《Soulmates | S.M.》21


I woke up a little bit before Alana so I decided to get up and take care of my business in the bathroom. I went back into bed, putting the covers on top of me as Alana rolled into my arms. We were in the cuddling stance for a little while until I heard the doorbell ring. I moved Alana, getting up from the bed.

"Mmm. Love. Don't leave me" I heard from Alana's half-awake brain.

"I have to go see who's at the door. I'll be back" I whispered, giving her a kiss on the forehead. I walked down the stairs, grabbed my red hoodie, putting it on, then answered the door.

"Shawn!" Aaliyah, my younger sister walked past me, setting her bag on the kitchen counter. I peeked my head out into hallway to make sure that there was no one else outside.

"Here by yourself?"

"Yeah. Sorry for coming unannounced. Is Alana here?"

"Yeah" I said slowly. "What's going on?" I walked over to one of the kitchen cabinets, grabbing a cup for coffee.

"I wanted to know if we could have a girls day out"

"With Alana?" I asked, as more of a statement.

"Yeah! I have the right to get to know my future sister-in-law, you know"

"Future sister-in-law? Chica, are you alright?" I went up to her on the counter stool, placing the back of my hand on her forehead.

She pushed my hand away. "Of course I'm alright! I know you haven't told mom and dad yet, but I've seen the ring. Plenty of times. You can't hide something that big from me"

I patted her head. "Aaliyah. It's not an engagement ring. It's a promise ring"

She looked at me, realization in her eyes. "Ohhh. That makes sense now. Either way, she's still my future sister-in-law. You're going to marry her in the future, right?"

I smiled, mostly to myself. "Yup. That's the plan"

She looked at the watch on her left hand. "I know you're obsessed with her, but can you please let her go? I really want to spend time and get to know her"

"Hush. I am not obsessed"

Aaliyah gave me a look. "Yeah. Sure"

"I'll go wake her up" I walked upstairs, going into the bedroom, and sitting down on the bed next to her. "Alana, honey" I said softly, brushing a hand through her hair.

"Hmm?" Her eyes softly fluttered open. "Good morning, love"

I grinned at her. "Good morning. Aaliyah is here"

"Is she?" She sat up, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand.

"Yeah. She wants to know if you'll go on a girls day out with her"

I watched as her face lightened up. "Of course! Let me just get ready" She got up from the bed and headed towards the bathroom. I went back downstairs.


I went downstairs after taking a shower, brushing my teeth, and applying a little bit of mascara and lip balm. Aaliyah and Shawn were at the kitchen counter, both of their backs faced at me.

"Hey guys!" I stood across from them on the opposite end of the island counter, setting my black bag down.

"Alana!" Aaliyah went down from the counter stool, going up to me and gave me a hug. "You look amazing"

"Thank you! So are you!" I beamed. I was wearing yellow, black, and red plaid pants with a black long-sleeved top tucked in. Aaliyah was wearing black crop top under a black and blue striped button up that was open, along with some blue jeans.

"Thanks! Are you ready to go?"

I looked over at Shawn then to Aaliyah, nodding my head. "Yes. Let's go!" We grabbed our bags and headed towards the door. Before being able to go fully out, Shawn stopped us.

"HEY WAIT" He ran over to me. "Don't forget this" He leaned in, giving me a quick kiss. I smiled at him.

"Ugh. Please. Save it for the bedroom" Aaliyah said, a look of disgust on her face.

Shawn and I chuckled. "Love you" Shawn said before I walked away.

"Love you more"

Aaliyah and I went downstairs to the parking garage, going to Aaliyah's car. I went sat in the passengers seat, Aaliyah in the drivers. "You can drive now?!"

"Yeah" She grinned. "Just recently got my license"

She started the car, driving us to our first destination. "So" I asked. "Where are we going, exactly?"

"We" She emphasized the word. "Are going to get our nails done!"

The second Aaliyah and I went into the nail salon, we were seated at the pedicure station where they bathed our feet in water. Once we were situated, Aaliyah turned towards me. "So" She clapped her hands together. "Show me that precious ring of yours"

I grinned at her, putting my left hand towards her. She grabbed my hand in hers, bringing it closer for her to see. "If this is the promise ring, I can't wait to see the engagement ring"

"That's exactly what my best friend said"

"Really?! What a coincidence"

We spent the next hour or two getting our manicures and pedicures. I got a light baby blue and Aaliyah got a French tip ombre type design. After we were done, Aaliyah brought us to a little ice cream shop. We both got cookies and cream on a cone and sat outside at a little table.

