《Living With Them || StrayKids ff》{Chapter 19}



I jumped from my seat and yelled, when a disgusting creature popped out of nowhere in the frame.







This thing looks like the devil himself. How am I suppose to watch a movie with that thing in there?!

I brought the pillow closer to my face to hide at least half of the TV screen.

I'm so done at this point and we haven't even seen half of the movie yet.


Just great.

I heard Hyunjin snicker mockingly from beside me and I smacked him on his shoulder.

"Ow!", he whined in pain.

"It's not funny!", I gave him a death glare.

"No it's not. But you are funny.", he stated, giving me a devilish grin. Oh, so he is making fun of me, is that it?

He's so gonna get it afterwards.

As I turned my gaze to the screen, I let out a yelp, when another creature similar to the previous one, appeared in the frame. With the corner of my eye I could see the of the rest of guys laughing slightly from my pity reaction, like Hyunjin did a minute ago.

"Love you too guys.", I mumbled, feeling alone and betrayed. Is it so bad that I can't stand horror movies? I'm practically signing my own death and funeral. My heart won't stop beating uncontrollably fast from all this fright.

I turn to look at the screen once again but I regretted my decision instantly. This time, the creatures were uncountable, eating a human alive. All his intestines were all over the place with blood on the grass as he was still screaming.

That's it.

I'm out of here.

I closed my eyes and tried to stand up, but as I did, a hand grabbed mine, pulling me down on the couch again. I curiously turn my head, only to be met with Felix's soft eyes.

He held my hand in his, drawing circles with his thump. "Stay here please.", he pleaded with his puppy doe eyes.

My eyes lowered down at our hands, my stomach getting this weird feeling again. "It's disgusting, I can't watch that.", I sighed frustratedly.

"I know but I'll hold you if you stay.", he grinned and patted the empty space beside him.

"Deal.", I gave in, grinning at him back.

I got more comfortable in my seat, still holding Felix's hand firmly. But as I focused on the screen, another awful picture came up and this time, I closed my eyes shut. My hand automatically squeezed Felix's hand harder for support.


I'm not paid enough for that shit.

Just then, I felt two hands pulling me close to a warm embrace. He wraped his firm arms around my waist, securing me in his body and hugged me softly.

Despite knowing who it was, I turned my head and looked back at Felix.

A warm feeling rushed through my body and I instantly blushed from the closure. He was giving me a reassuring look, a look that told me that everything's okay and made me feel at ease.

I'm mentally doing prayer right now, because thankfully, he cannot see my scarlet tinted face.

That would be embarrassing.

And now that I think of it, that's awesome, because apparently, I cannot focus on the movie now. Thanks to him. My mind is all over the place, my brain cannot function properly with his body radiating this warmth.

I'm just frozen on my spot. The way he is holding me, might make me explode at any moment. My stomach is having a break dance session of it's own and I'm having all sorts of emotions right now.

My back is touching his firm chest, while his head is resting comfortably on my shoulder.

My heart is really going to jump of my chest right now.

"You okay?", I feel his breath tickling my ear and I blushed even more. His tone was low, a bit attractive.


A LOT attractive I might say.

That deep voice of his ,is not helping either dammit. Why does it have to be so raspy and hot?

"N-now I am..", my words came out on their own unintentionally.

What the heck am I saying?

"Me too.", he chuckled and send vibrations through my body.

Come again?

I didn't reply to that and tried my best to focus on the movie, despite not wanting to. I feel so comfy and cozy in his embrace.

It's so warm and soft...

He smells good too.

A woodsy scent, kind of fresh and strong, with a hint of spice.

I cuddled deeper into his embrace and rested my head on his chest, getting more comfortable by the minute.

I can hear his heartbeat loud and clear.

It almost seems as if it's picking up the pace by the moment.

Is he okay?

He must be a little bit scared by the movie as well. It's a horror movie anyways.

At this point, I have mixed feelings. The movie is awful, but being cuddled by Felix feels so nice. If only we were watching something else everything would be perfect.


As I was thinking of that, a scream was heard from the movie and I jumped a bit, startled. Felix chuckled at my actions and held on me stronger. He brought his one hand on my head and softly stroke my hair. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment.

This movie will ruin this moment for sure, so I might as well not watch it. So, I left my body sink in the heavenly feeling, not caring anymore about anything.

"Hey Rosie, are you asleep?", a deep voice woke me up from my slumber. I lazily opened my lids and realised Felix was the one calling me. I looked up at him and he smiled at my sleepy state.

"Did the movie end already?", I rubbed my eye, yawning lightly.

"Yeah for a while now.", he replied, still looking at my every move.


I stopped my momentum and looked around, only to see that the boys were gone.

Umm okay...

"Where is everybody?", I asked with a puzzled expression.

"Asleep in their rooms."


And why am I still here?

My eyes slowly averted down, taking in the position I was currently in and my eyes widened.

Oh crap...

I felt my soul leaving my body when I saw my hands wrapped around his waist, with my legs tangled with his. I was basically stuck on him like a gum.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wrap myself around you like this.", I said apologetically and tried to stand up.

"It's okay, I don't mind if it's you.", he shook his head and gave me his beautiful smile.

Please don't smile at me like that.

I stood up and smoothed out my wrinkled pajamas. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

He looked at me and shrugged nonchalantly.

"You seemed comfortable, I didn't want to wake you up.", he smirked, observing my face carefully.

"But you did anyways."

I stared at him and he stared back. Is it just me or does his gaze seem intimate? But, you know, in an attractive way.

"Oh you woke her up.", Chan's voice was heard in the distance.

It seemed like he was coming from the kitchen.

I turned back and looked at him.

"You're still awake?", I asked him.

"Yeah, I was thirsty and besides, I couldn't sleep, since you were laying on the couch as well. There wasn't much space for me.", he laughed, but it made me feel bad the fact that I kept him awake because I was taking up the space.

"Yeah, right... Anyways I'm going to my room now. Sorry for the bother.", I smiled apologetically and stood up. I waved my hand and walked towards the door. "Goodnight guys."

"Goodnight Rosa."

"Sweet dreams."

"You too Felix.", I said and closed the door behind me. For a moment there,

I just stood there motionless, not really knowing why I was left in the darkness of the corridor. But as I was going to leave, I heard Chan's voice coming from the inside. Unintentionally, my ears perked up at the sound of his words.

I'm nOt eAvEsdrOpPiNg.

"Mate, you know you shouldn't be behaving like that towards her, right? This is not gonna end well.", he sounded concerned.

"I'm not doing anything, what do you mean?", Felix voice came out soft and low.

"You know exactly what I mean. You better stop this before it's too late for you both. You're already so close to her. We are idols, we shouldn't start anything with anyone.", Chan scolded.

"I know that. I'm just trying to be nice to her. Nothing else, trust me.", I heard Felix sighing.

"I do trust you, but I know how this thing works. I'm saying this for your own good. I'm just trying to warn you before anything else happens. Just don't."

"I know mate, I won't. Trust me.", Felix's tone seemed sad.

"Good then. Goodnight now.", Chan sighed in relief.

"Goodnight mate."

Okay just what exactly was that conversation about? I really don't want to read much into this conversation, because, if what I think is correct, it will get all of us in trouble. And besides, I shouldn't be sticking my nose in other people's business either way.

Just go to sleep already Rosalynn.

Sighing deeply, I walked through the dark corridor. I stepped in to my room and laid on my bed, covering myself with the blanket.

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.


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