《Surrounded By You ~Romanogers》13


Hey everyone. I hope you're enjoying this story. And also, Christmas is close so merry Christmas 🎄 ✨

LU guys, enjoy💛


Natasha's POV

I woke up to the sound of an argument in the hallway behind the bedroom door.

" oh come on, I don't wanna pack." I heard a male voice.

" Well, your gonna have to do so. It's been a long mission-thing for them, we can't ruin it." A female voice was trying to reason with the guy.

" they're not even up yet!" Again the first guy.

" I'm ready, we're all packed." Another male.

"Ugh, what is happening?" I nagged and buried my head in the not-so-soft texture my head was resting on, not wanting to open my eyes yet.

I heard a sound, a phone. I heard tapping and then it stopped only to be followed by a beaming sound from outside the room.

" Shhh, Steve says we're gonna wake Nat up." I heard the female voice from the hallway.

" you're gonna have to be more quite that than." I groaned louder than I expected.

I heard a chuckle and my bed shook. Huh!

Unwillingly, I opened one eye to see what was happening. Then my eyes opened as widely as humanly possible.

I was Sleeping on Steve.

Sleeping on him!

My head was on his heart, my hands spread on his torso, my body resting on him and my legs curled up on his waist.

" morning."

I looked at him with my widened eyes and he chuckled again.

" enjoyed the night?" He teased me and I buried my head in his chest.

"Nat" he sounded serious, making me reach his eyes with mine.

" we've gotta leave, for the whole getaway plan." His jaw was tensed, I reached a hand and caressed his jawline.

" It's okay, just don't go too far please," I said as I got off him... He got off the bed and walked to the closet, grabbing a small suitcase, he pulled a shirt and jacket, and shirts and shoved them in the suit. He opened the drawers, and looking through my precious collection of guns and knives, he took everything he needed and put down the suitcase. He walked to the bed as I was sitting and squatted on his knees next to the bed.

" you're sure about this, right?" His eyes were filled with concern and worry.

I turned and dropped my legs off the side.

" Steve, I'm sure about the plan. I'm not sure about me,"

" what do you mean?" He looked confused.

" I mean, if things go wrong... if you don't get there on time or if he turns on the security... how will it...." I drifted off.

" Natasha" he looked at me concerned and confused.

" how will it affect this? " I moved my hands, gesturing between the two of us.

"Natasha" again, the same look.

" Look, I know you. You can't be with someone who is a wh-"

"Natasha!" I was cut off by an angry Steve Rogers who almost shouted at me with a wary tone.

There was a knock on the door.

" you guys ok?" Wanda's voice came through the closed door.

" yeah, give us a minute," Steve replied with a serious voice.

I looked at him, worried and a bit scared. Steve had never yelled at me.

He exhaled loudly.

" Natasha, nothing and no one can hurt us. Can affect us! The only people who can affect this" he copied my gesturing " is us." He shook his head again.


" I'm sorry-"

" no, don't." I was interrupted again. " just, whatever you do, and I don't mean just tonight, I mean this as an all-time thing, do not say insulting words about yourself, ok?" He looked at me for a response.

I nodded my head as yes and hugged him with all my strength, not knowing how to respond to him with words.

Another knock on the door.

" come in" Steve suggested without letting go of me.

" hey man, we've gotta get going you know." I heard Sam's voice, he didn't seem to pay much attention to me almost dangling on Steve's neck.

" yeah I've got my stuff ready, I'm gonna wash up and we'll be down." He replied not letting go of me.

I heard the door close and Steve picked me up in a hug, he walked to the bathroom and gently placed me down. He took my hand and walked me into the bathroom.

" come on, let's wash and brush, we're in a rush."

" dork" I mumbled with a chuckle and did as he said.

I walked downstairs with Steve holding his suitcase in one hand and my waist in the other. Wanda and Vision were standing in the kitchen while Sam was sitting at the dining table and they were talking about their lunch. I mean lunch of all things. I shook my head and smiled at them. As we reached down, Wanda turned to face me and pointed to the table, where she'd placed breakfast and by the looks of it, they'd been waiting for us.

" your neighbor was staring again, I felt we'd better wait for you guys."

I nodded and we all walked to the table and took our seats. Steve moved his chair closer to mine and started serving me. To my amusement non of them even looked up to consider us. Ok, you know what? I miss Tony right now!

" Steve, I'm not a child," I whispered almost annoyed.

