《I Hate my Stepbrother (I Love Him) (Punk Niall Horan)》Ch.12 meet a kid


Unknow pov.

I am walking down the street, pass a house and something catches my eye. A girl with a tail and ear. woo that cool I bet my dad would love to here about this.

When I get home my dad is in his lab.

"DAD!!" I yell.

"Yes Alex" he answered

"I saw a girl with a tail and ears" I said.

"You saw a hybrid! where!" he said. I tell him where I saw the girl.

"Okay Alex thank you" he said after I told him where she was.

"Your welcome dad" I said.

I love my dad but I think he care more about his work then me.

Avalon pov.

I have a weird feeling. that something bad's gonna happen. I just don't know. I go the living room and Harry runs be hind me.

"Hey what's going on here" I said. Then I see Niall and Zayn with knives.

"We are gonna kill him" they say at the same time.

"What did Harry do?" I ask.

"He broke my stereo" Zayn said ready to kill Harry.

"And he said that I could never get a girl even if I tried" Niall said clearly pissed off.

"That is not a good reason to kill Harry" I said then kiss Harry's cheek.

"Thanks Av" he said then Niall and Zayn through the knives and I catch them.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TOO!!!!" I yell at them and throw the knives at them.

"Wooh don't throw them a us" Zayn said.

"Well you should not piss off a cat hybrid. 'cause I have claws and I'm not afraid to use them" I said a let my claws grow out.

"No I can't have my pretty face ruined especially my hair" he said backing away. I look at Niall and he backs up.


"Good" I put my crawls away.

Alex pov.

My dad wants me to pretend to be hurt and get the girl to bring me in the house to spy on her. here goes nothing.

My clothes are rip up and I fell out the car so I have a limp. I go up to the door and ring the door bell.

A guy with raven hair and tattoos answer the door.

"Hey kid what happen to you" he said.

"I was almost raped bye some guy" I cried then hugged his. like a scared 13 year old witch I am.

"Poor thing come in" he said then brought me in and closed the door.

"Thanks" I said then he lead me to the living room. where I saw the girl, a blond with a lot of tattoos, a curly hair guy with tattoos, a feather hair guy with tattoos, a guy with a buzz cut and tattoos, and a guy with black and blue dye hair.

"Hey guys this kid needs help" he said the the others.

"What happen to him? what you name sweetie" the girl said coming over to me and sounding like a concerned mother.

"My names Alex and I almost got raped" I said the start to cry again and she pulls me it to a hug and picks me up. I warp my legs around her waist and arms around her neck. I cry in to her shoulder. she rubs back to calm me. I am a good at acting I surprised my self.

"Oh it of we won't let any one hurt you. right guys" she said to the guy.

"Yes Avalon" then said at the same time.

"Well my names Avalon but you can call me Av" abalone said.

"Zayn or Z" the one I meet at the door said.


"Niall or Ni" the blond said.

"Harry or Haz or Hazza" the curly hair guy said.

"Louis or Lou" the feather hair guy said.

"Liam or Li" the buzz cut guy said.

"Michael or Mickey" the black an blue dye hair guy said.

"Nice to meet you guy" I yawned and I was tired.

"Night guy I'm gonna tack alex to bed and Louis and Liam hide the knives so Zayn and Niall won't try to kill Harry again" Avalon said they nod and run to the kitchen.

She tacks me up stairs to a room.

"You are gonna stay in me and Niall room to night and you'll have your own room tomorrow" she said then set me on the bed.

"Ok thanks mom" I said damn I called her mom. Maybe it's because my mom was never their for me. Avalon didn't seem to let it phase her.

"Ok night Alex" she said then she lean down and kiss me forehead. her beanie slip a little and I saw her cat ear but said nothing.

She went to her dresser and got some PJ's and went to the bath room and changed. when she came back she laid next to me. and we both fell asleep me tuck in her arms.

A hour later I herd the door open and Niall came in. took his shirt and pants off and got in to the bed behind Avalon and had both me and Av in his arms.

I like it have already. I feel like Avalon's my mom and the guys like the dad I want. I tack the mic that's on me and crush it and go to sleep.

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