《Kissing Booth [BoyxBoy]》18 | ɢrα∂e 8


Your body is my ball point pen

And your mind is my new best friend

Chapter 18 ~ Grade 8

Jamie Myers

Dante stroked his hands up my stomach so gently that it made my muscles quiver. But as much as I wanted to enjoy his every touch, I just couldn't because my eyes were glued to the ceiling fan, thinking of how I must be the biggest jerk on the planet.

"Your body continues to blow me away every single time," Dante murmured, watching me under his dark lustful eyes. I tried my best not to look at him because I knew if I saw his naked body next to mine, I would feel even more guilty than I did now.

"I didn't come here to do this," I said to myself, but it was loud enough for him to hear. "I came to deliver the car and that was it."

"Oh, I know." His hand cupped the side of my face as he captured my lips into a kiss, just like he captured my entire body only a few minutes ago. "I just couldn't help myself."

I squeezed my eyes shut and groaned. This was so wrong and I knew it was, but I just couldn't bring myself to stop. "Can this be the last time we do this?" I still didn't turn to face him.

Dante's hands ventured down to my lower half, grabbing onto my member with a tight grip. "Sure it can," he purred in my ear. "But do you really want it to?"

I clamped my teeth down on my lower lip, trying to contain my moan. "That boy I told you about. Me and him are kind of together, and I don't want to cheat on him. He's already been through a lot."

Dante simply ignored me and dove into the crook of my neck, kissing me softly. "Does he kiss you like I do?"

God, I hated being in such a compromising position. "He kisses just fine."

He trailed down my stomach, but stopped just below my navel. He glanced back at me with one corner of his mouth tugged into a smirk. "Does he suck you like I do?"

I wanted to tell him to stop, but I just couldn't bring myself to.

Luckily, my phone vibrated on the nightstand, saving me from having to deal with this situation. I reached for it and felt a pang of fear in my chest when I saw the call was from Scar. As I answered the call, I glanced over to Dante to see he was still smiling. "Hello?"

"Where is it?"

I furrowed my brows. "Where is what?"

"The money from the kissing booth. Where is it?"

Dante began to suck on my nipple, and I tried so hard to suppress a moan. "I don't...know. It was in the gym bag."

I didn't have to see him to tell he was seething. "If it was in the gym bag, then I wouldn't be asking you where it is. God, Jamie. If you took it, can you just tell me? I'm like freaking out over here. There was like three thousand dollars in there!"

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't take anything."

I heard him release a long, heavy sigh. "Okay, but where did you go? You just disappeared."

I glanced at Dante. "I had stuff to do."

"What kind of stuff?"

He had to choose now of all moments to be nosy. "Scar," I said sternly. "My day was awesome. Thanks for asking. How was yours?"


"You know how mine went."

I wanted to take it back as soon as I said it. "Right. Sorry."

"Whatever, it's..." He sighed heavily, "...it's fine. Where are you? I want to see you. Are you home?"

"No, I'm no-"

"Great," he interrupted me. "I'm coming over now." Without giving me the time to respond, the line went dead.

I nearly tore myself away from Dante and fell to the floor, struggling to find my clothes which had been discarded all over the room. Dante laid patiently on his bed and when I saw his slight smile, I said, "I have to go."

He shrugged. "If you have to."

Once I found my pants, I hastily shoved them onto my legs, not even bothering to find my boxers. Chances were they were downstairs, where most of the sex happened. "I don't want to do this anymore."

"I can give you a ride, if you want."

I snapped my eyes to his. "Didn't you hear me? We're not doing this anymore. We can just go back to the way things were. You don't need to give me a ride."

I didn't know what he found so amusing, but he was grinning at me. Suddenly, he sat up on the bed and reached into his bedside drawer, pulling out a wad of cash and tossing it to me. "That's a thousand."

I gasped. "A thousand? You've never given me that much."

His grin grew wider. "You deserved it."

"Thank you." I stuffed the cash into my back pocket and circled around the room in search for my shirt.