He leaned down to my ear. " I know, but I'm gonna be in hell for the rest of my day, let me relax for a while.." He whispered back and I felt my entire heart melt.

We ate breakfast with arguments about their lunch, Steve told them he'd order pizza for them considering they were gonna be in the park a few streets away. Wanda didn't wanna be outside that long so they decided to stay at the restaurant Steve had stayed in the night of the party. We finished our meal while talking about our timing in the act and then Vision announced that they should leave. They all got up and said their goodbyes telling me to watch out and closed the door behind them leaving Steve and me behind. Steve stood by my side as they left the house, then he pulled me to himself and looked in my eyes.

" if he lays a finger on you, if he hurts you like he did last time, I will kill him." He was angry and serious as well as worried.

I pulled him down in a hug, kissing him with all the passion I had ever felt for him. I knew the night wasn't gonna be just about small talks, I knew he was gonna do something to me. I needed Steve, I needed to feel his passion for me to help me get through this mission. He returned my passion, pushed me against the door, and kissed me hard, his hands moving on my waist, traveling to my hips.


'This is the first time he's done this.'

'Wow, this is nothing like that kiss on the escalator....'.

I lost track of my thoughts when he pulled me off the ground, moving his lips to my neck and kissing me with hunger. I gasped and a moan escaped my lips. He slowed his movements, gently placed me on the ground, and pulled me in a hug.

I rested my head on his shoulder and smiled.

" you'll be safe, right?"

I nodded and he smiled. He moved away, and slowly opened the door, I stepped back for him to open the door properly and he left, closing the door behind him, he disappeared and I was left alone in the house.


I spent the rest of my day, watching movies, and dancing around the house in a tank top and Jean shorts. I was supposed to get his attention. The plan is for me to go to the bar, wait for him to show up, and drink. Let him think I was drunk and go to his place.

I'd set an alarm for 7:30 to get up and get ready to go to the bar. I went to our bedroom, before getting in the shower, I laid on my back on the bed.

Then I heard my phone ringing.


N: Widow speaking.

S: Nat, come on, you know I don't like that.

N: What? The fact that I'm a former Russian spy and the deadliest assassin in the history of the world?

I was teasing him and we were both aware that he knew.

S: I don't like you calling yourself the Widow, I can deal with black widow but not widow.

N: and why is that, Rogers?

I was still teasing but also curious.

S: you wanna be the death of me, Romanoff?

He mumbled from the other side but didn't give me enough time to consider what he meant.

S: what are you doing now? Getting ready for the bar?

N: um, I guess. I wanna take a shower and then get dressed up.

S: I hate this, you know that right?

N: trust me, no more than me.

He exhaled

S: just take care. We're coming in after 10 minutes-

N: I need more than that Steve.

S: we'll be in the house, you call us whenever you want. If you don't call after half an hour we're coming into the room.

N: hum, ok... I'll do my best.

S: honestly, I'd rather you do the worst possible

I smiled at his concert.

S: take care, ok? I'll see you in a little while.

N: ok, you take care too. Bye

S: bye

We hung up and I felt a little more confident.

I got up, moved to the bathroom, and saw a shadow moving on the house in front of ours. He was standing there, staring at me. I took my tank top off and dropped it on the floor. Then I slowly walked to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and dried my hair, walked out in a towel, and walked straight to the walk-in closet. I grabbed a red dress, a very low-cut dress, I knew he had a weakness for red. I put on light makeup and didn't emphasize the whole thing, just a bright red lipstick. I chose black heels and decided I was ready to go.

I walked downstairs and out of the house, I didn't care to grab a bite or something. I headed straight to the bar, ' Ugh, I just want to get over with this.

I reached the bar and sat beside the bar on a stool. Ordering a martini, I waited for my prey. How I wanted vodka, but Steve had cut me off, at least whilst we were on this mission. 'He's such a dad'.

" so, what are you doing here?" I smirked before turning around, my prey.

" Nothing, just bored."

"And the way to entertain yourself is to dress this ravishing and sit alone in a bar?"

"I needed to make myself feel good, and the only way to come to mind was having a lot of drinks, the bigger the sorrow, the more you drink."

"So how many have you had?"

"Lost count"

"That much, huh? And why is that?"

" I've done something wrong, don't know really."

"And what would that be?" I was capturing his attention

" nothin, never mind" I shook my head slowly.

