《Forbidden - Rated M》Six| first meeting.
Few Weeks Later
Sitting in my office, I scrolled through the internet looking for a different job. I love it here, the pay is great but the hours are horrible. People aren't open to being PO's because they don't want to deal with the ex cons and the fact that this job can sometimes get dangerous depending on who you're dealing with.
I have a criminal justice degree so I've been trying to find something in the courthouse. Maybe a clerk or something.
They work decent hours, they aren't forced to stay at work. I also need a new job because the boys have been very busy lately and they're barely home, so picking up Ariel from school has been hectic. They promised to get her today so I'm good. I haven't been thinking about what I'm going to do when they go off to college.
I may have to quit, thankfully I have enough money saved up so I should be good for a while if that ends up being the case.
A knock on the door, grasped my attention. I minimized the job search page and pulled up my files. Then I made sure I was decent in the full length mirror by desk. "Come in."
The door opened and the sound of plastic rattling filled my ears. I leaned over my desk to see who it was. Then Chris appeared with Roses in his hand.
He looked so good. His diamonds shined bright, his outfit was perfect, his messy hair but he had a trimmed goatee.
Leaning back in my seat I smiled. "You know I can't accept those. You just walked past all my coworkers now they're going to think something is up."
"Nobody was paying attention to me. You don't have to even keep them here."
"Thanks, they're beautiful." I took the bouquet from him and put it on top of my purse. I got up and grabbed all the things for his urine sample
"You look Nice today." He said.
"Thank you." I walked back over to him with his cup and handed it to him. "I'm sure you know the drill."
His demeanor changed when I said that.
"Nah I don't. This is actually my first time doing this. I know you might think everybody that walks in here is an awful person that loves trouble but that ain't me." He seemed bothered.
"Well you have to fill this cup to the line, make sure you wipe it up. The machine used is able to detect any foreign objects and if the urine used doesn't belong to you. I will be using this to detect any drugs and alcohol in your system. Cool?"
"Yup." He snatched the cup. "Where's the bathroom?"
I pointed at the door behind him. He got up and headed back there.
I pulled up his file while he handled his business. He does have prior charges but they weren't as big as the last so this is his first time having a PO. So I basically put my foot in my mouth.
A couple minutes passed and he came out.
"Drop it in that machine over there." I pointed over by my bookcase.
He did what I told him then came and sat back down.
"Look, I'm sorry for basically stereotyping you. I knew you had prior convictions that's why I thought you knew how things went. I should've looked into your file a little more before saying anything. I apologize." I said.
"It's cool."
"Okay back to business. Are you currently working?"
"I own my own businesses and they're registered so nothings illegal."
"Well I need all the information for the companies you own."
He reached in his pocket and pulled out two cards. One for a car wash and another for a club. "You're the one opening that new bar downtown." I asked while scanning over the information he gave me.
"Yeah, it's opening soon. I can't wait."
"Nice, and you're staying with your mother. Correct?"
"Technically she's staying with me but, yeah."
"Okay." I filled out everything I needed to in his file. Then printed out a paper for him to sign and passed it to him. "Just need your signature at the bottom and the date. That's just to show that you came in today."
He nodded while taking the paper. The drug and alcohol detector beeped, so I headed over to it for his results. I picked up the paper and read it then went and sat back down. "Chris."
"It detected marijuana in your system."
He sighed. "I'm around people that smoke weed so basically I'm inhaling it too."
"Don't play with me like I'm stupid."
"Alright, I slipped up. I was out with some friends just enjoying myself and not thinking. So go ahead and report that. Take me away from my daughter again."
"Don't use your daughter to make me feel guilty! Do that to yourself. She should be the reason you don't mess up at all. If I report this to the courts you know what's going to happen."
"Yeah I know."
"If you do what you're supposed to do you can appeal to get this probation shit stopped. Then you won't have to worry about dropping clean or seeing me every two weeks."
"I don't mind seeing you."
"Anyways." I playfully rolled my eyes.
"Come to my grand opening next week. I'll make sure you have a good time."
"The way my schedule is set up here, I'll probably be working so I can't."
"That's crazy."
"It is." My office phone rung. "Excuse me." I picked it up. "Aubree Mack."
"Hello Ms. Mack, this is Ms. Brockman."
"Ariel's teacher, hi. Is everything okay? Did she do something to someone?" I asked immediately getting nervous. It was after school and she's calling me. I know Ariel has a bad temper at times and she's been a little snappy before.
"Well your sister has been sitting here for almost three hours."
"Oh my god are you serious?!"
"Yes, She said that the twins were supposed to be picking her up. We called both of them and neither one answered. Ariel told me that you're at work but she needs to be picked up."
