《Just Kissing》14.
"I can't..." I gritted my teeth, my breaths too ragged to provide enough oxygen and all my muscles screamed in agony for me to stop yet Oliver still jogging. I huffed. "I can't believe I let you convince me to do this!"
"It's good for you Hails. One more."
"Can't." I stopped, leaning forward on my knees to regain my breath, my lungs and muscles burning.
"No. No!" Olly jogged in circles around me. "It'll be harder if you halt. Now your muscles have to start all over again and- What are you doing? Up!" he practically yelled when I sat on the corner of the gravel path that crosses the park. People passing gave us weird glances but I didn't care. At the moment all I could think about was how did I let myself be fooled into start jogging? Olly seriously had some sweet talk, but not at the moment that he was glaring down at me, pulling at my arm for me to stand again. "Hailey Grace!"
"Just... go. I'll wait you right here." I dramatically tried to faint backwards, but he tugged me up so harshly my body was ripped from the grown. "Ah! Olly!" I almost lost balance but managed to hold on his bouncing body. I sent him a glare.
"Don't look at me like that, love. You know what you were signing up to, now don't you dare leave me alone."
"I'm sorry, okay? I'm about to faint." I exaggerated and he could tell judging on the frown he gave me. "Look around, genius, I'm not exactly leaving you alone." I gestured the crowded park around us. "It's all full and... look! Aren't those from the team?" I narrowed my eyes, trying to see better the group of guys playing some kind of football on the grass.
Yeah, they were from Roosevelt High. My heart did a somersault when I distinguished Nate among them. He was on simple shorts and a plain cotton shirt, sleeveless so his arms were all in display. Even through the distance I could see the muscles constricting as he made a perfect thrown and my mouth went dry. Damn. He was so effortlessly sexy it was unfair.
"You're done eye-fucking him?" Oliver bluntness brought me roughly to reality. I turned towards him, eyes wide and felt my face heating, not exactly from all the sport we'd made. My friend sent me a smile, momentarily forgetting the lecture he was giving me. "You like him or something?"
"What? No!" I squealed, shaking my head furiously. "Why on earth would you say that? I'd barely begun to tolerate him!"
"Oh, well, excuse me." he rolled his eyes and making us step aside so an elderly couple could walk by. "You could have fooled me with all those glances and stuff."
"You invited him at the barn last week, but anyway, off-topic." he pushed my shoulders to keep jogging before him. "You said you'll do this and you are going to do this."
"Olly, I'm done!" I dug my heels on the ground and let my back fall on him, which only frustrated my friend further, letting out a huff. "I'm so tired I could black out... like literally." Not. "Look, I'll wait you right there." I pointed the stand by the playground where children were playing and gave him a sweet smile. "I'll buy you a smoothie as you do this last lap and I have my worth five minute break, deal?"
Oliver looked like he wanted to scowl at me until I cave in, but his gaze betrayed him sliding to where I pointed. He shook his head, half amused and half anoyed that I was using his weaknesses and moved backwards; not once having stopped the small jumps over his heels not to lose the rhythm. "Only you, Hailey." but then a smug grin spread across his mouth. "Okay, have it your way."
I should probably have known that smirk was only promising trouble, but was too relieved he was letting me out the hook to notice. My smile stretched and I blow him a kiss. "You know you love me."
I still managed to catch his laugh as he turned and go to do that last spring. It was so unfair. He was barely even sweating and here I was, flushed and panting at our little exercise. Now I get why Vickie tried to talk me out of it and how much of a mistake it was coming here. She did last week and swore not to anymore. Guess getting fitter was just another thing I better scratched from my to-do list. Such a shame.
It was late October, and the weather was starting to change already, but in a sunny day like today and after so much exercise, it felt rather like an August morning.
Huffing, I redid my now loose ponytail and pulled off my suffocating jumper to tie it around my waist, trying to lower my overheat. It kinda helped once the tempered air grazed my bare skin now that I was left with my baby blue sport bra. So much better. Normally I wouldn't be that comfortable dressed like this, but I was just too hot to care.