He got off his bar stool, and taking a step towards me, he was right behind me. He leaned down and whispered: " should I get rough with you to get answers?"

I took a sharp breath, I looked backward and my eyes widened.

" you remember? I thought you were drunk." I looked in disbelief.

"Oh I don't think I can get over it, it'll never leave me," he smirked, still talking next to my ear. He put his hand on my back and started to move closer.

"I can't-I don't want to cheat on him," I said with a solemn sadness in my tone.

"If you didn't want this, you wouldn't be here." He started to stroke my neck with one hand and my back with the other.

"I can give you what you want Scarlett, and he'll never know." He was starting to tease me.

"He'll be hurt... I had to get him drunk to fuck me that night... he thinks it's all his marks..." I stuttered, trying to push him away.

He grabbed my waist hard and pulled me back.

" I know how you like it, Scarlett. You just have to listen like a good girl." I shivered through my spine, he smirked knowing he was getting the best of me.

"Come" he slowly pulled my hand and I looked at him not sure what to do.

"I need to wash up" I blurted jumping off the bar stool and running to the ladies' room.

At the end of the bar, there was a narrow hallway with three doors. Two were bathrooms and one was a broom closet. As I reached the hallway, a hand grabbed my hand and pulled me to the closet. 'Just as I had predicted.'

He pushed me to the door and crashed his lips on mine. He kissed my lower lip, pushing his lip between my lips not caring to ask for permission. He held my hands behind me and held them there with one hand, rushed the other to my breasts, I groaned but he heard it as a moan.

"I know you like it rough, I'll give it to you good."

He bit my lower lip, leaving it sour. He stepped back, eying me as I breathed sharply and at a fast pace.

"This will be your last chance, Scarlett."

He was lying, I knew that of course, but this was all a game, for both sides. I nodded and stepped away from the door. He opened it and holding my hand, dragged me to get out of the bar but before that, he stood by the bar, offering me a scotch that I took and gulped down hesitantly. Then I was pulled out of the bar. We walked to his house, he was holding my hand with one of his, running the other over my waist and hips.

As We reached his front door, he pushed me against the door, me facing the door. 'Ok, this wasn't part of my plan. I am not happy with this! Ugh'

He put a hand on my hips and pushed himself to me. I felt his boner and bit my lips. I hoped they'll get here soon, this was moving on faster than I had planned. He opened the door, pushing me in and closing the door with his foot.

He moved to the stairs, taking me straight to his bedroom.

He opened the door and pulled me in, pushing me to the wall, my back hit the wall and I frowned at the pain running down my spine. He attacked my lips, and just then I realized he wasn't my prey, I was his.

My eyes widened.

'I don't have any weapons on me, I was sure Steve would come and I couldn't hide anything underneath my dress because there was the possibility of him stripping me naked. I have my skills, but I can't use them yet. If I don't get a hold of his safe I need to come back. But that would mean I would have to let him touch me for a reason to return....'

My whole body tensed and I shivered.

He felt it and to my luck, he thought he was going hard on me. He stepped away looking at my face, he took my hand and led me to his bed. I sat on the bed, he stood in front of me. Placing a finger under my chin, he brought my face up.

" I have a present for you." He smiled, sounding seductive.

He moved to his closet, opened the doors, and he revealed a safe. he placed his hand on the bio recognizer sensor, opened the door, and pulled out a red velvet box.

He sat beside me, opening the box, he took out a gold bracelet with little diamonds on it. I looked at him.

"It will remind you of me." He smirked and took a hold of my hands.

I pulled away. "I don't want a bracelet." I blurted, not thinking it all through. The guys weren't here yet or I would've heard their movements.

"Oh, you want a memory" he spat, not giving me time to react, he pushed me to the bed, kissed me, and pressed himself against me. In a fast motion, he pulled me up and placed my entire body on the bed. I was facing the door,... if Steve were to walk in... I squirmed which again, he thought was a reaction to him. His hands moved to my dress and pulled it down, he unhooked my bra and tossed it aside. I wanted to fight but I didn't have the strength. 'What the hell is happen-the scotch' I mentally face palmed myself, starting to freak out. He hovered me, pulling at his belt and undoing his button and zipper, he was ready... to seduce me. he looked into my eyes.

" I couldn't let you get away this time"

He gave me a nasty smile.

I couldn't hold on anymore, I had one thing left to do.

I screamed.

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