《I Hate my Stepbrother (I Love Him) (Punk Niall Horan)》Ch.1 Meet The Brother


Avalon pov.

We arrive outside my new step father's house. I see a man standing outside and my mom tells me that is Bobby.

"Hello girls how is the trip" Bobby ask coming over to take my moms bag.

"It was good" My mom said giving him her bag.

"So you must be the famous Avalon" he said smiling.

"Yes that's me. it's nice to meet you" I said picking up my bag.

"It's nice to meet you too. And Niall will be home soon so you can meet him" he said leading me and my mom inside. The house was two stories and had a beautiful garden and pool. ugh I don't like water that much cents I'm a part cat. I have a SnapBack covering my ears and my tail is warped around my waist in my jeans.

"Your room is up stairs the First door on the right across from Niall's room with the keep out sine" he said when we walked in.

"Thanks" I said then went up to my room and unpacked. I took my hat off and let my tail out. There a nock on the door that I know that it's my mom.

"Come in mom" I said she came in and close the door be hind her.

"Do you like the house?" she asked sitting on my bed.

"Yeah everything except the pool" I said sitting next to her.

"I know you would not like that your part cat and I'm glad i made you" she said. Yes you heard that right she is a scientist that created me but I am related to her by blood 'cause she use some of her DNA to make me.

"You know your gonna have to be more careful when they are here and when summers over" she said then scratched my cat ears and I start to purr.


"I know mom" I said still purring and hear a car pull up. Me and her get up and look out my window and see a blond with dark roots and tattoos all over him and he's smoking, I guess that's Niall some bad boy I can believe I have a punk for a stepbrother.

"Let's go meet Niall" my mom said heading out the door. I put my snapback back on and change in to sweats so I can just warp my tail around my leg and head down stairs.

"Hi Niall nice to see you made it home meet Avalon" Bobby said to Niall. Niall looked at me and smirked what's going through his mind.

"Hi Avalon" he said extending his hand. I took it and he pulled me in to a hug me and whisper in my ear "your my bitch now and don't forget it. you do what I tell you to when I tell you to got it bitch." I nod then he lets me go.

"Well Niall is going to show you around" Bobby said.

"Okay, dad" I said and he smiled when I said that.

"Hey Av can I show you the back yard garden" Niall said.

"Sure I would love to see it" I said then followed him out the back door to a beautiful garden. Out of nowhere Niall pins me against the wall.

"I don't care if your my stepsister don't call my dad your dad" he spat at me.

"Well I don't care what you say I will call him what I want to call him" I spat at him and he slapped me and I fall to the ground. He stands over me then straddle my waist. I turn my head.

"Look at me bitch"he said then graded me face and made me look at him.


"Remember who you listen to that's me and my friends you got that slut"he said friends oh no the last thing I need is more guys throwing me around.

"Answer me bitch" he said then slapped again.

"Yes" I said

"Good, now go to my room and get me my lighter off my bed and don't touch a thing and come right back here" he said then got off of me. I walk inside and upstairs to Niall's room. I walk in the and see his lighter I grab it and head out.

"Hey Avalon me and your mom are going out to get something we will be back in 2 hours" Bobby said then him and my mom left.

I really don't feel good not I am stuck in the house with a crazy stepbrother.

I tack him his dumb lighter. When I get outside he snatches the lighter out my hand and grabs my waist and makes me sit on his lap.

"Let go of me" I said trying to wiggle my way out of his grip but fail.

"Not happen babe" he said then lite his smoke and blows a puff in my face causing my to cough. He just laughs.

"Get use to it bitch" he said then did it again.

"Where's mom and dad" he asked.

"They went out they'll be back at 12" I said.

"Well then my friends will come over then so go to your room and come when I call you. now go" he said then let go of me and slapped my ass. I ran to my room and locked to door. wow I hate my stepbrother.

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