《Yin-Yang~Ziam》no. 13


Zayn's P.O.V

Class went by WAY too fast and soon enough I found myself sitting in English feeling as if someone could bucket my sweat and fill a pool. That's how much I'm sweating. Not that I would do that that's horrible, gosh why am I rambling to myself its not benefiting me at all.

I sit rocking back and forth softly shaking my ankle as well. Maybe he won't show up, who am I kidding..

I watch Liam walk into the classroom two minutes late, yep I counted. His eyes met mine and I immediately ducked my head pretending to be infatuated with an essay over college funding and principles.

I hear him take a seat beside me and my heart quickly accelerates I squeeze my legs together feeling my ears and face slowly burn. I'm blushing. No. You don't like him he was incredibly rude yesterday.

I feel his hand on my shoulder his fingers brushing my bare back creating goosebumps.

"Don't t-touch me" I shrug away hugging myself before grabbing my pencil starting to write a shaky response to the essay.

"I want to talk to you" he whispers looking around making sure not to draw any attention.

"Well I don't" I whisper back blinking several times to keep myself from crying.

I just really wish I didn't care.

He doesn't respond and my phone buzzes. I pull it out and see its a message from him.

Fuck boy : please just 5 minutes after class

Zayn: I'm giving you two

I put my up and start working on my response again this time liam doesn't say anything. What's weird is that I wish he would say something I want to here him talk but at the same time my little heart can't take. This is what happens. Fuck boys are so stupid I hate them why do they have to be so hot yet so conceited. Ugh.

By the end of class I was shaking a lot more I have always has bad anxiety and its firing up at the moment. I play with the edges of my shorts and walk into the hallway standing there awkwardly waiting for Liam. He comes out only seconds after his eyes searching until they meet my own his posture goes less rigid and his eyes soften. I wonder if its because of me but I shake the thought off.

"Hey" he murmurs keeping his eyes to the floor. I feel like I cant breath so I dig my nails into my thighs hoping to calm down.

"H-hi-i" I respond digging farther into my thigh it was starting to hurt but I kept my hand there shaking slightly.

He looked up at me with furrowed eyebrows making my heart beat faster.

"I'm really sorry okay, what I said...uh i.." He stops for a second running his hand through his hand making his tan muscle flex through his white T-shirt. Oh lord kill me now and I'm pretty sure my thigh is bleeding.


"Sorry I don't .. I don't apologize.." He trails off looking down at me again. I look around to see the halls are empty we were the only ones around.

"Its o-o-kay" I squeak out blushing.

"No its not, your not stuck up your just.." He steps closer to me so I'm against the wall it cold and makes me flinch.

"Not ready" he mumbles putting his hands on either side of my face. I dig my nails farther into my thigh scrunching my face up. Stay chill. Be chill. You got this Zayn.

"Can I take you somewhere?" He asks leaning in closer if that's possible our noses brush and I flinch again.

"I-if I s-say y-y-yes w-will you g-get off m-me" I whisper looking around. If we get caught oh god I will be in so much trouble.

Liam pushes of the wall leaving me space so I can finally breathe. He grabs my hand and tugs me through the long hallway.

"W-wait you mean skip school?" I say trying to stop but who am I kidding Liam is probably 5 of me and he's not even fat.

"Yeah, come on you can afford to skip a day goodie goodie" he smirks tugging me out the doors of the school.

I get into Liam's car and look back at the school slightly shaking. Oh my god what if I get in trouble. Isn't this truancy? Could I go to jail. I'm not fit for jail...will this come up on my record??

I feel a hand on my knee and I turn to see Liam smiling.

"None of that is going to happen" he chuckles lowly which makes my heart beat faster if that's possible.

"Wait are you bleeding!?" He exclaims moving his hand up much higher. I look down to see where I had my nails now had little beads of blood pooling up. It didn't hurt that much only a stinging sensation.

"Oh..I w-was nervous" I mumble looking down at my hands picking at my nail polish, a bad habit.

"Well try not to be nervous then" he laughs again reaching into the back seat pulling out a first aid kit.

"Why would you?" I trail off furrowing my eyebrows at the small white case in his large hands.

"Oh just sometimes I get in over my head during fights and.. Its not like anyone is going to be there to help pick up the pieces" he explains.

My heart sinks in my chest thinking about him fighting and hurting himself. I think about his ribs that I saw previously has his fights been worse than that?

"Its okay" he speaks noticing my over thinking almost immediately.

