《I Hate my Stepbrother (I Love Him) (Punk Niall Horan)》Ch.13 New Family


Avalon pov.

Alex is in my arms and Niall is behind me. I like this it's like I'm the mom, Niall's the dad, and Alex is the son. it's cute.

"Hey Alex" I said gently shaking him.

"Yes mom I meant Av" he said tiredly.

"Are you hungry? and you can call me mom if you want to I don't mind" I said.

"Ok and yea I'm a little hungry" he said.

"Ok let's go make something be for Niall wakes up and eats it all" I joked. but Niall can sure eat.

"Ok" he said then we get out the bed and walk downstairs.

"So what do you want to eat" I ask when we got to the kitchen.

"Um...eggs and Bacon please mom" he ask. I like him calling me mom.

"Coming right up" I said the get started.

Niall pov.

I wake up and Avalon and Alex are not in the bed. I smell bacon being cooked and get up and head down stair. cause I'm hungry.

We I get to the kitchen. I saw Avalon cooking. I sit down at the table next to Alex.

"Morning kitty, morning Alex" I said.

"Morning Ni" Avalon said then were back to cooking.

"Morning Da-Niall " Alex said. he was going to call me dad. I don't think I would mind that at all.

"Alex were you going to call me dad?" I ask and he nods.

"It's ok you can call me that of you want. your part of the family now" I said.

"Ok dad" he said with a smile.

Alex's dad pov.

I can't believe Alex broke the mic and the camera. he can't do this. he needs to help me. I need that hybrid. and I will get her if it's the last thing I do.


I am out side the hybrids house and I see Alex come out. to take out the trash. I head over to him.

"Alex why did you brake the mic and camera" I ask.

"Because they are nice to me and I feel safe with them" he said.

"Your coming home" I said sternly.

"No I am staying here. and if I scream dad Niall will come out here and beat the crap out of you if I said you are the one that raped me. so no" he said.

"You wouldn't"i said.

He screams and a blonde cover in tattoos comes tuning to Alex.

"Are you okay Alex and who's this" the blonde that I am guessing is Niall said concern.

Alex looks at me and mouths 'just go you never care about me so go' then tells Niall "I just say a big rat and scream and this man was just here"

"Oh ok go back in the house cause Avalon needs you" Niall said then Alex goes back in the house.

"Who are you?" He asked me.

"It does not matter" I said.

"Fine just stay away from my son, you got it" he said and I nod. He goes inside.

Wow I have lost my son.

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