"I can give you more if you keep letting me pleasure you," he added while raising a suggestive brow.

That caught my attention. Not only would gaining a couple extra thousands would help me find an apartment and pay rent, it could help cover some of the daily expenses I would make, like groceries. "Seriously?"

"And I might just throw in a car if you're really good."

A car? That would save me a whole bunch of walking. But no matter how appealing it sounded, I couldn't keep doing this when I was seeing Scar. "I can't."

Dante merely rolled his eyes. "Just think of this as part of your job. It's not cheating if it's what brings home the dough." He inched off the bed and stood to his full height, exposing his naked body. I couldn't keep myself from staring at his browned skin, mouthwatering abs, and impressive length. Just staring at me him made my jeans suddenly tighten, and he knew it too. "Come on. You don't wanna be late for your boyfriend." He turned around, making his way to his closet for an extra pair of clothes, but my eyes were practically fixated on his ass.

I am so going to hell.


With the help from Dante, I was able to make it back home before Scar did. Instead of going inside, though, I sat down on the porch waiting for him to show up. I contemplated whether or not I should tell him about Dante and my risky job business, but I decided against it. I knew he wouldn't approve and he'd be more than angry to hear that someone cheated on him, yet again.

When I saw his old, musty orange, beat-up Jeep pulling into my driveway, I faked the happiest smile that I could. Truth was, I felt horrible. Because here was this amazing guy who liked me for me and I had ruin it for money.


He jumped out of driver's seat and stalked towards me with heavy steps, as if he hadn't seen me in months. He threw his arms around my neck almost instantly and planted a chaste kiss on my lips. I was too consumed in my thoughts to reciprocate, leaving my arms dangling by my sides.

He pulled away for a second. "You okay?"

"Yeah," I lied. "I, uh, it's just ... After everything that happened today, you still want to be seen with me?"

A smile curved his mouth. "Of course I do. I mean, yeah, it sorta sucks that I'm the talk of the school in a not-so-good way. But if you don't care, then I don't care. Besides, you're really cool and I don't wanna lose a really cool person just because the people at school are idiots."

I wanted to smile, because that probably was the sweetest thing he'd ever said to me but I couldn't muster the strength to smile. I was too depressed. "Yeah."

"On my way over here, I was thinking that since I'm probably going to be kicked off the football team, then maybe I should actually donate the money to charity. Once I find it, of course." He lowered himself onto the porch beside me and stared absentmindedly at the sky while intertwining his fingers with mine. "Who do you think must've taken it?"

I shrugged as I pulled my hand away from his.

"Is there something wrong?" He questioned me.

I really wished he would have just stayed put and left me alone. I needed the day to think about what I had just done, and him touching me wasn't doing anything to make me feel better. "No, there's nothing wrong. It's just that my foster parent is inside."

He glanced back at the house. "Does she not like gays?"

That made me laugh. "She doesn't like anyone, really."

Scar sat there for a moment, relishing in the silence and pondering while rubbing his chin. "How about we finish what we started at the club in my car?" He asked suddenly, his bushy brows perked up to their highest position. He didn't wait for a response because his hand had already found mine and he began to pull me towards his Jeep, and I let him because I couldn't bring myself to protest anymore.

For some reason, I forgot how to say no.

The next few moments consisted of Scar kissing me with all the passion in the world and pulling onto my hair. Had it been a normal day, I would have been more than excited to make out with him. But my mind was elsewhere.

Because with every touch and every kiss, images of Dante's dark skin pressing against mine and him moving inside of me came flooding through my mind. No matter how much I wanted to think about Scar, and only Scar, I couldn't.

He was suddenly on top of me, brushing my hair back with one hand and rubbing my thigh with the other. My mind kept telling me to forget about Dante and just be selfish for one moment, but I could not allow myself to. I had betrayed Scar, right after I swore to him that I wouldn't.

As if sensing my distress, Scar asked, "Are you not feeling this?"

