《Radiant (Lashton)》Chapter 8
As Luke and Ashton lay close in bed, Luke dreamt of what would come of tomorrow. He dreamt sweet things, filled with love and happiness, nothing close to the hellish nightmare he'd be confronted with tomorrow
There are many ways you can start your day.
You can start it late or early, with a run or maybe a big breakfast. You could start your day with a nice song, or maybe a hot shower.
Luke, however, started his day by pinning Ashton up against a wall.
And it wasn't much more complicated than that. They were kissing, sloppy open mouthed kisses with Ashton pressed against the wall, and Luke pushing him against it. And it was great, the faint hint of toothpaste and strong taste of coffee on Ashton's mouth made Luke crave him even more, as he sucked and nipped his lip.
Luke pulled away briefly, catching sight of Ashton's swollen lips. Luke suppresses a moan, kissing down Ashton's jaw and neck, sucking at the base of his collarbone. His leg rubs against Ashton's hard on, and Ashton moans quietly, panting as Luke continued to mark up his neck. Ashton whimpered under Luke, whose hands were touching him all over.
Luke's hands grip the material of Ashton's hoodie and slip under, rubbing over his bare back. They move closer to his stomach and Ashton's on a high, completely entranced, to the point that he forgets to stop Luke, until it's too late.
Luke feels the rough scarred skin, instead of the smoothness he expected. He pulls back, tugging up the shirt before Ashton could even process it.
Ashton shoves Luke aside, hiding his stomach, but Luke had seen what he'd hoped to never see again.
Ashton had tears streaming down his face at this point, and he lowered himself to the ground, letting loud sobs leave his body. He hugged his body protectively, wincing as Luke approached. It broke Luke's heart to see Ashton scared of him.
"I-I'm s-sorry, d-don't hit me"
"No baby, don't be. And I would never dream of hurting you. I'm so fucking sorry. So sorry that I wasn't there for you. I'm so sorry you're on your own and I...fuck, please don't cry"
Luke felt his own watery eyes burn, and he pulled Ashton into his lap, crying into his hair as he tried to comfort him. Ashton was confused though. Luke was here, holding him and comforting him, when Luke should've left, leaving his suicidal self alone to die, as he wanted for himself.
Ashton couldn't stop his tears, his head pounding and heart breaking with every sob that left Luke's body as well m. Tears were the worst on Luke, his usually bright blue eyes dull and upset.
It took a good 95 minutes of crying to finally get Ashton calm enough that he could stop crying. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair disheveled, the prominent bags highlighting his eyes making him look pale and ghostly.
They talked it through. A lot. Ashton was told repeatedly how much he was loved, and how Luke would forever love and support him. Ashton nodded along, yet somewhere in the pit of his stomach, he didn't want to believe Luke.
Ashton clung to Luke's shirt tightly, the material wrinkling under his grip. Luke didn't mind, as Ashton had finally stopped crying, so he sat with Ashton in silence, pressing little kisses to his face every so often. It was around this time that his phone goes off, and shows a text from Michael, asking where the fuck he was, as he'd promised Michael he'd hang out with him.
Luke silences the notification, frustrated when the notifications keep coming. Ashton sniffles and quietly whispers in a cracked voice for Luke to go. He crawls out of his lap, and makes his way to the door, as Michael wanted Ashton to come as well, judging from his last message. Luke was quite frankly confused, so he followed, grabbing a hoodie on the way out.
The ride there is completely silence, Luke catching sight of Ashton whenever his breath hitched and he held back tears. Luke pulled him into his chest, and he felt the dampness of his tears moments later. When they arrived, Michael and Calum, thank god, knew to give Ashton space, the second they saw his tear stained face.
Luke moves around to greet everyone, before giving Ashton a hug, and leaving with Michael. He'd wanted Ashton to come, but as the boy curled up on the couch with his AirPods in, Luke took it as a hint that Ashton didn't want to come. He stared back, before booking it with Michael.
Michael hissed the second they stepped out, the sun a drastic change in scenery for Michael, a pasty white Australia who barley left his room. They hadn't even been out for a minute, before Michael whipped back around, ready to return.
