanged glances and threw themselves up the staircase to wake the other guests.

"WAKE UP!" Brianna shouted, banging on each door of the guests.

Nelson repeated the same action as Brianna did, once she passed each room.

"What's going on?" Natalie's groggy voice called as she was the first one to leave her room.

"You need to go down to the great room now. There are others already down there." Nelson directed Natalie, his breathing becoming erratic.

"Why? What's happened?" Natalie's voice suddenly found energy.

"Giles said he ' stumbled upon a gruesome discovery." Brianna breathed.

"Oh my god!" Natalie exclaimed before dashing down the stairs.

Greg, Dan & Michelle all peered out of their rooms. Answering the same questions.

"Just go downstairs!" Nelson ordered the three sleepy zombies.

"Jamie & Hannah aren't answering!" Brianna said to Nelson. Fearing the worst.

Just as the two went to knock another time, Giles voice from the great room rang throughout the whole manor.

"OUTSIDE EVERYBODY NOW!" Giles roared. Nelson & Brianna quickly made their way back to the great room.

Now everyone was in the room except for Jamie & Hannah.

"Please follow me ..." Giles looked mentally shook as he lead the guests outside.

At first, nothing looked out of the ordinary. Until the group noticed the barbecue by the pool. With human legs visibly dangling out of it.

"Who's legs are those!" Dan gasped.

"I don't know they look so ... red." Michelle squinted her eyes to see the blotchy bright red skin color arraying off the person in the barbecue.

The group hesitantly approached the barbecue closer and closer.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I would prepare yourselves." Giles rested one hand on the barbecue bar.

With one fellow swoop Giles lifted the cover of the barbecue. Revealing the deceased Hannah Taylor. Curled up in the fetal position, with her skin glowing a deep shade of red and her mouth and eyes eerily were frozen open, almost as if she was frozen just after she got a shock.

"Oh my god!" Greg wheezed, turning away from the body.

Natalie screamed on the top of her lungs, while the rest of the guests stated in horror. Another guest had been killed off.

Jamie suddenly joined the group outside. Following the noise from inside.

"What's going on?" Jamie called out to the group. Obviously not in sight of the body before them.

"Miss Taylor has been killed Mr. Smith," Giles said in a depressing voice.

Greg, Courtney & Reynold (Who were blocking his view before). Moved out of the way so he could witness the body.

Jamie stared at the gruesome body for a few moments. Before violently throwing up on the grass by the Rue manor pool.

"You now know the drill guests." Giles peeped. Feeling sorry for the guests that they couldn't mourn Hannah any longer.

However the killer was loving this. And was trying his/hers best to not crack out in laughter , as the rest of the group continued staring at Hannah's body in terror.


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