There were a lot of children out today, probably 'cause of the shinny day it was. The all played at the toboggan and swings as their parents chat cheerfully on the benches. It felt almost like a spring day instead of an autumn one.
The line to the stand took longer than I thought and by the time I finally got our smoothies I was sure Olly must have finished the last lap. Even done a couple more if wanted to.
Careful not to drop the cold drinks I turned around, looking for him and my heart did a small halt when instead I found myself locking eyes with Nate. The hell? He happened to be everywhere lately. The quarterback looked confused, even through the distance, and only when I allowed myself to divert my gaze I realized he was standing next to the guy I was looking for.
Olly gestured me to come closer, laughing at whatever Seth was saying by his other side. My stomach twisted in nerves -What was this about?- but I swallowed them and approached the small group by the grass.
It's fine, Hailey, no big deal. Just some of the most popular guys at school that wanted to chat with Ollly. Nothing new...
But as I reached them, I met again those piercing green orbs and blushed as they travelled down at my outfit and perked one brow, making me very self-conscious about those yoga pants and sport bra. I wanted to put my jumper back on, but my pride forbade me to; it would be like proving something. As if proving he did have some kind of effect over me. And I wasn't gonna allow that. Especially because it was ridiculous!
"Hey." I greeted and get mortified when it sounded huskier than intended.
"What's up?" Seth lifted one brow and I smiled back, still shy at my outfit and probably messed up appearance. I could still feel the dampness on the back of my neck and was sure my flushed face wasn't such a sight. This realization only made me more awkward under the pressure of certain green eyes.
I cleared my throat and handed Oliver his plastic cup. "Here."
"Awww, such a sweetheart." he teased, but tilted his head to take a major sip. He was up to something, I could tell. Only I didn't know what. I chose to roll my eyes, tasting my own mango's smoothie.
"Nothing for me?"
I turned to Nate's smirk, wondering if I should call him off for giving me a shameless once over or excuse myself and disappear.
Why? I'd never felt this nervous around him before. I mean, I'd never been this exposed neither, but well. And he looked so hot standing there, his hair slightly disheveled and with those arms exposed...
Are you done eye-fucking him?
I shook Olly's words from my head and decided to prove everyone I wasn't that easily impress. Nate might be gorgeous but I wouldn't let that blind me. Nah uh.
"Wanna taste?" I offered impulsively, hanging the smoothie in hope to cover this sudden feeling in the pit of my stomach. Only it grew stronger when his gaze lifted from the plastic cup between us and smirked. He smirked, as if saying 'I know what you're doing' and my heart sped at it.
Nate took it, his fingers half trapping mine under his and jolting a rush that crept up my arm.
Stop it!
As if burned, I let go; but it only sparkled his amusement. He kept his eyes on mine all the time as he lifted it to his lips and took in a sip, making that small action seemed more intimate that it actually was. The tingles in my guts increased intensely and I wanted to scowl at myself.
You're seriously getting hot over something this ridiculous?
His Adam's apple moved as he swallowed, making my mouth felt dry.
Get a grip Hails, what the hell?!
"-want to?"
Embarrassment hit me when I finally detached my gaze from Nate's and found both Olly and Seth's attention on me, waiting for an answer and I realized I'd been too distracted with Nate here to actually listen whatever they were saying. My face heated up. "W-what?"
They both laughed, but Seth at least had the decency to try to cover it with a cough. I didn't even dare to look at Nate's reaction, I would probably die from shame there if I did.
Let's hope he doesn't take whatever it is that possessed me too seriously.
"We're playing Catch It." explained Seth, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder at the grass field behind them.
Ryan and Kurt from our course were there as well. Kurt smiled, reminding me of our project and how a couple weeks ago I bloated his ego introducing him my little brother who worships the ground anyone who's in the team walks. To Chris I hadn't really talked much but everyone said he was nice to be around.