He opens the case grabbing a cloth wiping away the little drops of blood I try my best to ignore the butterflies that are now fluttering in my chest and stomach but sadly goosebumps appear right when one of his tan, tattooed fingers brushes my thigh accidentally.


I see a small smile creep upon his face and he shakes his head.

"You really are something babe" he uses a pet name before placing a large bandaid on my small leg.

"U-uh" I can't respond and turn away pretending to be infatuated with the school parking lot.

He starts the car still laughing to himself and turns on the radio, a raspy voice fills the car I furrow my eyebrows listening and concentrating on the guitar and his voice.

"Do you know who this is?" He asks putting his hand on my knee as we drive past little houses. My eyes fell on a little blue one with white trim, it reminds me of the one I grew up in.

Nervously I blush and shake my head.

"Its Nirvana! Really!? Damn well I have a lot to teach you" he squeezes my leg before putting his hand back on the wheel. Maybe it was a good idea to come, skipping school can't hurt, can it?

"I-i like it" I say bobbing my head a little to the beat before stopping realizing I must look like a bloody idiot.

Liam only turns the music up and start nodding his head as well looking at me, winking and sticking his tongue out. I cover my face and turn away erupting into a fit of giggles.


Liam's P.O.V (@sorry for for the change)

I turn to see my little baby covering his face small giggles erupting from his mouth, he tries to muffle them but fails. I feel like my heart is melting he's too cute.

I turn out of the neighborhood on to a winding road with twists and turns,I go over the speed limit but of course not without Zayn desperately begging me to stop and to put my seat belt on.

I smile to myself when I start to see trees, lots of them, a forest. I never knew the name.

I turn onto a different road before stopping in a small rundown parking lot. I step out hurrying to get the door for Zayn who blushes before grabbing my hand.

I shut the door and lock it behind him turning back around to see him standing awkwardly, back facing me I can't help but let my eyes trail down to his bum which is looking fine as ever. I take a deep breath rubbing my hands together. Nope stay in control you can't do that he's just not ready.

I'm by his side and I grab his tiny hand tugging him into a oath leading into the trees I feel his weight pull and I turn around confused.

"I'm n-not coming h-here to b-be k-killed right?" He asks timidly squeezing my hand tightly. I laugh and shake my head.

"No why would I cause harm to someone so beautiful?" I respond continuing to walk. He catches up his small steps trying to keep up with my long strides.

Soon enough we're off the path but Zayn starts to whimper stopping me grabbing me shoulder. It makes my heart race knowing that he's leaning onto me cutely but I look down to see if he's okay.

"Baby?" I ask searching his face for answers. Zayn blushes and buries his head into my chest. God can he get more adorable.

"My feet hurt" he whines and I look farther down to see his wedges. Well maybe it wasn't the smartest idea to take him today.

"Here get on my back I can carry you the rest if the way its not that far" I offer squatting down so he can jump.

"I d-dont know" he mumbles rocking back and forth on his heels nearly tripping in the process making his adorable cheeks even more red.

"Just get on come on you weigh what like 20 pounds? I probably bench more than you baby" I smirk bending back down.

He scoffs but hops on my back anyways. I swear I feel no difference and start walking again.


We reach where I wanted soon and I let Zayn slide off my back with ease. Its a place I went to since I was probably 5 years old my dad showed it to me.

Zayn's eyes light up at the small creek running through the forest with different colored rocks in and by the bed of the clear river. Small fish swim by and once you actually look away from the river and up across it is a large tree house, built sturdy and perfectly by my father I smile getting flashbacks of building it with him.

Even though most of what I was doing was wrong he still praised me and just went back at night when he thought I was sleeping to fix it. I pick my little Zayn up and jump over the creek slightly taking him off guard.

"Where did you find this place?" He asks his big brown eyes are wide and he climbs up disappearing into the small wood house in the trees. I smile shaking my head. Why do I like him so much.

We take a seat and I pull out a basket filled with food.

"You planned a-all this didn't you?" He blushes but I'm so proud of him for barely stuttering.

"Yeah.. I haven't taken anyone up here actually, I just wanted you to know your different than the others..I really care about you Zayn" I murmur looking down. Sharing feelings are hard no wonder why I don't do that shit.

Zayn is smiling from ear to ear and his big brown eyes are wide and aware. He reminds of Bambi, from that depressing Disney movie.

"I-i care about y-you too Leeyum",he exaggerates my name cutely. I feel my heart swelling up and I smile widely, I really like him.

I move closer facing hi, drinking in all his perfections, I have no doubt in my mind that he's flawless.

"Can I kiss you?"

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