《Living With Them || StrayKids ff》{Chapter 28}


Caleb is here.

How great.

Way to ruin my mood.

"Hello to you too.", I told him rather indifferent.

I turn back my head to look anywhere else, not wanting to deal with him right now. I did expect him to be here, because everyone's here, but I thought I might had a slight chance I wouldn't come across with him.

Oh the irony.

"I didn't see you around. Where were you?", he bended his head a bit on the side to take a closer look of my annoyed face.

Tch curious as ever.

"Away from you.", I commented and turned my heels to leave.

Why am I keeping this conversation with him in the first place? It's pointless. So I might as well leave before it's too late.

But to my displease he followed me from behind.

"Hey now don't be rude. I'm trying to be nice and keep a decent conversation with you."

"And I'm getting away, cleary not wanting to do so."

He stopped my tracks by pulling on my wrist. Thankfully not hard.

"Common now what's the rush? Why don't we have a drink and, don't know, catch up maybe?"

Again with the catching up. Why doesn't he get the hint that I obvioulsy don't want to be around him?

"How about no.", I harshly break free from his grip and turn to look at him with crossed hands.

"Can't you just understand that I don't want to 'catch up' with you or be around you?", I rolled my eyes.

"No. And I won't let you to.", he smirked, that disgusting smirk of his.

Don't get me wrong. He's handsome and all but when you realise how awful his personality is, you automatically see everything unappealing on him.

He came closer to me and grabbed me from my waist. "Now shall we get a drink, beautiful?", he continued smirking.

I look at him speechless. Why do I always have to deal with his attitude? Having his filthy hands around me and calling me beautiful like he's a rapist or something. He is seriously getting on my nerves and I would gladly punch him on the face if it weren't for the crowd around us.

He didn't even me give a chance to reply before he started dragging me all around the area to a table where they had drinks.

"Caleb let go of me. I don't want to be here.", I tried to speak calmy and be civil before anything bad happens and loose my temper.


Who does he think he is anyway. I've made myself clear that I despise him. Why doesn't he get the hint dammit?

"I wouldn't mind to go somewhere alone with you, if you don't like the crowd. You look hot today and we might as well do something mor-", and with that I slapped him.

Like I would let him talk like that to me. The way he speaks disgusts me. The way he looks at me with that smirk disgusts me. His whole aura makes me nauseous. If he can't get the hint with the easy way, I might as well show him the hard way.

At this point I don't give a damn that there are some people looking at us weirdly. Let them say what they want. I'm not taking that anymore. Caleb looks taken aback as well and I can see that he got angry. Like I care, bish.

I turn my hills and start walking away from him with a quick pace, wanting to get as far away as possible.

"Hey! Where do you think you are going you little slut. You think I'll let you go that easily after you slapped me?", I hear him running towards me with a very anrgy tone.

I ignore him and pick up my pace more, looking around to find the boys. But he caught up in a second and he span me around forcefully by my arm.

Well that hurts you bish.

"Let me go this instant Caleb. I told you I don't want to be around you. Let go of my freaking arm!"

Okay now I might have yelled a bit too loud. People around us are looking only at us with pazzeled expressions. Times like this I wish the music was louder.

"I tried to be nice to you but seems like you are the same arrogant bitch from high school. You're gonna pay for th-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was harshly thrown to the ground with a punch. I swear I heard a bone cracking.

I stood there dumbfounded with my hands covering my mouth from the shock. I bring my face up to meet the the person who did this.

I could only see the black leather jacket and his board back breathing heavily from anger, but this distinguish dyed blond hair made it obvious for me.

The boy turned his face angrily, but his expression softened once his eyes landed. Concern washed over his facial features as he took in the sight of me.


"Are you okay? Did he hurt you anywhere?"


He approached me and started examining me from head to toe.

"I-I'm fine don't worry. People are looking at us.", I stuttered with the sudden close proximity as his hands caressed my skin, making sure I was okay.