"Yeah," cut me Olly dropping his already empty cup in the bin beside us and tinting his head at me with a knowing look. "And we," he gestured between us with mirth. "Are playing with." What?! He smiled and asked innocently: "You're five minute break is over, right?"
That's it, his revenge for not doing all the laps with him. My eyes widened. "Oh, nooo... I'm, uh, good here. I'm still not over my little break yet." I gestured to the smoothie and inevitably had to look at Nate, who lifted one brow hanging it back.
"You don't wanna play?" this time I was super careful not to touch his skin while taking it from his grasp, and shrugged at his question.
"I don't know the game anyway."
"So easy! We'll teach you." Olly stepped forward and I knew from the look on his eyes that he wasn't taking a no for an answer.
"But the drink..."
"Let me." suddenly it wasn't on my hands anymore, but on my friend's and brought it to his lips with a taunting grin. "You don't mind, right Hails?"
"Mhm," there was no way I could justify I would allow Nate and not him, so at the lack of a better respond I shrugged again.
Bad move. In a matter of seconds the rest of huge sweaty players were there as well.
"Can I have some too? "
"Yeah I'm thirsty."
"Hand it over..."
"Eh." Before I knew it the cup was back in my hands, but empty and a frown pursed my brows looking down at it. My smoothie!
"Oh, looks like you run out of it." my friend grinned ignoring my glare and dragged me after the other guys into the field of grass and away from the by-passers by and people who came to enjoy the park might get hurt.
"Now you wish we'd done that last lap, don't you?"
My eyes narrowed. "You're evil."
"You know you love me." he mimicked my earlier respond with a wink and turned to the others when we reached the center of the grass. "Okay guys, watch out here, she's a Grace."
A chorus of 'ohhhhh' made me want to face-palmed myself, but I had to bite back the smile as well. Idiots. "I'm pretty much useless, so I better go sit right there-"
"Come on Hailey we need to be even to play." whined Olly with a pout that made me laugh.
Nate rolled his eyes and turned towards me. "You can catch, can you?"
Okay! That offended me a bit. "Of course I can catch."
The fact that I don't pay that much attention to games didn't mean I didn't know how to play. Only that since they'd always been Matt's thing I kinda detached myself from them... I think old me was trying to achieve my own goals and not follow my perfect brother's steps, but all those noons playing catch on the farm's turf still count for something right?
"Easy there." Nate's brows shot up at my defensiveness but his small smile persisted. "Was just wondering. Here, I'll team with them." I didn't have time to fully process those words before my hand was grabbed and he tugged me along some feet backwards leaving Seth, Kurt and Ryan as the other team against him, Oliver and I.
The best player and the worst together, fair enough.
I blushed at the warm feeling of his hand over mine. Don't be ridiculous, Hails, he's only leading the way...
Yeah? But he's not holding Olly's hand, now is he?
My friend just followed with a knowing look that made me more self-conscious and the excitement in my stomach beamed. Nate stopped once he reached a safe distance and we formed a small chorus. "Okay, you know how to play this then?"
"It's easy the first team who brought the ball to our end line won. You can pass the ball to another team mate, but if they touch you, you stop moving."
I gulped, glancing at where the others stand, all taller and stronger than I. "Would they tackle me?"
Nate smiled. "Not hard. They probably would worry more about Oliver and I. Stay forward so if we catch the ball or have trouble we can pass it to you."
Olly nudged me with his shoulder. "Simple, right?"
"I hate you."
His mouth dropped dramatically and pointed one finger to his chest as if saying 'Me?' but Nate shook his head and praised us to get ready.
I moved where they pointed, away from where the fight for the ball will happen and just wondering in case they needed support or something. Still not sure about this whole thing, I watched their bodies crashed from afar and flinch to myself. Thank God I wasn't there. And considering I was way smaller than them...
Startling me out my trance I watched the ball suddenly flew up, making a perfect arc on the sky straight towards... me. Oh my God!