Luke rolls his eyes, and grabs Michael by the arm, pulling him to the Uber he'd called before Luke arrived. The sat inside, and the lady smiled, constantly making conversation with Michael, while Luke stared out the window, Ashton running through his mind. He hated himself for not noticing. All the little things he'd ignored came back to mind, and it broke him even further.
They arrive at an ice cream parlour, small and vintage, complete with funky wallpapers and a jukebox. Luke lights up the moment he sees it, and he immediately crouches down by the glass to select his ice cream. Michael has already picked his, and as it's getting scooped, Luke chooses a variety of flavours for his own sundae. They carry it to a small booth, sitting in front o eachother.
"Damn it, it's been a while"
"Remember when we started out? Look at us now, we've sold our Wembley and Madison Square Garden. We've come a long way from Annandale"
"Wonder if those 12 people ever look at us and think, damn they had a glow up"
"I'd hope, I mean we made very questionable choices then, I'd like to think we've gotten our shit together."
"Ash told me about Crystal, and the whole Calum thing"
"I'm so sorry you had to see that, we were so wasted"
"You better be, I've already seen your dick way to many times, I didn't need to see it up calums ass."
"Fuck off"
"So, did you and Calum sort things out?"
"Sorta. Decided we wouldn't exploit eachother for sex, but would be open to a relationship if the other liked. And Ashton was right, I do stare at his ass a lot, so I'm hoping he might want something later. Not for sex, but like something genuine"
"So you like him?"
"Sure. It's a little crush right now, he's kinda cute, you know. But it's not something I'm too interested in? Like a part of me would like to date him, but a part of me doesn't care, because I don't like him that much. Like he's still a great friend, and I'm as happy with that right now, as I would be with a relationship. Right now, it may change, if Calum wears more turtleneck sweaters. Those are fucking adorable."
"You really had to get that out, didn't you?"
"I guess, I mean I can't talk to Cal, and Ash's not 100 right now"
"So Luke."
"What's up with Ashton and you?"
"I can't say quite yet. But today went hellishly wrong."
"It started out well, but then I found something out and things just kinda went down from there"
"He's been off these days. Tour pressure, I'd assume"
"Yea, although I have to admit there's more."
"No shit"
"Michael....I need to tell you something"
Michael and Luke are returning to the venue a couple hours before soundcheck, hoping to catch a few minutes of rest, before tonight. The first show had sold out so another had been organized, before they would be moving on. In a few short weeks, Luke would be at the Forum, and he was scared.
They enter through the back entrance, sparing a wave at the excursion of fans and taking a minute to hug a few lingering around back. Luke catches sight of Andy, handing out a few zines as well, which makes Luke smile. He loved them, remembering distinctly how Ashton had lit up at the finished product.
The arena is buzzing, everyone preparing for tonight's show. Luke heads straight to their dressing room, pulling Michael along as well. He hadn't heard from Ashton, all day, and was worried for the boy. Apart from the time with Michael, today had been rough. Luke was so grateful for Michael's friendship in that moment, glad that he'd put his dorkiness aside to help Luke out.
Calum is in the dressing room, with Ashton's head in his lap, who was sleeping, chest slowly rising and falling.
"Is he ok?"
Calum looks up, and smiles sadly up and Luke, pressing his lips tightly.
"He looked awful, when you guys came in. He was crying after you left, and I asked him what was wrong, said his head hurt. Told him to lie down, and he's been sleeping since."
"Cal, lets go get some lunch. Luke can stay with Ash"
"It's fine"
"Come on"
Michael sent a pointed look to Calum, who slowly shifted off the couch. The pair left, hands laced, as Luke bit his lip, and stared at Ashton's sleeping figure. He was so close to Luke, but Luke had never felt further away from him.
Ashton was a lot better after he'd woken up, looking more fresh and acting less bitter. It was painful, really, for Luke to see Ashton putting up such a facade. It made him wonder how many times he'd done that to the boys, and how many times they'd accepted it.
