《Forbidden - Rated M》Twentysix| promise.


The Next Morning

Tori, Courtney and I were all making breakfast after a crazy night. We all had too much to drink and damn near fainted. Buuuuut the person we're waiting to wake up is Ms. Aubree.

My bitch is a screamer. At first I wanted to barge in the room and make sure he wasn't killing her.

Yes we listened! We sat in hall with our snacks. And every time we thought they were finished, five minutes later she was back screaming. I know Aubree was fucked up so I wanted to blame this on her not thinking straight but after the third round she had to realize what was going on.

Heavy footsteps came down the stairs, causing all of us to get excited. Chris entered the kitchen looking half sleep.

I guess he didn't realize that we were still here because his shirt was missing and his hands were all in his pants.


And I'm sure he hasn't even showered. So he's rubbing all in Aubree's bodily fluids. I ain't saying my bitch dirty but come on now.

"Oh shit what's up y'all?" He said.

We all spoke and went back to minding our business.

He was about to go in the refrigerator but I spanked his hand. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"What the fuck was that for?" He asked.

"Nigga you playing with ya junk and you just gone go in the refrigerator without washing your hands? That's nasty as hell."

Sucking his teeth he went over to the bathroom down the hall from the kitchen.Walking back over to me he flicked the water in my face. "Happy?"

"Yes I am."

Opening the refrigerator, Chris grabbed the orange juice. "Aye Tori, I want my bacon fried hard but not too hard and make sure the edges of my pancakes crispy man."

Her eyebrows raised. "Nigga ain't none of this food for you. You better go wake up Aubree."

"Man she ain't waking up no time soon. You can't really make me no food?"


"That's fucked up, I should've let Hoody dump yo dirty ass."

"Oh you really ain't getting nothing from me now ugly ass bitch."

"Tori don't fucking play with me. You know I don't do that disrespect I will smack the teeth out ya mouth bitch."


"Do it! I dare you."

"Hey hey you two! It's not that serious!" Courtney said. "All that over breakfast?"

"She do too fucking much, tell yo girl to watch what comes out her mouth." Chris said.

"You just called me a bitch too though!"

"You disrespect me, you get disrespected back."

"You sound like a kid saying that stupid shit. I can't believe you sitting here arguing with me over some fucking breakfast. If you're hungry go upstairs and ask Aubree to cook for you. She's you're Bitch right? Ask her to -." Before she could finish his hand tightly gripped her face and he shoved her into the wall by the stove. Me and Courtney quickly jumped up.

"CHRIS LET HER GO!" Courtney tried to pull him away.

His finger pointed in her face. "If I'm not letting you disrespect me, I'm damn sure not about to let you disrespect Aubree. No she ain't my bitch! She ain't somebody you just fuck and dump like your hoe ass. Watch how the fuck you speak to me Tori!"

"What the hell!"

We all turned and looked at Aubree.

"Chris let her go!" She went and pulled his hand away from her face. "What the fuck is going on?"

I just shook up my head and threw up my hands because I was so confused. But it's obvious as hell that this man does NOT play about Aubree. I quickly made a mental note to myself to not call her my bitch around him.


I wish this girl would just stop trying this man.

"What?!" Aubree said, sounding just as confused as we were.

"I put my hands on her because she disrespectful. I was joking about that Hoody shit and this dumb bitch calls me out my name then she calls you a bitch." Chris explained.

"And why am I a bitch?"

"Aren't you his woman? His bitch?" Tori asked.

"You might be cool with a man calling you his bitch but that's not how I get down. We leave that to the teenagers and the females who weren't properly raised."

"Well I'm sorry."

Aubree turned to face Chris, placing her hands on her hips. "You didn't have to put your hands on her though. That was very unnecessary."


"Aubree man you know I don't get down like that. She ain't have to call me a bitch."

"I know but you could've kept your hands to yourself. You need to apologize."

"Man I'm not ab-."

"I said apologize." Aubree said through clinched teeth while squinting her eyes. Looking like somebody's mother.

"I'm sorry."

"Now get upstairs."

"But I'm hungry." He pouted.

"You don't know how to act down here so go."

"Man." He tossed the orange juice on the counter.

"I see who wears the pants in this relationship." I said while he walked past.

He flipped me off then headed upstairs.

"You okay?" Aubree asked Tori.

"Yes, I'll just make sure to stay away from him. He's so irrational." She answered.

"You did call the man a Bitch." Courtney said. "You can't do that."

"He called me dirty."

"You could've called him dirty back. He sounded like he was joking and you just took it there." I explained.

"Oh so y'all team Chris now that Aubree is woke?" Tori asked.

"I'm team nobody! Y'all both were wrong!" I asked.

"And why do you keep bringing me up?" Aubree asked. "I barely know what's going on."

Tori shook her head. "I'm gonna go. See y'all Saturday." She walked away.

"I think we all should go." I suggested. "I have to go get a few things done for work anyway." I hugged Aubree then Courtney and headed downstairs.

"I can't believe y'all really trying to make it seem like I was wrong." Tori said.

I rolled my eyes. "You were wrong. And I'm not saying this on Aubree's behalf, I'm saying it because of what I saw and it's just the fucking truth. I'm sure you'll watch your mouth next time though." I grabbed my clothes and slipped them on then headed out.

These hoes be tripping.

I decided to cook the breakfast that they already started prepping. They asses can't come back to my house. They bring drama and they don't clean up after themselves. They too fucking grown for that.

Once the food was done, I headed upstairs to my room and handed a plate to Chris.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded while digging into his food.

"We need to talk about last night." I continued.

"What about it?"

"The liquor got the best of me."

"Eventually you sobered up, I could tell. And you didn't stop me. But I knew you'd soon regret what happened. So go ahead and just tell me how we can't do this again."

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "So we fuck and now everything is okay?"

"I'm not saying that but we don't have a big issue with each other so why can't everything be okay? You wanna be with me as much as I want to be with you. Why keep wasting time?"

"What's going to be a waste of time is when you find something else that you think is going to make things too complicated and you leave again."

He groaned. "Aubreeeee, you keep making shit difficult man."

"I'm not! You didn't even give us a chance once you found out about Ariel. You walked away."

"And I'm sorry." He sat his plate down then grabbed mine and sat it next to his. Grabbing my hands, he got down on his knees. "I love you, you're one of a kind. That day I walked away, I was just caught up in my own feelings. I want to be with you Aubree. I want to make this work. You're not my PO anymore so I don't have to hide you. And it's not illegal for us to date anymore, I checked. You're no longer employed by the company and we can say things just happened between us.....I know this sounds crazy but I can see myself marrying you, getting you pregnant, just making you happy for all eternity. Just give me a chance. Please?"

How could I say no to that?

No man has ever got on his knees and begged for my forgiveness. This honestly made me melt inside. Holding on to his face, I pulled him up to me. I gently kissed his lips. He groaned before kissing me again.

"Please don't walk away from me again." I placed my forehead on his. "All I have left is Ariel, everyone else left in some kind of way."

"You got me, you got Royalty, my mom like you. We good, I'm not going nowhere."

"Okay." We kissed again.

"I love you."

"I love you too baby."


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