《Forbidden - Rated M》Five| sticky situations.


"Maine, you woke?" I said while shaking him.

He rolled on his back and looked at me. "What man?"

"You trying to go make this money or what? We gotta head out."

He looked over at the clock on his night stand then back at me. "It's two in the fucking morning dawg, you can't be serious."

"I am, now get up."

Exhaling, Maine sat up in his bed and ran his hands over his face. "You really think we should be doing this? What if we get caught Miah? We got so much to lose and if Aubree find out she gone kill us."

"We doing this to help Aubree and we not gone get caught. We won't even be doing this for long, just a few drops, collect our money then it's over."

"There's no such thing as walking away from something like this."

I smacked my lips. "Are you gone come, or are you just about to sit here and bitch about it?"

He sat there for a moment before getting up. I smiled. "Put on all black and meet me outside, hurry up." I said before walking out his room then quietly sneaking out the house.

About 10 minutes later Jermaine came out. He climbed inside of the car, slamming the door shut.

"I know what'll cheer you up." I reached in the glove compartment and handed him an envelope.

"What's this?"

"Open it."

He pulled the top back. "This is 2500 dollars."

"That's your cut for this job we about to do and if we do it well, we got another 500 waiting on us."


"Come on bro." I hit his arm. "Just think about how much this will help Aubree, she ain't gotta work like crazy anymore. She'll be able to spend more time with Ariel. I already talked to the dude we work for, I told him this is just something until this football scholarships fall through and we graduate. He said he was all for it. We gotta do this Maine."

He sighed. "Alright, let's go."

"That's my dawg." I put in the address that Keeis sent me, then pulled off.

We got a warehouse looking building after like 20 minutes. Once I parked I looked at Jermaine and he looked nervous. "Man don't let them know you're scared, that's going to fuck shit up for us." I said.

"I'm good."

I pulled the skull cap on my down further than we got out. Once I knocked, a big dude answered. "Uhhh, we're here to see Keeis. Jeremiah and Jermaine."

"Let them in." A voice from afar said.

He stepped back for us to come inside but we were stopped again once he closed and locked the door. He searched the both of us then pointed at the table that had four dudes sitting at it.

"Fuck y'all dressed like two ninja's for?" The chubbier one said.

"Shut the hell up Sinko." A skinny dude with tattoos said. "Keeis these the twins you was telling me about?"

"Yeah, they tryna make a little cash to help out their sister." Keeis answered.

The guy nodded. "I respect that. I'm Chrez, I run all this shit and now I run you two. One thing I don't play about is my money. The minute you two fuck up, ima fuck you up and make your life a living hell. Got it?"


We both nodded.

He walked from behind the table and walked up to Jermaine. "You look scared blood, you sure this something you wanna do?"

"It's two in the morning, I'm just tired. I wanna do this, my sister need our help."

"Y'all sister fine? I'll go over there and help her out." The fat ass Sinko said. This nigga annoying already.

"Where y'all parents? Y'all keep talking about a sister." Chrez asked.

"Our dad is dead and my mom is in rehab, our older sister takes care of us and our younger sister." I answered.

Chrez made a face. "Hm, I feel like I've heard this story before. Just can't remember where. I smoke too fucking much....Keeis go get the product, we gotta get these niggas out of here and back in bed before Big Sis wake up."

Keeis reaches under the table and pulls out a duffle bag, then brought it down to us. Chrez unzipped it, showing the bricks of cocaine.

"That's 80,000 dollars worth of drugs." He said. "Y'all gotta protect this shit like your life depended on it...well it does. Keeis is going to text you an address. When you get there Park down the block. Only one of you is going to go up to the door, tell them C sent you. DO NOT say Chrez. They're going to exchange this bag with another one just like it. Bring that bag back to me. Got it?"

"Yeah." We said in unison.

"Good." He looked down at his diamond watch. "I'll give y'all an hour. Get it done and I'll have something waiting for y'all." He shoved the bag at me. "Get out of here."

We rushed out the building and climbed in the car.

"Don't that nigga look familiar?" Maine asked.

"Yeah, But I don't know where I've seen him before."

"Yeah, well let's get this done."

The Text from Keeis came through and I pulled off. I know he gave us an hour but I'm not about to be out here speeding then fuck around and get pulled over.

It took 20 minutes to get to the house they sent us to.

"So who's going to the door?" I asked.

"I'll do it."

"Are you sure?"

"Nigga we ain't got time to be pulling straws and shit to see who gone get this done, we only got 40 minutes." He grabbed the bag. "I'll be back."

I nodded and he climbed out. My heart sped up as I watched him jog down the street to the house. When he got to the door he knocked and a few minutes later some short nigga answered. I could see them talking then Maine walked inside and now I was really nervous.

20 minutes go by and he still ain't out.

I pulled my phone out to call him but the door opens. Maine steps out, slapping fives with this man like he's known him, his entire life.

He rushed back to the car. "Pull off nigga we gotta go."