"Okay, I'll be there."
I slammed the phone on the receiver. "Fuck!" Picking it back up, I called both of the twins but neither one of them answered.
"Everything okay?" Chris asked.
"Uh, no. My little sister has been sitting up at her school for three hours. One of my brothers took my car just so that she'll get picked up. And neither one of them is answering. I don't know if I should panic or if I should beat their asses."
"Just go get her."
"I can't. My boss isn't going to let me off."
"You haven't talked to her yet. The longer you sit here the longer your sister will be waiting."
I nodded while messaging Tisha to come to my office. I was shaking so damn bad. I didn't know if my brothers were hurt. Like what the Fuck is going on?!
My office door opened and Tisha appeared. "What's up Bree?"
"I really need to leave." My eyes filled with tears.
"Oh my god, what's wrong?"
"Ariel has been sitting up at her school for three hours waiting on my brothers, I can't get in touch with them and it's scaring me. I'm so fucking stressed Ti."
"Yes, go matter of fact, I don't want you back in this building until the Monday after next. You need a break and to figure some things out."
"I can't afford to take all that Time off."
"I got you, now get out of here."
"Thank you so much."
"No problem." She left out and I started grabbing my things.
"So do you need a ride?" Chris asked.
"I ca-."
"Look your sister is stranded at school and riding me will be the quickest way there."
Sighing I tossed my bead back. "You're right. Okay."
"Give me your briefcase, I'll help you out."
I passed him some stuff to carry.
"Oh shit what about my drug test?" He asked.
"Your file is with me. We'll work that out another time." I logged out of my things on the computer then headed out. Thankfully not too many people were seeing me leave with Chris.
When we got into the elevator, the tears just poured down my face.
"Aye, She alright. Relax." He said.
"It's not that. You just don't understand how much I go through just to make sure my siblings are good and I ask my brothers to do one thing and shit like this is always the result. It's so fucked up."
"Yeah it is but everything gone be good. Maybe you gotta start pulling back on what you do for them. How old are your brothers?"
"18, they're twins."
"When I was growing up, at 18 you're considered a man. It's time for them to get shit done on their own."
"Yeah but I just don't throw them out there into this crazy world."
"Don't shelter them in either."
"You're right, I'll figure something out. I just hope they're okay though. Why aren't they answering? It's freaking me out."
"Probably getting some pussy."
The elevator door opened.
I smirked. "Their sister is more important than some pussy!" I followed him to his car.
A Rolls Royce....impressive.
"You said your sisters name is Ariel right?" He asked opening my door.
"Yeah why?"
"Is her best friends name Royalty?"
"It is, how do you know this?" My eyebrows furrowed.
"I'm Royalty's dad." He smiled then shut my door and went and climbed in the drivers seat.
"You definitely are. She looks just like you. Every time I talk to Ariel, it's always about what her and Royalty did."
"Yeah, Ro's the same way. She asked me about having a sleepover."
"Ariel wants the same thing but I told her I had to meet her parents. You think you can handle two little girls all over the place?"
"Yeah I can, just give them whatever they ask for."
"No, that's not it. But now that I'm off, maybe I can have Royalty over, if that's cool with you and her mom."
"Can I come too?"
"Girls only."
"You suck but I guess that'll be okay. My baby needs to get out the house. And her mom died during birth so it's just me and the help of my mom."
"Oh okay. Sorry to hear that."
"Yeah." He ran his hand over his head while licking his lips. He's so damn delicious. "Speaking of my mom." He continued, grasping my focus again. "She owns a daycare and if you're having issues with Ariel getting picked up, I'm sure she can work something out with you. I know Ariel wouldn't mind chilling with her best friend until she gets picked up."
"That would be great but I can't really squeeze out Daycare payments right now."
"Don't worry about that. I'll handle it."
"Chris, no."
"I could've been sitting in jail right now if you would've reported that failed drug test but you didn't. I wouldn't be able to see my daughter until she's 30. I owe you."
"I just don't want to see another little girl grow up without a dad."
"And I appreciate that so let me do this for you."
I looked at him. "Thanks Chris."
"No problem." He pulled up in front of the school, I got out and hurried inside.
"I'm here, I'm here and I am so so so so sorry." I said.
Ariel looked at me with her red eyes and the color of her nose matched. My heart broke.
"Ms. Mack, this coming late to pick her up has been too frequent lately. I know you have to work and normally her brothers never leave her like this. But if it keeps happening, I'll have to report you and that is the very last thing I want to do." Her teacher said.
"I have everything figured out. It won't happen again."
"Okay, see you tomorrow Ariel."
"Bye." Ariel said before grabbing my hand and we headed out. I put her in the backseat of Chris's car into his daughters car seat, then got in the passenger seat.