Never would I ever think that Scar would be asking me if I was feeling our make out session. There was something really wrong with me. "No, I am."

He combed his fingers through his short tufts of brown hair and cocked his head to the side. "You sure?"

I didn't trust myself to speak. Any minute now, I could blurt it out. Instead, I forced a smile. "Yeah."

His smile was back on his face as he pressed his lips to mine again and coerced my mouth open with his tongue. Our tongues melted together, but most of the work was done on Scar's part considering I was too much of a mental wreck to do anything. The heat from our bodies radiated between us as Scar's hands moved all over my body, leaving not one area untouched.

He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me up so that I was sitting on his lap, still not breaking the contact between our lips. His fingers glided down my back, taking note of every groove and crevice and I almost squealed when his hands slipped into my pockets.

Scar broke away from the kiss, his eyebrows furrowing. "What is this?" It took me a while to understand what he was referring to, but then I saw the wad of cash that Dante had given me in his hand. He inspected it for a while, estimating how much money must've been inside. "You said you didn't take it."

My eyes snapped wide open. "No, Scar, it's not what it-"

"You stole my money," he accused me with wild, deadly eyes. "What the hell, Jamie?"

"I didn't steal it! That money is mine."

His brows drew closer together. "What kind of person carries this much cash on them?"

"It's from my job!"

"What job pays this much money?"

Come on, Jamie. Say it. You'll never forgive yourself until you do. "I steal cars," I admitted, deciding to tell half of the truth. "I met someone who pays real good money for stealing cars, and I really need the money, so I thought.."

My sentence trailed off when I realized Scar was staring at me with a bewildered look. His lips were parted slightly and his usually bright green eyes had darkened severely. They were beginning to water, allowing the whites of his eyes to glisten.

He blinked. "You steal cars?" He said it in a voice that made me feel ashamed. I had never really thought about how wrong it was until now. "That's illegal."

Sighing, I sat up straight. "I know."

He shook his head in disbelief. "Why? What do you need the money for?"

I gazed back at my house. I never told anyone about my foster situation and I never planned to, but I needed to tell Scar. I needed to get something off my chest. "She hits us. She yells at us. She makes us do all the work. I'm not saying all this for you to pity me, because I've become used to it by now. I just don't wanna live like that anymore. I needed the money to get a place for me and Jillian once I turn eighteen. It's obvious we're not going to college because we don't have that kind of money, so I want to take care of us first."

He stared back at me, unmoving. Bitter silence washed over us and I was sure that this would be it. Scar would think I was a criminal, kick me out of his car and drive away. I kept waiting for him to chastise me, preparing myself for the big moment, but it never came. He only sat there with that dumb, blank look on his face.

"Stay with me," he finally said, cutting the silence with a sharp knife.


"Grab your things. You and your sister can stay at my house. I have a guest room and everything."

My heart jumped in my chest. "Scar. Don't you think you're moving a bit too fast?"

He smiled. "I'm not asking you to move in with me. I want you to stay at my house until you turn eighteen and can get a place of your own. I can't leave here knowing that woman may beat the crap out of you. I won't allow it."


"Don't try to talk me out of it," he snapped in a demanding tone. He leaped into the driver's seat and started up the car, allowing the engine to purr beneath our feet. "I've already made up my mind. You're staying at my house until further notice. Okay?"

How did I get so damn lucky?



A/N: sorry this chapter was shorter than normal. It was originally supposed to be in the last chapter, but it was too long so I broke it in half.

A lot of you guys thought that Jamie stole the money and that made me really surprised. Now I'm not saying whether or not that is true or not, so you'll just have to wait and see.

Do you think Jamie will ever be able to resist the boss? And omg.. How would Scar feel if he finds out?

This book has over 100k reads! That's freaking insane.

Gif to the side is of the boss because whyy not?!

If you enjoyed this chapter, then please take the time to vote and comment because that makes me soooo happy. And your comments always make me laugh. So thanks for those.


Until next time,

Lara <3

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