《Forbidden - Rated M》Twentyfive| hard times.


Aubree, Tori, Courtney and Raven, chilled down in Aubree's basement. All of them were dressed in matching pajamas. They all had their favorite snacks. Bottles of wine and boxes of patron sat on the table.

For the first time in a while, Aubree was actually enjoying herself. It's been nothing but laughs since her friends got here and this is exactly what she needed.

Especially after the encounter she had with Chris.

Tonight her troubles with him were getting pushed to the back of her mind.

"Okay okaaaaaay." Courtney said grasping everyone's attention. "So what are you guys costume ideas for the party next week. I want a dope ass costume but I'm taking forever to find something."

"Girl you better take your ass on fashion nova and order something." Raven said. "I think I want to be a sexy ninja. I'm not sure yet."

"Ooo, that would be cute." Tori said. "I have to look too. I'll definitely be on fashion nova though. What are you going to be Aubree?"

"I'm not going." She responded before popping some chips in her mouth.

"Bitch why?!" Raven asked.

"Girl you know why." Courtney responded. "She's avoiding Chris."

"But don't you see him anyway, Royalty and Ariel still hang out."

"I've seen him twice this week and it didn't end so well. I'm good on that." Aubree responded.

"And why won't you tell us why you guys broke up? You had Chris glowing like he was pregnant and ever since y'all broke up he's been a complete asshole." Tori said.

"Things just got complicated and he thought it was best for us to go our separate ways." Aubree shrugged.

Courtney's eyes grew. "Wait he broke up with you?! The way he acts you would think you left his ass."

Aubree was getting annoyed with all the Chris questions even though she should've expected this.

"No matter what you and Chris going through I still think you should come to this party. It's about to be lit, you don't want to miss out. We can be away from him and his friends just enjoy ourselves." Tori said.


"I'm sure there are a bunch of other clubs having Halloween parties, why we gotta go there?" Aubree asked.

"Cause we get in free, duh." Raven answered.

"Well y'all have fun for me."

"Bitch stop being so damn difficult. Nobody is supposed to stop you from enjoying yourself. I know you and Chris were really feeling each other but shit happens Bree, you just got to move on. Make him regret wanting to leave you." Tori said, making the conversation from earlier play in Aubree's head.

Feeling herself getting ready to cry she got up and headed upstairs.

She leaned on her counter and took a few deep breaths. She told herself that moving on from Chris would be the best option. He'll just find something else to complain about and break her heart once again. Her feelings for him are deep and it's terrible that it was so easy for him to walk away from her. But he wants her to take him back without putting in the work? That's not fair.

Tonight was supposed to keep her mind off the nonsense but that's too much like right.

Aubree hopes that Joyce dropped Ariel off, she didn't want to face him again.

The door to the basement opened, causing Aubree to roll her eyes. Maybe this girls night wasn't a good idea. Raven walked next to her, slightly bumping her shoulder. "You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I just needed five minutes."

"I'm sorry that we bombarded you with all the Chris questions."

"It's cool."

"Aubree can you at least think about going to the Halloween party? I don't want to go if you're not there. I'm not close with all of them like you are and it's going to be so uncomfortable being there by myself."

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Aubree shook her head. At this point she was ready to put everybody out. "If I say maybe I'll go, will you stop asking me about it?"


Raven pulled the fake zipper across her lips then tossed the invisible key behind her back.

"Thank you." Aubree said. "And please don't bring up Chris. I invited you guys over to keep my mind off of him."

"I'm sorry."

She exhaled while running her fingers through her hair. "We can go back downstairs now."

Raven nodded then headed over to the door and they went back to the basement. Tori and Courtney just looked at their friend trying to make sure she was okay before speaking up.

"Look, I know you guys are curious about Chris and I and how bad y'all want me at this party but I'm not in the mood to talk about him. That's not what I brought you guys over here for. I'm still dealing with with the aftermath of our break up and my only goal is to move on, not be bombarded with millions of questions. Let's have fun, enjoy ourselves. Chris is the last thing I want to talk about." Aubree said.

"Nothing else about that man will be mentioned. Sorry Bree." Tori said.

"I appreciate it that, now let's turn up!"

Chris's eyes opened as he heard his phone ding. He's been tossing and turning all night and once he was almost into a deep sleep someone wants to bother him.

Exhaling, he picks up his phone and hits the lock button to see who it was.

Quickly sitting up, his thumb unlocked his phone and their thread opened.


A smile peeled on his face.





















Chris quickly cut his phone off and tossed it back on the bed.

Sighing he looked under the covers at his hard dick. He really wanted to go over to Aubree and give her just what she's asking for. But she wants nothing to do with him when she's sober, even when he begged to fix things.

He's regrets not trying when she wanted to. But if the feelings are still there, why would it hurt to try now?

Makes him think she moved on.

Just the thought of her with someone else made his mind spin. He just wants his girl and for them to be happy.

But now she's making that hard.

Why is everything in this relationship so damn complicated?

Running his hands over his face he groaned. The text messages just flashed through his head.

Should he give her what wants?

Even if it makes shit more complicated it'll be her fault. This is what she asked for.

Before he knew it, he was dressed, in the car and on his way to her house. When he stood at her door he got nervous. His mind told him to go back home but his heart and body said give her his all.

His shaky finger touched the doorbell.

He chewed on his bottom lip waiting for an answer. Soon the locks clicked and the door pulled open. Aubree appeared in a green silk kimono with her burgundy matching bra and panty set showing.

Chris pulled at the tie on her robe making it fall open then he grabbed her and picked her up while kicking the door closed.

"What happened to you worrying about me regretting this?" She asked.

"If you do then that's on you. I'm just here to give you what you want."

"Tori Courtney and Raven are here."

He shrugged. "Well I guess they're about to get a show."

When they got up to Aubree's room he tossed her on the bed then discarded his shirt and hoodie. Walking up to her his hands gripped her neck while biting his bottom lip causing her to gasp and moan.

"Let's see how wet you are." He said.

She laid back, slipping off her underwear and opening her legs. "It's all yours."

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