All those times finally kicked in and my body responded before I could throw the order. I took a few strides back to be on the arch's end, accompaning the impact with my arms and receiving all its force on my chest with another step backwards. A rush of joy burned in my chest and I lift my gaze, meeting Olly's from afar as he yelled me something but I was too ecstatic.
"You've seen that?! I catch it! I- uh." I had barely spoken those words when someone collided with me from the side and my pride turned to fright as I lost my balance. All air got forcefully knocked out my lungs as I fell onto my back with another body crushing mine: Kurt.
"Sorry." he smiled apologetically as I blinked away the black dots, too baffled to feel pain yet.
"Dude, careful!" I think that was Seth, but someone took me by the shoulders and help me incorporate.
"Hails?" Olly sounded concerned now. "Are you okay?" I finally managed to focus on his face and, bingo, he got this worried frown.
I nodded awkwardly, ashamed of the scene I caused before this group of guys I barely know. He and Nate took one arm each and helped me up my quivery feet.
"I'm so s-sorry. I didn't mean to be this harsh."
I smiled weakly at Kurt, letting go of both boys to prove myself and them I wasn't that fragile. It wasn't his fault his opponents were usually giant bulls.
"It's fine." I refused to be the weak girl that got wasted over a simple game. No way in hell I'd accept such a shameful title. I forced out a small laugh, pushing away the throb at the back of my head. "It's what you get when you make me play."
"You sure are okay?" Nate made me look at him and I blushed again at the gentle contact of his skin on my chin, leaving tingles all the way. His gaze was serious, nonetheless as he inspected each inch of my body, as if searching for injuries. He made me feel even more delicate so I stepped back and raised my arms.
"I'm fine! See, not a scratch." and turned towards Kurt's guilty look. "All good, really."
"From now on, Hailey is off limits, okay?" stated Nate gravely and no one opposed. Usually, I hated being treated differently, but lets be fair; being tackled to the ground by a six foot wall of muscles wasn't an experience I wanted to relive. But as everyone moved back to their place once made sure I was okay the quarterback gave me a half amused look. "Now, next time do yourself a favor and remember to make a run for it."
My cheeks flamed. Did I seriously stand there like a moron proud of having done only half the work? Yeah, I was that stupid. "Pfff, I-I know."
Half an hour later I laid on the ground with a forceful sigh, grass wisps brushing against my back and arms as I stare hard the reddening sky from above. I couldn't keep up anymore. I didn't care what Olly said. I'd reached my limit and wanted nothing more than sleep right there and then.
Even though no one tackled me again, I did find myself running around constantly, taking their throws and scoring from time to time.
It was funnier than I'd thought at the beginning, but my leg and shoulder dully throbbed from that impact and I already felt the stiffness aching my muscles from Olly's and I previous jogging. I mean, I wanted to prove I could play without getting hurt or broken -it was a matter of pride by now!- but I wasn't the most active person so...
"Giving up already?"
"Yeah." I groaned and covered my face with my arms, knowing without the need to look that the amused voice was the quarterback's. I'd embarrassed myself in front of him enough for today. "I'm done, I'm so done..."
I heard one of them called for us and grimaced at the mere thought of moving an inch. I didn't think my body was ready for it. I heard Nate chuckle above me.
"Keep going, we're taking a break." and a thud by my side made me snapped my eyes open again. A couple feet from me was him, seated with his arms carelessly over his half bent knees and my breath hitched. Again, he managed to surprise me.
"I didn't mean for you to stop as well..."
"It's fine. I was getting tired anyway, so..."
That made me laugh. "You're such a liar." I shook my head and get into a sitting position too, cross-legged. My knee only inches from his thigh so I could almost graze his body's heat. I sent him a knowing grin. "Pardon me, but I refuse to believe our golden quarterback is even bothered by this small playing around."
He rolled his eyes, leaning back against his palms. "You made me sound almighty."
"Almost. Ask anyone."
"Well, my teachers beg to differ. Wish this 'almighticity' would help me pass." he sighed, his smirk faltering as he look where the rest were still playing.
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