《Living With Them || StrayKids ff》{Chapter 18}


"What are you guys doing there?"

We heard Chan's muffled voice coming from the couch.

We turned our heads and looked at him.

Hopefully he didn't see the whole scene.

"Oh great, you're up! 1 done 6 more to go.", I said smiling.

"What time is it?", he then asked while rubbing his eyes.

Needles to say that his bed hair is so cute.

"It'll be 9 soon. Get up now and help us wake up the rest of the boys.", Felix replied while helping Chan get up from the couch.

"We slept for so long? Seems like we'll stay up all night then.", he sheepishly laughed.

We all nodded with a chuckle and we made our way to the guest rooms.

While walking through the corridor, I heard Chan whispering something to Felix from behind me. His tone seemed stern. I perked up my ears automatically-

I'm not an eavesdropper but I'm curious to-

Anyways moving on!

"I heard you guys. Mate, you know that's wrong right? Just be careful with- "

As I managed to hear what Chan was whispering, there was a noise coming from the guest rooms and interrupted his little talk with Felix. Dammit

What did he mean by wrong?

What's wrong?

And why does he have to be careful?

And from what?

So many questions occurred in my mind from what I heard.

Maybe I shouldn't have eavesdropped. Maybe he was referring to something personal, but either way it's bugging me and it shouldn't.

After a while, we successfully woke up the rest of the guys with no...physical contact in between, like the previous time. And that was only because, Felix was the one waking up Hyunjin this time. I didn't mind doing it again, but Felix didn't leave me any choice nonetheless. He didn't even let me protest and just barged into the room and abruptly woke the Little Prince up. He was a tiny bit too violent may I add... Hyunjin didn't seem to pleased to be thrown off the bed first thing in the evening.


So after that, we all went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Most of them were sitting in the kitchen table, talking to each other, while Hyunjin and Felix helped me with the cooking.

We decided on making chicken noodle soup.

Well kind of.

Instead of noodles we just used regular spaghetti, since I don't have such kind of pasta in my house.

Soon enough we finished cooking.

"Dinner's ready boys!", I said when I turned off the heat and opened a cupboard to put glasses on the table.

Surprisingly they all stood up and helped me with it.

Aww such cutie pies.

After serving, I finally sat down on the table beside Seungmin and Changbin.

"What shall we do next?", Minho broke the silence.

I looked at him with a questioning face.

"Well since we woke up this late we might as well do something fun for the night.", he enlightened.

Oh yeah right.

"Dunno. Board games?", Seungmin shrugged beside me.

"Nah. It's too boring. What about a movie night or a series marathon?", Hyunjin suggested while wiggling his eyebrows.

Ah nice.

That's more fun.

"I'm down for that.", I agreed.

"Yeah me too."

"Me three."

"Me four."

"Me five."

"Me si-"

"Alright we got it! Movie night it is then.", Minho interrupted with a sigh.

"Nice! What shall we watch then?", Felix spoke.

"Mmm rom-com?", Chan suggested, but his reply didn't please half of the guys.

I don't mind watching a romantic comedy though.

"Ew no.", Jeongin replied with a disgusted face.

I chuckled at his reaction. He was so cute with that face of his.

"Why not?", I questioned, still laughing.

He turned to look at me and shook his head.

"They're boring and cliché.", he stated.

"Okay big guy. What about an action movie then?", I continued.

"Why don't we watch a horror?", Jisung interrupted with a smug face.



Not horror.

I can't watch such genre.


"NO.", I interrupted all of them before finishing their words.

"Why not Rosie?", Jisung pouted.

Aww so cute-

"I'm not gonna waste about 2 hours of my life watching something I can't stand."

"Aww our little Rosie is afraid of scary movies?", he teased.

They all turned their faces to look at me with a grin.


"No I'm not. I just don't like such movies..." I hesitated.

"Are you sureee?", he continued.

I looked at him with a poker face, not replying.

"Either you want it or not, we are still going to watch horror, sweetheart. The majority wants to.", he stuck his tongue out at me.

This little-

I sighed defeated.


I stood up and gathered the empty bowls and put them in the sink.

To tell you the truth, I hate horror. I get so scared and startled. But it might be better if I watch it with 8 more people. I won't feel that scared.



"You can hold on my hand if you get scared.", Hyunjin teased with a smirk.

I turn and look at him angrily.

Oh so now he teases as well?


"Maybe you'll be the one needing my hand.", I teased back and he got annoyed as he rolled his eyes and I laughed at his reaction.

Eat that you little beautiful human being-

That doesn't sound that harsh now, does it?


"Don't make her regret hosting us here, Hyunjin.", Felix came from behind and grabbed him from his arm while looking at me with an apologetic smile. I smiled back.

At least one of them understands my pain.

"Alright alright. I'll stop teasing. But for real though, come sit beside me like the last time.", he said while breaking free from Felix's grip.


"And why would she agree?", Felix interrupted, raising and eyebrow.

"I'm talking to Rosa not you, Lix.", he said annoyed.

He just shrugged his shoulders not replying.

"If you keep teasing me, I'd rather sit beside Felix. He's nicer to me."

I stuck my tongue out to him and Felix snickered.

"But I said I'll stop.", Hyunjin pouted.

Crap, he is so cute dammit.

"We'll see. Let's go to the living room now."

And with that, we made out way to the couch. And once we did,

I plopped myself to the couch and hugged a pillow.

"Already mentally preparing yourself for the worst?", Chan chuckled and sat beside me.

"You are not helping, Chris.", I gave him a death glare and he laughed more.

"What are we watching anyway?", I asked right after, rather indifferent.

"Ooh you'll see. I'm sure you'll be left speechless.", Jisung popped out of nowhere, startling me.


I'm already scared.

"Oh I bet.", I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

I watch him searching something on his phone and then connecting it with my TV with a cable.

When the screen showed a picture of the movie, all the boys plopped down on the couch and some others on the carpet.

"I brought chips!", Changbin exclaimed excitedly with his hands holding chips bags.

Rip my chips.

"It's startingggg!", Jisung stated happily and sat down on the carpet, near my legs.

I'm so gonna kick him if I get scared.

Turns out that both Felix and Hyunjin sat beside me. Felix on my left and Hyunjin on my right. Actually Hyunjin made Chan leave his spot in order to sit beside me.

Such a dork.

And just like that, the movie started...

I tugged on my pillow more and inhaled deeply.

I'm not going to survive this.


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