"I don't freaking care. He deserved it for calling you a bitch and touching you like that.", he growled as he frown visibly, looking up to meet my face.

"It's okay now. Everything's fine.", I reassured him trying to calm him down.

His face softened again when he saw my smile but he quickly frowned again once he saw a dark purple bruise on my right arm, where Caleb harshly grabbed me previously.

"I'm going to kill him."

My eyes widened when I saw him turning around to face Caleb, who was currently standing up now, holding his hurting jaw.

"You know, for your height your punches are strong. I'll give you that.", Caleb evily grinned as he made contact with Felix. But his gaze darkened at once. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to hold back either.", he added.

The next scene was a horror to my eyes. I saw Felix huffing aggressively from his anger, while Caleb was about to punch him. Meanwhile everyone was staring at them amused.

"You can do whatever you want to me. But I swear. If you ever lay a hand on Rosa again, I'm going to end you.", Felix growled threatening him, taking slow steady and steps towards him.

"Huh. Was that a threat? I'm so scared right now. Mommy please save me.", Caleb mocked him with a purposely high pitched voice, making Felix even angrier if possible.

"If you are so scared, then why don't you go to your mommy, huh?", Felix fired back mockingly

Caleb's expression darkened once more and he raised his fist ready to punch Felix. As his fist was about to touch Felix's skin, Caleb was pushed to the side by another figure.


"Felix what are you doing?", the boy was getting mad by the younger's actions.

"He assaulted Rosa. It was the least I could do for her.", Felix replied rather unaffected from his leader's presence.

Chan then searched for clarification in my eyes and when I nodded he sighed, understanding the situation.

The rest of the group came rushing towards us.

"Gosh, this kangaroo still runs fast. I'm out of breath.", Minho panted exhausted from running behind Chan and made me laugh. He was holding his knees trying to catch his breath.

The others were panting furiously as well but they were too tired to make a comment so they just nodded agreeing with Minho's words.

"What happened here? We suddenly saw Chan running out of the blue so we followed him here. What's this commotion?", Changbin spoke right after unaware of the situation.

"Why is this dude sleeping on the grass? He wasted or something?", Jisung pointed at Caleb who was laying on the ground. He probably fell from Chan's push.

I giggled evily with Jisung's comment but quickly hid away my amused face and cleared my throat.

"And why is Felix like that? Did someone ate his food? He looks pissed.", Hyunjin said once he saw Felix's expression.

Okay these guys are not making the situation any better.

But I still laughed.

"Everything's okay guys, don't sweat about it.", I replied to their questions.

"No it's not.", Felix glared at me and then at Caleb.

Caleb on the other hand was shocked by the sudden outcome of the situation and the presence of seven more Korean boys.

"There are more?" he said once he stood up. "Where did you found these guys, Ro? At the convenience store? Buy one get one free?", he mocked and laughed.

Only if he knew who these guys are.

Only if he knew that half of the girls' population is drooling over them.

You little unaware piece of shit.

Felix was about to make a move and punch Caleb once more but he was stopped by Chan's grip.

"Mate, let it go. He's not worth our time.", Chan said.

Oooh roasted.

"Fine.", Felix said defeated, knowing that this fight will be no use.

"He doesn't have any brain to understand that Rosa doesn't want him anyway. Let's go.", he added.

Caled snorted but surprisingly he didn't fire back.

Felix then turned on his heels and approached me, taking my arm in his hands gently.

"Does it hurt?", he asked worried.

I met his eyes and blushed instantly.

I don't even know why I'm blushing right now.

"N-not that much. It's better than it looks."

He just frowned. "But that means it hurts. Let's go take care of it.", he said and softly pulled me by my hand intertwining his fingers with mine.

Okay I'm nOt blushing aTt aLl.

"W-where are we going?", I questioned him unaware of where he was taking me, leaving the boys behind.

He didn't reply and he kept walking under the moonlight.

With his hand locked with mine.


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