"Thanks for hanging out with me today, Alana. You're super cool. No wonder why Shawn loves you so much"

I smiled at her. "Thanks for asking me. I truly had a great time with you"

"Do you ever see yourself marrying my brother?"


I thought about it for a second, then answered. "One day. Yeah. Why?"

"I don't know. Just wondering, I guess. Shawn has always been the type of person who gets really connected with the person he's with. When he's in love, he's truly in love. I just don't want to see him get hurt, that's all"

I smiled softly. "I get that. I don't think I'm going anywhere for a while. I really really love your brother. The thing that scares me is the fact that he might never settle down"

"What do you mean by that, exactly?"

I took a deep breath. "Shawn isn't the normal guy you'd date. He's a celebrity. I'm telling you right now that I'm not with him for the fame. But there's something inside of me that says that his career will be top priority, no matter what. That's how it should be. And, I know this sounds selfish but, if he never stops releasing albums and going on tour, when will he have time to settle down and have a family?"

Aaliyah gave me a sympathetic smile. "I know you're worried and all, but there's no reason to. I've known Shawn for my whole life. His main goal in life is to get married and be a dad. Family first, always. And it looks like you're going to be exactly that"

"What if I'm not enough for him?"

Aaliyah looked at me as if I were crazy. "Girl. I swear. If you don't open your eyes, I'm going to open them for you. You are pretty much everything that Shawn has ever wished for. And the only reason I know that is because every time he would call me when we were younger I would ask him about the the things he would wish for and he would somehow always mention that he would want to find someone who was kind, compassionate, kind to me"

I smiled as she continued. "We've only seen each other in person a couple of times but after today, I think it's safe for me to call you my sister"

I finished the remainder of my ice cream cone. "Can I give you a hug?"

"You shouldn't even have to ask" She outstretched her arms as I gave her a warm hug.


After going shopping, Aaliyah dropped me off at the condo. I opened the door with my key and saw that there were no lights on and it was completely dark. I turned on the kitchen light. "Love? Are you here?" I yelled.

"Yeah" He yelled. "Upstairs, in the bathroom"

I went upstairs, bringing everything with me. I put them down next to my side of the bed then went to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

"Hi honey" Shawn smiled, putting an arm around my waist and kissing the side of my head. "How was your 'girls day out'?"

"It was great! I love Aaliyah. She's like the little sister I've never had"

"That's great. It's good to know you two hit it off"

I started to wash my face when my phone started ringing. I looked over at Shawn. "Love? Would you mind getting my phone in my purse?"

"Yeah. Of course" He went out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. He came back, showing it to me. "Isabella?"

"Oh! It's my cousin from Los Angeles! Pick it up!"

He frantically pressed the button to answer the call and put it on speaker. "Sister!"

"Bella! How are you? Long time no talk"

"It has been forever. I hear you're in Toronto right now?"

"Yeah. I am. What's up"


I started jumping up and down. "Really?! TO WHO?!"

"This guy that I met in college. His name is Elijah. You're going to love him"

"I can't wait! When's the wedding?"

"This is why I called. I sent an invitation but you obviously weren't at home so you didn't see it. It's in two week in Hawaii. I want you to be a bridesmaid. Oh! And bring that boyfriend of yours I hear that you have. What's his name?"

I looked over at Shawn and smiled. "Are you sure you want me to tell you?"

"Why the hell not? Come on, spill!"

"So um. You know about my love for Shawn Mendes?"

"Yeah, of course. You couldn't stop talking about him when you came to visit him a year ago, during New Year's"

Shawn smirked at me, I said, "Yeah. Well what if I told you that I'm dating him?"

There was a silence on the other end of the line. Then she switched it to a FaceTime call. "Hi Bella!"

"You're kidding, right? There's no way you could be dating Shawn Mendes. SHAWN MENDES"

I turned the camera to face him. Isabella made a face of pure shock. "Oh my gosh. Hi. I'm. Isabella. But you can call me. Bella"

"Hi!" Shawn said, smiling.

"Alana" I faced the camera back towards me.


"I can't believe it. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME"

"I don't know?! It never came up in our conversation"

"I um. Wow. That's amazing. I'm happy for you. Are you both able to go to the wedding?" I looked over at Shawn.

"I know I am. Are you up for a vacation in Hawaii, love?"

Shawn smiled, widely. "Sounds like a plan. Congratulations by the way" He said to Bella.

"Thank you" She said, still in shock. "I um. Have work to do. I'm excited to see the both of you!"

We said our goodbyes then hung up. "You really want to go to Hawaii with me?"

"Of course. It sounds amazing"

"Just so you know. You're going to be meeting, basically my whole family. Are you up for it?"


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