《I Hate my Stepbrother (I Love Him) (Punk Niall Horan)》Ch.6 Old firends


Avalon's pov.

Me and Niall are out getting food when I see my old friend that moved a long time ago. he turn and see me.

"Avalon?" he asked walking up to me.

"Yes, it's me Luke It's been sometime, like 4 years. How have you been" I said giving him a hug.

"Yea, and I've been good. how are you doing with you know" he asked. he is the only friend I told back home.

"It's going fine with that" I said.

"How's your mom?"

"Oh, she got shot" I said

"Oh sorry, who you staying with" he asked.

"With my stepbrother at our parents house" I said then Niall walks up and slap my ass.

"Hey buddy, don't do that again" Luke threatened.

"Oh shut up she my stepsister so it don't matter" Niall said then kiss me on the cheek and squeeze my ass.

"Yes it does matter. she may not stand up for herself but I sure will" Luke said ready to punch Niall in the face when Ashton comes up. Ashton is Luke's big brother he's 17.

"Luke what's happening"Ashton asked coming over.

"Nothing just him slapping Avalon's ass" Luke answer gesturing to Niall.

"Oh really" Ashton said.

"Ash don't" I said but it was to late he punch Niall dead in the jaw. Niall falls to the ground.

"Oh you fucker, your dead now" Niall said then got up and punch ash in the stomach. the boys continue throwing punches at each other till they both had black eyes bruise all over and we got kicked out the store.

"Avalon let's go home" Niall said grabbing my hand.

"Ok" I said starting to follow. then I get pulled away by Ash.

"Your not going with him" he said.

"He's my stepbrother and I need to go home and so do you" I said.


"Av here" he said then handed me a paper with his and Luke's number and hugged me and whisper "you still have the same number right" I nod.

"Later Ash,Luke" I said then went to Niall before I got to him I hide the numbers.

"Your not seeing them again" Niall said when we got to the car.

"I will talk to him when I want. they are old friends" I said then open the door and got in and Niall goes to the driver side.

~~~~~Back at home~~~~~

I go to my room and text Luke.

A: hey how's Ash

He reply within seconds

L: he's good but he does not like your stepbrother

A: yea I don't like him that much

L: that good he's just plain rude mostly what he did in the store

A: yea he does that a lot oh how's the pup Calum

Calum is a dog hybrid that Luke and Ash take care of.

L: he's great we told him we saw you and he want to see you

A: maybe sometime

L: well I got to go Ash is calling

A: ok

I put my phone on charge and change in to one of Niall's shirts and a pair of my shorts.

"Avalon you want to watch a movie" Niall yelled from downstairs.

"Yea I coming" I yell then go downstairs and sit next to Niall.

He had put on Final destination 5. I love this movie even if the people die in weird ways it's awesome. we were watching it when the door bell rang. Niall got up and look thou the petiole then told me to hide my tail and ears. which I do quickly. he open the door and a man with a clipboard.

"Niall Horan and Avalon Horan I have bad News for you" the man starts.

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