The show was good, maybe not their best, but enjoyable nonetheless. When they were heading backstage, wiping away their sweat, and quickly taking showers, Luke took the opportunity to drag Ashton to a secluded prop room, filled with various performance pieces dating years back. Ashton kisses Luke the second they step inside, muttering an apology.
Luke hugs him tightly, before planting a small kiss to his nose, and then kissing his face all over. Ashton giggles quietly, a sound Luke had longed to hear all day. Luke smiles down, and the two make out, savouring every moment they had.
Michael is in the shower, rinsing himself off, when he hears a quiet knock. He recognizes calums voice, and calls him in. Calum steps in and judging by the sounds, Michael could make out that he was washing his face, and probably moisturizing his hands. Calum prided himself in his soft fingers, never one to the let the years of playing guitar ruin his hands by making his fingers calloused and hard. Michael resumes his shower, completely startled when the glass door is swung open
"Michael-stop screaming-wanna get a pizza"
"And? I've seen your dick, had it in my mouth goddamn it. You're fine"
"Yea, Like once!"
The banter continues, and when Calum playfully shoved him, Michael manages to slip, and pull calum inside. Calum had been, as he usually was around the boys, naked. So he just joined Michael's shower. The two were inside the shower together, when Luke walks into the bathroom, to find Ashton's Johnny Pandora hair comb.
Michael's grateful for the frosted glass on the majority of the shower. Luke begins to search through the drawers, and Ashton follows in moments later. Calum is peaking through the clear part, and Ashton and Luke, who are having a friendly convo don't notice him. That is, until Ashton bends down to tie his shoe, and notices the tanned legs, accompanying Michael's pale ones.
His eyes widened, and he began to laugh, and soon, Luke caught on as well. Both were cackling, practically rolling on the floor, until Calum told them both to fuck off.
It wasn't an established relationship, yet there was something in Calum that enjoyed fucking around with Michael. He considered it a crush, deciding he didn't care whether they were together or best friends. He just loved being around Michael. But, maybe he did stare at Michael's ass sometimes.
It's the same old routine, a constant cycle that they followed. It was stressful and tiring, but one of the many perks of their job was that they were always travelling and got to see the world. Ashton loved it, really. He did what he dreamt of doing, and played with such a passion. Every flight was exhilarating, Ashton never able to get over the gorgeous sky.
After the nightmarish morning he'd had, he needed this. Needed to be thousands of feet above the world, with his soon to be boyfriend by his side, and his two best friends surrounding him. Ashton was intently staring out the window, wrapped up in the inky sky, and sparkling stars in all their glory.
He barley noticed Luke get up, until he heard Calums warm laughter, and turned to see him with his eyes crinkled and mouth smiling at his phone. Ashton leans over and sees Joy on the screen, so he leans in and waves, blowing her a kiss.
Ashton hears Calum end the call, and then feels Calum wrap his arms around him. Michael soon joins the hug as well, and Ashton let's them, apologizing for being a shitty friend these days. Michael promises it's fine and that they understand that he's not obliged to be in a good mood always.
Ashton misses them, and is glad for this moment. Soon, Luke returns, and demands that the others move, so he may sit with Ashton. Ashton wasn't sure if Luke had told anyone about them at all, and while Michael had a knowing smirk, Calum seemed to be oblivious. Calum and Michael got up and headed over to their own seats.
Ashton felt Luke's arm around him and he stared up, with a smile.
"Hello Luke"
"Hello princess"
"What? It's cute"
"Fine. I'm not calling you daddy though"
"I don't have daddy kink, so that's ok. Although if you do, than we can-"
"Finish that sentence and I will throw you out this plane and go have sex with Matt"
"Dude that's disgusting"
"Did you just dudezone your boyfriend"
"You aren't my boyfriend if you're gonna fuck Matt"
"I was kidding Jesus Christ"
"Nope, just Luke Hemmings"
"Fuck off Bitch"
"Little shit"
"Your little shit"
"Yes you are. Now come on, ME WANT QUICKIE"
"What? It's delicious, it's a French tart and it has c-"
"Oh...I wouldn't mind a quickie tho, we never finished this morn-"
"Nope, we're going to ask for some QUICHE"
And they apparently didn't serve quiche in this particular plane, much to Luke's disappointment, so Ashton gave him a small kiss to the corner of his mouth. This caused Luke to smile, and before he could pull Ashton in for another kiss, he walked away, middle finger high in the air.
