《Soulmates | S.M.》18


Shawn and I got back to my house after a long day of festivities. We went to bed, staring at the brightness of the stars from the big window on the right side of my bed. I turned towards Shawn, my head on the pillow. "Thank you for spending Christmas with my family and I"

"Thanks for having me" He kissed my nose. "I had an exceptional time. Layla was definitely the cutest"

I smiled softly. "Yeah she is. You're really good with kids. Ever thought of having any of your own?"

"Are you asking me to have your children? Alana, I think it's too early for that" He said, jokingly. I playfully slapped his chest.

"Nooo. I'm just wondering"

"Yeah. Of course. Have you?"

"Maybe? I've always wanted at least two or three"

He grabbed a hold of my left hand, touching the ring on my ring finger. "One day"


My eyes were closed but I could tell it was morning because of the heat of the sun on my face. I started feeling tiny kisses being placed on my forehead, cheeks, then neck. The corners of my lips started twitching upwards. "Good morning, handsome"

"Good morning. I got breakfast" I opened my eyes a bit and saw Shawn, holding a tray of food, wearing a white tank top and grey sweatpants.

"Thanks, love" I put my hands over my eyes, rubbing them slightly, positioning myself so I was sitting up. He places the tray above my lap. On it was a stack of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and a vase that held a single rose.

"Did you eat already?"

"Yeah. Just thought you'd be hungry"

"What time is it?"

"Almost noon. Looks like you were pretty tired"

I grabbed a fork, digging into the eggs. "I didn't think I was that tired" I took a bite of the eggs, savoring the taste in my mouth. "Mmm. Did you make this?"

He looked at me, smirking. "Do you think I made them?"


"No. I didn't. I bought them at the café downtown"

I finished eating my food and got up to put the tray by the kitchen sink. I kept the rose on the counter. After washing the dishes I used, I looked up and saw Shawn coming out of the bedroom, into the kitchen wearing a sheet face mask.


"Oh. My. Gosh" I said, laughing. I dried my hands on the towel on the stove and approached him.

He put his arms around my waist as I poked at his slimy face.

"Do you think I'm still handsome?" He mumbled through the mask.

I giggled. "Of course! But does this mean that you're the woman in the relationship?"

He squinted his eyes at me. "Heyyy. Don't judge. Beauty takes work"

"Mmm. Yes. You're very pretty"

"I am in fact, very manly, Alana"

"Uh huh" I grinned, lifting up a flap of the mask to give him a kiss. "You are my princess"

He looked at me, seeing that he's given up.


"How are those balloons?" Shawn pointed to one of the pictures on the wall of a bundle of gold and silver balloons.

"Very extravagant. They're perfect" It was December 31st, New Year's Eve, and Shawn was hosting a party. We were currently in Canada at a party supply store, picking decorations for it.

Shawn went up to the counter to order the balloons and have them set up at the venue which is the bar a couple of miles away from Shawn's condo.

At the condo, I was stood in front of the mirror, applying some mascara to my eyelashes.

"Ahem" I heard a cough at the door to my right. I looked over and saw a smirking Shawn. He was wearing a gold, satin short-sleeved button up with black, skinny dress pants and a black belt. I smirked back.

He pointed to my outfit. "You have no right to look that gorgeous" I was wearing black, wide-leg pants, a white bralette, and a long, black cardigan.

I put my mascara down. "I could say the same about you, handsome" He walked over behind me, resting his head on my shoulder, sliding his hands to my stomach. I placed my hands on his toned arms, softly rubbing his guitar tattoo.


The sound of the loud music in the bar pounded against my head. The party was a success, a large assortment of people showed up, from family, friends, random people that I didn't even know. I was sat at a couch near the dance floor, watching all the people in the building. Shawn was somewhere, greeting the guests. I was swaying to the music, sipping on some raspberry iced tea.