"Ariel, I want you to meet Mr. Chris. He was nice enough to bring me to get you aaaaaand guess what else?"
"He's Royaltys dad and he's letting her sleepover one day."
Chris turned to her. "Wassup little bit. RoRo talks about you all the time."
"She's my best friend." Ariel said.
"Mine too and you can call me Chris, you don't have to say Mr."
"Okay, thanks for coming to get me."
"No problem." He winked at her then turned back around and pulled off.
"Why can't she call you Mr. Chris?" I asked.
"Cause that make me seem old as hell. I'm only 29."
"Almost 30."
"Almost But ain't there yet."
He smiled then pinched my chin.
My gosh I wanna fuck him.....
Too soon?
I pulled into Aubree's driveway and killed the engine. I looked back at Ariel and she was knocked out. "I can carry her in. You got all of those bags."
"I would really appreciate it."
I nodded, got out, then got Ariel out. Aubree went and unlocked the door and held it open for me to go in.
I walked inside and laid her on the couch then glanced around the house. "This is a nice."
"Thanks. I worked hard for it." Aubree said while walking into the kitchen. I walked to the fire place and looked at the picture of the two twin boys, my eyes grew when I realized who it was.
"Shit." I whispered. "So since you're off next weekend." I walked up to her making her ass hit the kitchen counter. My arms locked her in. We were face to face. "That means you can come to my grand opening."
She smiled. "You really want me there huh?"
I nodded, staring at her big lips, knowing they probably do wonders on this dick. "I do."
"Well I guess I'll come and I'm bringing my friends."
"The more the merrier." I stepped back. "I gotta head out, got some shit to handle. Let me see your phone."
She pulled it out of her pant pocket and handed it to me.
"Here's my number." I saved my number then called my phone. "Ima hit you up about the daycare and the sleepover and if I don't see you next Saturday we gone have a problem."
"Okay and you better do what he talked about. No smoking or drinking for the next six months."
"Okay okay, I got it."
"Alright I'm out, Bye Aubree."
"Bye Chris."
I walked out the house and got into my car then dialed Keeis.
"Hello." He answered.
"You at the spot?"
"Those twins there?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Don't let them niggas leave I'm on my way." I hung up before he could respond and pressed down harder on the gas. The way they did their sister is crazy and I know if she finds out about what I got them doing, I can just forget about ever hitting that.
I pulled up to the warehouse and headed in. "Aye! You two niggas!" I pointed to Maine and Miah. They looked at each other confused. "Yes you two motherfuckas, Get in my office, NOW!"
"Aw shit, what the fuck y'all do?" Keeis asked
The quickly got up and followed me to the back.
"Wassup Chrez? Everything good." I think Maine asked, can't tell them niggas apart. Ima just call them thing 1 and 2, simple.
The most I know is Thing 1 talks too damn much, might have to knock this nigga out and Thing 2 does whatever Thing 1 tells him. That can be a problem in the long run.
"Y'all were supposed to do something at 3, right?"
Their eyebrows furrowed.
"Naw." Thing 1 said. "You didn't tell us t-."
"Fuck! Ariel was supposed to get picked up!" Thing 2 said.
"Ding ding ding! She sat at school for three hours."
"Wait how do you know this?" Thing 2 asked.
Should I tell them?........I guess I have to, ain't no other excuse.
"Aubree shes my PO and I watched her lose her fucking mind in a matter of minutes because your little sister was stranded and she doesn't know what the Fuck is going on with you two because y'all won't pick up the damn phone."
"Oh my god." Thing 1 groaned slouching down in his seat.
"Y'all constantly talking about how y'all sister work her ass off to take care of y'all but you can't even do one little thing she asked y'all to do cause y'all wanna hang around here. Thankfully I was at her office because she didn't even have a ride to your sister. That was some bold shit man, I don't want y'all hanging around here, don't come back until I need you. This ain't no fucking chill spot anyway. Get up out of here."
The both looked depressed as hell, getting out of their seats.
"Oh yeah, don't even mention me to her." I said.
Then they walked out.
I sat back in my seat pulling at my chin hair. I should've cut those little niggas off completely but I know Aubree gone need the help. I just gotta make sure she don't find out about this.
My office door opened and Keeis appeared. "What they do man?"
"That's between me and them, but I will say don't let them hang out here. Only time I wanna see their faces is when it's time for a drop."
He nodded then walked out.
I picked up my phone and pulled up Aubree's contact and hit the message button. I know she's gonna say we can't text or whatever but I really wanna get to know this girl
Saturday gotta hurry the hell up!
Looooooong ass chapter
Changed Aubree, Karin is a better fit.🤷🏽♀️
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