《I Hate my Stepbrother (I Love Him) (Punk Niall Horan)》Ch.7 new firend


Niall's povs

This guys at the door and I told Avalon to hide her tail.

I open the door and the guy said"Niall Horan and Avalon Horan I have bad News for you"

"What is it" I ask.

"Well seeing that you or your sister are not 18 you need to go to a Foster home" the guy said.

"Can we just have a friend that's 18 take care of us" I ask a little nervous.

"Sure if your friend is 18 and adopt you and your sister" the man said.

"Ok just let me call him, come in" I said letting him.

"Av go to your my room and get my phone please" I asked. she looked shocked but nodded and ran up stair. damn her ass is fine wait that my stepsister stop thinking like that.

She comes down and gives me my phone and I whisper "go to bed I will be up in a bit and tell you what's going on" she nods and heads to my room.

we have been sleeping together cause she keeps having nightmares about her mom. Not that mind I love having her with me.

I sit on the couch and call my friend Michael.

"Hey Niall what's up"

"Can you adopt me and my sister please or else we go to a Foster home please"

"Sure man anything for you. when do I need to sign"

"One sec let me ask"


"Sir when does he need to sign"

"As soon as possible tonight even" the man said.

"Michael as soon as possible so tonight can you come"

"Yeah be right over. see ya" he said then hung up.

"He's coming over to sign" I told the man.

"Ok good"

10 minutes later Michael arrives and signs the papers. the man said me and my Avalon need to move in with Michael. good thing he has the room and does not mind. sense the bank is going to take the house. then the man leaves.


"Thanks man a bunch" I said.

"Your welcome. and I did not know you had a sister" Michael said.

"Yea my dad remarried and Him and Avalon's mom got shot, you want to meet her" i said garbing a beer out the refrigerator and handing one to him.

"Sure, son I like to meet my new daughter" he said opening the beer and taking a sip.

"Avalon come down I want you to meet someone!" I yelled and she came running downstairs.

"Hi, I'm Michael, you must be Avalon, nice to meet you" he said when she got to the kitchen.

"Nice to meet you to" she said.

"Oh Av, Michael has adopted us. cause that man said we needed some one 18 to take care of us sense I'm 16 and your 15. so I call him to take us and we are moving in to his house." I said and she nods.

"Well I need to go Ni see ya"Michael said them headed out and gave Avalon a hug and whisper something to her then left.

"What did he tell you?" I asked

"It doesn't matter"she said.

"Are we going to tell him?" she ask looking down at the floor nervously.

"Yea but later" I told her then kissed her.

I loved that she kissed back.

Avalon's pov.

After Niall broke the kiss we then upstairs to Niall's room. we got in bed Niall was in just his boxers and I looked at all his tattoos and notice that Niall,Harry,Zayn,Louis,and Liam all have a A tattoo but I know it's new. what up with that but that does not mater what Michael said 'I like your fine ass'

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