I felt a pair of hands slide down my shoulders and I looked back. It was Shawn. "Hi honey!" He yelled, due to the amount of people and the loudness of the music.

"Hi, love" I yelled back. He was holding two drinks, a pink drink in a small glass and a yellow one.

"I got you a drink" He motioned the pink drink towards me.

"Does it have alcohol?"

"Yeah" He yelled.

"Thank you for thinking about me. I don't drink alcohol. I'm not even legal yet"

"You're legal here"

"Still. I never planned on drinking"

"Are you sure?"


"Oh. Alright. I love you" He said, leaning in to give me a kiss.

I leaned forward, smiling into the kiss. "I love you more" There was a faint smell of alcohol on his breath, you could tell he already had a drink or two. "Be cautious of how much you drink, okay"

"Don't worry honey, I will"

The next couple of hours were spent talking with people, dancing, and drinking raspberry iced tea. Shawn and I split up for a bit and I stood up from the couch I was sitting on to walk towards the bar where Brian, Shawn's best friend, was sitting, talking to a girl.

"Hey Brian, sorry to bother you"

"Hey, Alana. What's up?"

"Have you seen Shawn"

"Yeahhhh" His speech was slurred. "I saw him. There" I looked over to where he was pointing, towards the bathroom.


"No problemooo. Haha" He faced the brunette girl he was talking to. "MOOOO"

I walked away from that mess, towards the bathroom across the room. I knocked on the men's bathroom door. "Shawn? Love?"

There was no response so I tried opening the door. It was unlocked and I walked in but there was no one there. I thought for a second. If Brian saw Shawn go to the bathroom, then that means that.. Oh no.

I walked towards the women's restroom. Before going in, I knocked on the door, but I knew that Shawn was inside because I could hear the sound of vomiting. I walked in and there he was, head near the toilet bowl. He wiped his mouth with a tissue, standing up, and flushed the toilet. He stood up, and stumbled towards me.

"Woahh. You good there?" I lifted his weight with my shoulder, allowing his arm to sling over it. He moved his face away from my shoulder, looking at me.

"Heyyyy. You're realllllyyy prettyyy" His face changed from satisfaction to regret. "Oh no. I have a girlfriend. She's going to be so maddd at me"

I giggled. "Mmm. She's right here" He looked around the room.


"I'm your girlfriend"

"You areeee? You're too gorgeous. There's no wayyy"

I smiled at him. "Come on, pretty boy. Let's get you to a couch" I led him out of the bathroom and into a secluded room that had a set of couches. I sat him down on one of them and let his head rest on my lap.

From the outside of the room, you could hear everyone screaming. "Five. Four. Three. Two. One" I looked down at Shawn and saw that he was asleep. "Happy New Year" I whispered to him, running my through his hair, planting a kiss on his temple.


It was a couple of hours later. Shawn was still asleep on my lap and everyone was starting to leave. Jake walked into the room and saw the state I was in. "Alana! Let me help you out"

"Thanks Jake" I smiled softly.

He walked out of the room, grabbing a cup of something, I'm assuming it was water. He lifted Shawn up a bit, allowing me to slide out from under him. I stood up and watched as Jake took the cup of water and poured it on Shawn. "Wake up little boy" Shawn was shaken awake at this and sat up.

"Jake! What was that for?!"

"That was for leaving your girl to take care of you on New Year's Eve. Come on, get up. Party's over"

Shawn fumbled to the car as Jake and I followed him. "Thanks a lot. You're the best" I shot a smile towards Jake.

He shot one back at me. "Of course. He'll be back to himself in the morning, don't worry about him"

Shawn was still disoriented when we got to the condo so I had to somewhat drag him to the bedroom. He flopped onto the bed and I helped him get rid of his clothing so he could have a comfortable sleep. I, on the other hand, got ready for bed by washing my face, brushing my teeth, and changed into pajamas. I climbed into bed next to Shawn and my eyes immediately fell shut.

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