《A royal family and a caring thief(Spikedash)COMPLETED》CHAPTER 2


when spike was sleeping he had a teribble dream

~in spikes dream

please no...spike said

no ill take her to be my wife...a man said

this in not the fact that you only like someone and want to marry her?...spike asked

just stay out off the way so you wont get hurt...man said

no...spike said

fine have it you way...the man said

the man run to spike kicking his stomach

~end of dream

aahh who was that...spike let out a scream

then rainbow dash jumped.out of the chair

wh-what happened...rainbow said while rubbing her eyes

um nothing just a teribble dream... spike said while scratching the back of his head

dont do that...rainbow said

ok.oh and breakfast is ready...spike said

what are we gonna eat?...rainbow asked

something yummy...spike said

ok ill wake up the others...rainbow said

sure...spike said

after rainbow leave the room spike was lost in his thought

why did i had a dream about that i mean i dont know the girl tho but why did i defend anyways...spike thouht

meh it was just a nightmare...spike said

~at breakfast

spike whos these girls?...shining said

uh my friends...spike said

hi my names cadence...cadence said while shaking rainbows hand

um rainbow dash...rainbow said

names pinkie pie, and this is sunset and scotaloo...pinkie said

is she that energetic...cadence said

yeah...sunset said

morning...twilight said

here ya'll go fresh from the oven... applejack said

wow that smells good...scotaloo said

well because its apple pie...aplebloom said

~time skip

after eating they then went to rariy

hey rarity i want you to make some cloths for these people here...spike said

well of course darling...rarity said

who are gonna make some dresses now?...sweetie belle said


for them darling...rairity said

uh hi...scootaloo said

hi my names sweetie belle wanna be friends...sweetie belle said

finally...scootaloo said

so what are your names...rarity said

sunset...sunset said

pinkie pie...pinkie said

rainbow dash...rainbow said

and im scootaloo...scootaloo said

~tume skip

after getting the cloths done

wow these are amazing...pinkie said

why thank you darling... rarity said

spike was lost in his thought again

wow they look wonderful...spike thought

so we meeted fluttershy, applejack, rarity and twilight...sunset said

and applebloom and sweetie belle... scootaloo said

maybe its a new start of life...rainbow said

uh yeah silly...pinkie said

who wants a sleepover in my room... twilight said

we do... applejack, fluttershy, applebloom then burst out the door

me and sweetie belle..rariy said

me too...sunset said

me tree..scootaloo said

me four...pinkie said

ok. how bout you rainbow?... applejack said

nah i dont want to...rainbow said

ok spike how bout you?...twilight said

sure why not

~Time skip

spike was in his thought again

i wish rainbow dash was here...spike thought

ok who want to play truth or dare... pinkie said

we do...they all shout

ill go first...twilight said

pinkie truth or dare...twilight said

dare...pinkie said

I dare you to do the chicken dance... twiliht said

easy enough...pinkie said

after dancing

my turn.spike truth or dare...pinkie said

truth...spike said

who are you interested?...pinkie said

ugh no one...spoike said

oh really...pinkie said

yeah...spike said

girls huddle up...pinkie said

the girls huddle exept for spike

we need a song for this...pinkie said

ok...sunset said

what are thy takling about...spike thought

until pinkie sung


spike:what do you mean how

pinkie:how does she know you love her


spike:ohoho no dont

twilight:how does she know shes yours

sunset:well does she

sweetie belle:how does she know that you love her

scootaloo:how do you show that you love her

apple bloom:how does she know that you really really truly

all:love her

spike:ive never heard of this song

rarity:how does she know that you love her

sunset: how do you show her you love her

twilight:how does she know that you really really truly

all:love her

pinkie:its not enough to take the one you love for granted

twilight:you must remind her or shell be inclined to say

rarity:how do i know he loves me

sunset:how do i know hes mine

applebloom:well does he leave a little note to tell you, you are on his mind

scootaloo:send your yellow flowers when the sky is gray

sweetie belle:hell find a new way to show you a little bit every day

pinkie:thats how you know

twilight:thats how you know

sunset:thats how you know

all:hes your love

spike:ive seen quite enough

twilight:maybe a ball could help

pinkie:and invite the others

scootaloo:you got to show her you need her

sweetie belle:dont treat her like a mind reader

applebloom:each day do something to lead her

pinkie:to belive you love her

rarity:everybody wants to live happily ever after

sunset:everybody wants to know their true love is true

all:how do you know he loves you, how do you know hes yours

rarity:well does he take you out dancing just so he can hold you close

spike:i dont dance

pinkie:dedicate a song with words meant just for you ooh

spike:and i dont really sing

twilight:he'll find his own way to tell you with the little things you do

all:thats how you know thats how you know hes you love hes you love

pinkie :thats how you know he loves you

rarity:thats how you know its true

sweetie belle:because hell wear your favourite color just to match your eyes

scootaloo:plan a private picnic by the fires glow ooh

applebloom: his heart'll be your forever something every day will show

all:thats how you know ,thats how you know ,thats how you know, thats how you know, thats how you know, thats how you know hes your love

pinkie:thats how she you love her

twilight:thats how you show that you love her

sunset:thats how you know

rarity:youve got to show her you need her

scootaloo:thats how you know

all:hes your love..thats how you know

uhuh thanks...spike said

hey guys whats all the singing... rainbow asked in the door

oh just a song...pinkie said

maybe you can sing it again its really awesome...rainbow said

okie dokey...pinkie said

a one two tree four how doe-...pinkie said

no...spike said

but i wasnt even finished...pinkie said

no...spike said

aww your no fun at all...pinkie said

why did you guys even singed in the first time...rainbow said

well we played thruth or dare and spike said truth and i ask whos hes crush is...pinkie said

thats it...rainbow said

yeah...sunset said

thats easy but he cant tell...rainbow said

yeah...twilight said

well bummer for you bye...rainbow said while leaving the room


HEY guys its me and i dont really know what to say


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