《A royal family and a caring thief(Spikedash)COMPLETED》CHAPTER 1


The royal family was in the castle when spike was bored

twilight can we do something fun please...spike said begging twilight on the floor

sorry spike but Grandmother said to behave and have good manners remember...

yeah,yeah the duke is coming..spike said getting off the floor

guys be quiet please...shining armour said

sorry...both twilight and spike said

then cadance walked in

hey guys what did i miss...cadance asked

oh nothing, hows flurry?...shining asked

shes sleepin...cadance said

ok..shining said

i need a plan to get out to have fun... spike said

~Time skip

after spike had a plan the others was having a conversation

ok its time to get out...spike said while laughing

after spike got out he was wearing a brown cloak so no one could see him

because of the duke coming after that spike heard a scream

HELP! A THIEF!!!...mr.carot cake said

finally something fun cathching a bad guy...spike said

mr.carrot cake whats the problem?... i asked

a thief took the donuts and bread... mr.carrotcake said

what was he wearing?...I asked so its easy tho find him

he wear a blue hoodie black sneakers and dark blue shorts...mr.carrot cake said

ok have no fear beacause spike is here... spike said bravely

spike was searching for the thief until i saw the thief running I was able to catch him and tackle him down until it caught my eye

your a girl!?..spike said in confusion

what did you think a boy now get off... the girl said

no! and why did you steal anyways i mean a girl cant be a thief..spike said still cant see her face

this is non of you business bro...the girl said while kicking spike off her

shes getting away...spike said

get lost...the girl said

you do know that i am a prince in this village and you will need to respect me...spike said


oh really...the girl said

then a pink haired girl and a beacon hair girl come to the blue hoodie girl side

uh yea-yeah...spike feel scared

ohh is the wittle prince scared...the pink haired girl said

uh no..and what are your names tho? ...spike asked the tree girls

oh so you want to know our names... the beacon haired girl said

my name is sunset shimmer...the beacon girl said

pinkie pie...the pink haired girls said

Rainbow dash...the blue hoodie girl said while taking off the hood

she has a scar in the eye

oh what happened to your eye...spike asked worried

long story and its non of your business. come on girls...rainbow dash said

wait maybe i can help you guys...spike said while catching up with them

with what?...sunset asked

with your problem...spike said

fine c'mon follow us...rainbow said annoyed

~Time skip

they then got into a small village that no one knows

whoa this is amazing I never seen this village before...spike said amazed

well because its secret silly...pinkie said

scootaloo come in...rainbow said

whoa you have one of those? cool...spike said

sis where are you?...scotallo said

in the entrance of the village... rainbow said

ok...scootaloo said

so who was that?spike asked

oh its my lil sis scootaloo... rainbow said

so is pinkie ans sunset your sister too ...spike asked again

er..no their just my friend but i treat them as a family too beacuse...

rainbow said

because what?...spike asked

were poor no food no place to sleep... rainbow said

oh sorry maybe you guys could stay in the castle if you guys want?...spike said

until one person saw an outsider...a man said

no he with us...rainbow said

ok..the man said

rainbow dash...a purple haired girl said

hey scoots i bought the food...rainbow said

who's he?..scootaloo asked

he said hes a prince and told us if we want to live in the castle...eaknbow said


really? cool did you agree...scotaloo asked

not yet...rainbow said

well maybe we need to agree...pinkie said

yeah i mean the food there is great they have a bed and lots of cool stuff... sunset said

ok then fine we'll stay in the castle..um whats you name?...rainbow said

spike.names spike...spike said

ok then lets go...pinkie said

~Time skip

the royal family was so worried that spike was gone

oh no where did spike go... twilight asked worridly

I dont know...shining said

the conversation was interupted by a knock on the door

who is it?...twilight asked

its me spike...spike said

oh thank celestia your ok...twilight said

of course and if you dont mind i brought a few friend to stay...spike said

of course nothings the harm...twilight said

thanks twi...spike said while hugging twilight

so whos these friend of yours staying here?...twilight asked

rainbow,pinkie,sunset and scotaloo... spike said hapily

wait you mean the thiefs?...twilight asked

ah yeah why?...spike asked

spike you know the rules...twilight said

but their not just theives they dont have a place to live and dont have food...spike said

fine...twilight said

who was the frumpy one...pinkie asked

oh thats twilight my big sister...spike said

so how many siblings do you have...sunset asked

well theres shining,cadence and twilight...spike said

okie dokey...pinkie said

so you guys will be staying in the guests room but if you want you guys can sleep with me...spike said

ok...sunset said

this is so huge...scootaloo said

i know right?...pinkie said

hey rainbow why are you so quiet?... spike asked

well im not used to sleep in a huge room...rainbow said

maybe you can sleep with me my room is just small...spike said

uh no thanks and im watching scootaloo...rainbow said

you should have taken that request...sunset said

yeah i mean your not comfy at all...pinkie said

c'mon sis just take the request ill be fine here with pinkie and sunset... scotaloo said

fine...rainbow said

so my room is in the east side and with a lettr S on the door... spike said

wheres the kitchen? cuz im hungry... scootaloo said

ground floor with two brown doors... spike said

thanks c'mon pinkie...scotaloo said

where's the bathroom?...rainbow asked

the left corner...spike said

thanks...rainbow said

so sunset how did you guys became poor?...spike asked

long story short...sunset said in a sad tone

what happened?...spke asked

well rainbow told us the story that her parents died ten years ago when she was six and scootaloo was one... sunset said

oh...spike said

and she just planned to take stuff so they can survive then she found as poor too and she told us if they wanna join her and survive me and pinkie said yes after that were still alive... sunset said

what happened to you and pinkie?... spike asked

well our parents died to...sunset said

so thats why pinkie is so random... sunset said again

maybe i ca help...spike said

you helped to much now...sunset said

no i mean with your cloths with food and a place to live...spike said

thanks ill tell rainbow...sunset said

guys how do i work the shower... rainbow said

uh yeah i forgot...spike said

never mind...rainbow said

rainbow lets see pinkie and scootaloo ...sunset said

sure...rainbow said

~Time skip

guys...rainbow said

oh my gosh...sunset said

hey guys...pinkie said

do you guys want a turkey...scootaloo said

uh yeah...raibow said

~Time skip

after eating their full

im so full... pinkie said

yeah me too...scootaloo said

so you guys wanna see the garden... spike said

sue why not...pinkie said

WOW.theres full of animals... scotaloo said

so this is fluttershy our maid in the garden...spike said

hey fluttershy...sunset said

HI...pinkie said

sup...raibow said

names scootaloo...scotaloo said

rainbow dash...rainbow said

sunset shimmer...sunset said

PINKIE PIE...pinkie said

uh h-hi...fluttershy said

so the cook is applejack,big mac, granny smith and apple bloom...spike said

whos apple bloom?...scotaloo said

oh shes just the same age as yours... spike said

the dress maker is rarity and sweetie belle...spike said

and whos sweetie belle?...scotallo said

same age as you...spike said

oh ok...scootaloo said

so its getting late we better go to sleep grandmother will be angry...spike said

okie dokey...pinkie said

they went there rooms

night rainbow...sunset, pinkie and scotaloo said

night guys...rainbow said after leaving the room


hey guys I know this story sucks but i hope you like it

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