《Living With Them || StrayKids ff》{Chapter 8}


By the time we arrived to the kitchen, as expected, the cookies were already gone.

Well kind of. There was still one left.

Rest in piece my little precious cookies. And grandma makes such delicious ones, dammit. I'm not surprised though. Having 8 boys over my place, with an insane appetite should be expected.

"How- when did you even eat all of them? How can you eat so fast... Do you even chew the food you consume or you just swallow the whole thing down?", I asked amused.

"Oh well. You would be surprised.", Minho replied while chewing on his cookie.


My cookie.

I was just being polite and offered them one. Turns out, that they took it for granted and ate the whole jar.

I don't usually share my food. Especial sweet things. I have a huge sweet tooth, so when it comes to dessert, I just want to eat it on my own. Selfish of me to do so, but hey, don't judge me.

But, on the other hand, I can't be selfish with them. They're just too precious to me and I would give them my kidney if I had to.

Well not exactly, but you get my point.

I'm not that mad after all.

"Oh look there's still one left, you can have it. But do it quickly or else it will be gone in no time.", Changbin warned me, while eyeing the rest of the group.

"Nah, Felix can have it. He didn't get to eat one and you all did, so it's fair if he has it.", I said and made my way to the kitchen table to clean the mess.

God how can they be so messy at times? The table is full of crumbs and chips of chocolate.

"No, it's yours. You eat it.", I heard Felix's deep voice from behind me.

I turned my head to face him and firmly shook my head, while saying 'no' to him. But he fought back.

And this, continued for sometime. We were childishly fighting over the cookie, like some 7-year-old kids.

"For the 100th time Felix I said you can have it, just eat it already.", I groaned in frustration and pushed the cookie out of my way.


Well at least, the rest 7 members seemed amused of the situation we were in, as they have been staring since the very begging. They even voted on who's gonna win the fight. Half of them said me and the others said Felix.

Oh God, I feel like I'm surrounded by immature kids.

Not like I'm not acting like one.

"Guys, I can just eat it if you're not going to.", Jisung offered with a raised hand.

"No!", me and Felix said simultaneously.

Oh, so now we agree on something?

"Jeez chill. I was just suggesting a solution here. You have been fighting over that cookie for like 5 minutes, like little kids. The poor cookie is left alone.", Jisung looked at the cookie with pity, pouting his lips as if the darn thing was a living species.

Is he for real?

Probably not.

Just then, Felix made his way to the table, grabbed the cookie and broke it in two. He then approached me and gestured me to take the one half.

"Here", he looked at me, "now we can both have it."

Well I'll admit, that was a smart move.

° ° °

The rest of the day went by quickly. I didn't have much to do and since it was Sunday, I needn't to go to work. Most of the time, I was doing house chores. I had to keep the house clean after all. I showed the boys around the house and where they could sleep. Since I had two guest rooms with a double bed, I offered my parents room as well. I don't quite use it, since I have my own room. So now, Jeongin is staying with Jisung at one guest room, while the other one is occupied with Seungmin and Minho. Changbin with Hyunjin took my parents room, so now we are left with the two aussies.

Where do I put them?

The couch?

I feel bad having them sleeping on the couch. But at least this couch turns into a bed as well.

"Are you sure you don't mind sleeping on the couch?", I asked the two Australian boys hesitantly.

"It's totally fine Rosa, we don't mind at all", Chan assured me with a sweet smile.


"Still, I feel bad. I can give you my room if you don't like the couch.", I suggested, while fidgeting with the hem of my shirt guilty.

"No need for that. Besides, the couch is big and comfortable. It's enough for the two of us to sleep there.", Felix replied.

I looked at them hesitantly again, but eventually, I gave in.

"Okay, fine. But if you guys need anything or want to sleep elsewhere, let me know okay?", I warned them. I just want to make them feel as comfortable as possible. Like they are at home.

"Sure thing.", they both said with a nod of their head.

° ° °

The sun had set and the moon had made it's illuminating appearance, it was approximately 10 p.m. and we had already have dinner. We ordered pizza, since we were too lazy to cook on ourselves.

I'm glad that I'm not the only lazy one here.

Of course, they didn't let me pay for the food ,because they said that it's not right, claiming that I was just one person against eight hungry beasts. So, they paid instead.

"Who's down for a movie?", Jisung stood up with raised hands. Am excited expression brightened up his whole face.

How can he have so much energy at this time of the day?

I'm already sleepy.

I didn't say anything to his statement as I waited for the boys to reply instead.

"I'm down. What shall we watch?", Hyunjin said and the rest of the guys agreed.

I sighed tiredly and massage my temples. I guess, I'll have to stay up all night... I already miss my warm, soft bed.

Ah, my sweet bed... How I wished I was sleeping right now.

"Just please, not horror.", I pleaded, feeling all the enegry draining out of my body.

At least if I'm staying up all night, I might as well watch something that I like.

"Yeah, I agree. I'm into the mood for horror right now.", Seungmin agreed with me.

Not into the mood huh?

It's not like you're a scardy cat like me when it comes to such things, right?

"Okay, fine. We'll watch horror some other time then.", Jisung's bright expression faded.

Was he into horror?

I thought he's too scared for that as well. Who knows.

° ° °

We ended up watching 'Parasite'. It's a korean crime/mystery movie with high ratings and I thought it would be easier for them to watch something in korean. Besides, I've watched it before and it was quite good. A bit complicated and creepy, but fine, I guess.

We were scattered around the couch. Half of us are sitting down on the rug and the other half on the couch. The couch might be big, but not big enough for 9 people, unfortunately.

I was pressed in between Hyunjin and Minho on the floor, while hugging a pillow.

At times, I could feel Jeongin and Jisung experimenting with my hair, braiding it in of sorts of weird ways, as they were sitting on the couch behind me.

Hopefully I won't be bald after that.

In the middle of the film, my head started to feel heavy and my eyelids started to flatter shut. I was so exhausted, that I didn't even realise that I had fallen asleep on Hyunjin's shoulder. At first, I gelt him stiffening at the touch, but he relaxed right after.

Time passed and I was still half asleep like that. I could still hear my surroundings, but my body was in complete inactivity to even move a muscle. The movie ended 2 minutes ago, but I was too tired to move and go to my own room.

I heard voices.

They were probably talking about me sleeping on Hyunjin's shoulder.

Oh God how embarrassing.

My eyes were still shut, but I could feel my body been lifted by some two strong arms.

Who was this?

He started moving towards the corridor and a while later, he softly tucked me to my bed, covering me with the blanket.

"Sweet dreams Rosalynn."

I heard a voice.

It was a very deep and raspy voice and I instantly knew to whom it belonged.



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