I smiled while quickly cutting on the car and pulling off. "You see that shit! Easy money my nigga. You handled that like a pro."

"Dropping off a bag ain't hard. You doing that shit next time though."


"No problem."

We pulled back up to the warehouse and headed in.

"Good job." Chrez said while clapping and standing up.

"I told you they'd be good for it." Keeis said.

"Yeah." He grabbed the bag from us and unzipped it. Stacks of money filled to the top, sat inside. He grabbed two of them out and walked over to us. "Pay your sister bills for the month, then take the rest and enjoy yourself."

"Thanks." We both said.

"No problem, same time next week. Get out of here."

We nodded then turned and left.

When we got to the car I pulled off, Jermaine pulled the money out his pocket. "He gave us 10 bands bro, we got 12500 in our fucking pockets!"

"I know man, this shit is crazy but you know we gotta hide this from Aubree, she'll flip out if she sees this."

"I know. Only a few drops then we done with this, RIGHT?"

"Yes bro, only a few."

Grabbing Ariel out the car we walking inside of my moms rehabilitation center. I walked up to the front desk and signed in. "Hello Ms. Mack." The receptionist said.

"Hi, how are you?"

"Good and you?"

"I'm okay."

"Let me call your mom for you."

"Thanks." I went and sat in the visitors area, pulling Ariel on my lap. The boys were right, I hated being here and I do hold a lot of anger towards my mom. I had to step up when she wanted to be with this boyfriend of hers.

But today I'm going to try and be calm, let Ariel enjoy her time with her.

The doors opened and she walked out, when she spotted me and Ariel and her face lit up. "Hi babies." She rushed over to us, pulling us into a hug.

"Hi." Ariel said shyly. She's not as comfortable with her. She knows she's her mother but she knows who takes care of her.

"Hey ma."

Rachel Mack, my mother who when I was younger was the light of my life, especially when my father was alive. Her head was on straight, she made sure me and the twins were good while my dad was overseas.

She always taught me that a woman was never supposed to work hard and now I have to because she wanted to fuck up.

When our father was killed something snapped in her mind. She was depressed for a few years then one day her 'friends' decided to take her out and when she came back home, it was a different person.

And now we're here.

"No luck with the twins?" She asked.

"No and I'm not going to keep asking them to come because it's going to cause me to kill Jeremiah."

"Okay." The look of disappointment fell over her face but I didn't care. "So, how are you?"

"Tired, ready to quit my job but I can't."

"I'm almost done with my program and I'm going to find me a job. I'll be there to help out."

"Ma, you're a felon no one is going to hire you. You were caught smuggling drugs for that man."

"I messed up Bree, I know that but I'm trying to figure out a way to fix this."

"Just focus on staying clean, I got every thing else."

"Has her dad tried to get in touch with you?"


She sighed. "I wish your dad was still alive."

"Ma, please. Don't do that."

"I do Aubree, things would be so different. I wouldn't be here, my children wouldn't hate me. Ariel would be his. My life is fucked up because he left."

"You're talking about him like he abandoned his family, he was killed in a fucking air strike!"

"He wasn't supposed to go! I begged him to stay home but he insisted! When he die I lost my mind and that caused me to make the decision I made."

"I can't believe this. You're really going to blame my dead father for you becoming a drug addict." I laughed. "That's some bullshit."

"Aubree Nicole, I understand that you're an adult and I understand that you are upset with me but you won't disrespect me. I'm still your mother."


"Ariel come here baby."

Ariel looked at me then back at her.

"Go ahead Ari, I need to get out of here."

She climbed off my lap and went around to my mom. "You're so beautiful sweetie. Mommy will be home soon and I'm going to take good care of you." Rachel said, causing me to roll my eyes. "Once I get a job and a place, you can come stay with me."

My eyes grew and Ariel looked at me like she was about to cry. "Let's go Ariel." I got up.

"I'm not finished talking to her."

"Yes you are, Ariel is not moving with you don't be telling her shit like that." I went and tried to pull her away but my mom pushed me. "Ma, I'm trying to walk away before I cut up. Give me Ariel so I can go."

"Aubree you obviously don't know your place! IM HER MOTHER!"

"Technically I'm her mother! I've raised her since birth while YOU chased after your fucking drug dealer boyfriend. Now give her to me so I can go because I promise you Rachel I'm trying my hardest not to slap the shit out of you."

"I can't wait for the day that you have children and you make one little mistake and your children treat the way you treat me."

"A little mistake?!" I laughed. "The day I chose to shoot a needle full of drugs up my veins instead of taking care of my children is the day that god himself can come take me off this earth."

She stared at me for awhile before pushing Ariel to me. "Take her and don't come back."

"No problem, I hope you find a way to pay for this rehab call your boyfriend and see if he'll help you." I picked up Ariel and hurried out of there. Once I got Ariel in her seat I climbed in the front and pulled off.



"I don't want to see her anymore. She's not my mom, you are."

I looked up at her through the rear view mirror. Tears filled my eyes. This happens every time I come here.

I'm done.

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