Luke whined, and caught up with him, shoving him into his seat, pinning him down. The plane was dark and mostly empty, so no one payed any attention to them.
Luke immediately begins kissing down Ashton's neck, and Ashton rolls his eyes at Luke.
"Luke. It's literally 3am. You leech, why're you sucking my neck so much? And might I remind you, you're a grown man, not a prepubescent teen, I-oh now you're tryna get me off? I-"
Luke kisses his mouth to shut him up, taking advantage of the fact that Ashton's mouth was open. He kisses him a few moments longer, before climbing off, and settling into his own seat.
"Uhm, what the fuck Luke"
"Are you serious? All you've done is given me hickeys and something painfully awkward to explain if someone asks"
"Well, you turn me on every time you breathe, so I don't think it's that big of a deal"
"Shut up and cuddle me princess"
"I hate you"
"I love you"
"I love me too....and you sometimes on certain days."
The next few days are painfully slow for Luke, as they all lead up to the Forum, which had him nervous. He wasn't sure how to go about ending his current relationship, and had no clue on how to explain he was gay.
Calum and Michael has started some form of a relationship, in which they were the way they normally were, they just kissed every so often. Small awkward pecks really, nothing close to the way Luke attacked Ashton the minute the were alone.
It'd become a habit really, whenever they were alone, Luke would pull Ashton closer, and peck his nose, and depending on his hormone levels have a worthwhile make out session.
That's all they'd done really, nothing more, which Luke understood. He still had a girlfriend and Ashton was also unwilling to strip in front of Luke.
Speaking of, this girlfriend of his, Sierra, was seemingly more attached to Luke. She called him more often, texted him every few hours and was maybe a bit...clingy?
But Luke decided he was overreacting, as he suddenly didn't want to be romantically tied to her, but he figured he'd forget it when they broke up.
He didn't really have it in him to end a relationship, especially one so good. His previous girl...she'd been toxicating. He was glad that ended, the bad memories flooding back.
Luke grimaces, And reaches under the covers for Ashton's sleeping body. He was curled up in fetus position, and he slowly rolled over and Luke pulled him close. His face was now buried in Luke's chest, leaving a small smile on Luke's lips. He cuddled further into Luke, as Luke's phone buzzed beside him.
"Luke! Hey, I know it's late, but, can we talk?"
"Yea, sure Sierra. Hold on"
Luke shuffles around, before returning his attention to Sierra.
"Hey, ok"
"Is someone with you?"
"Yea Ashton. Had a rough day, wanted some cuddles"
"aw. He's a sweetheart"
"Yea. He's always lets Michael and Calum eat on the couch, even though he hates the mess. And he always drinks far too much coffee and is on adrenaline all day long. Like a chipmunk on crack"
Sierras laughter filled the other end, and soon both were sharing wonderful Ashton stories on end.
"But yea, and then he cried for a solid hour, just because Michael was upset"
"Little angel. You know, I wouldn't mind you if you left me for him"
"Hey. Uhm, it's going to suck ass if I'm wrong but...you're gay for him no?"
"No, I'm just saying. Like there's a sudden clinginess to him, and a distance from me, so I figured you have a thing?"
"What do you mean distance? You're texting me every hour and just because I don't answer every time, you assume we're distant? Sierra I call you every night, I talk when I can, why are you being like this?"
"Luke stop getting to defensive! I'm sorry ok? I was just saying. I'm sorry I shouldn't make accusations, you're my boyfriend. I'm sorry"
"Shit. I'm sorry, I'm just, a little defensive. Ash is dealing with a lot of shit these days"
"Yea. Goodnight Lu? See you in a week"
"Don't be mad. I love you. Goodnight."
"You too"
Luke feels a pair of eyes on him, and glances down at Ashton.
"Sorry. Caused you guys to fight"
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